thanks for your input, i agree with you, but its hard to keep sexual activities down, especially the first few days...they the hardest, any tips on how to down the sexual activity? its so hard, p**rn is all over the internet!!!
You know too much sexual activitity besided increasing hairloss really also wears you out.
-Do not watch p**rn on internet! Just don't.
-Especially don't masturbate. In the beginning this will be difficult. Decrease your masturbation each week untill you don't anymore. For example, if you are masturbating every day, try it every other day this week. The next week once every three days. The week after that once every 4 days. It really is an addiction.
We are taught at school that masturbating is healthy. Yes it is, but have they researched what masturbating every day can do for you in the long term?
Btw if hair loss is no problem(for those lucky bastards), you can have sex as much as you like, you just must not ejaculate a lot. The ejaculation wears you out, but the DHT and testosterone won't hurt you.
Also it depends on your health. Some people are very healthy and ejaculating every day does not really affect them. Those who are not 100% healthy(intestinal problems, bad diet) for whatever reason should really limit it.
Since I have decreased my sexual activities I can assure the orgasms have improved very much! Now when I orgasm, it feels sometimes like when I was 13. In those days my orgasms were very intense. My orgasms are regaining the intensity.
Because the orgasms are regaining their intensity, you don't really feel wanting more sex. The intense orgasm really satisfies me whereas when I masturbated every day, the orgasms were not that great.
It's like those addicted people. In the beginning they use very little drugs and really feel great. After a while they have to increase the drugs to get the same effect. Masturbation is really an addiction!
Try to quit and you while notice improved energy, stamina and improved health.