masturbate can cause hairloss


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Whats' the latest with everyone on their 'reduced masturbation/sex' experiment ?


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has anyone noted the point that increased hormone levels from masturbating may "contribute" to already existing male pattern baldness and make it worse rather than it being a "cause".


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jimmystanley said:
has anyone noted the point that increased hormone levels from masturbating may "contribute" to already existing male pattern baldness and make it worse rather than it being a "cause".

Of course :roll:


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So in conclusion, masterbation does not CAUSE hairloss, but can aid in hair loss by increase testosterone levels for those susceptable to male pattern baldness


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nohairnodandruff said:
So in conclusion, masterbation does not CAUSE hairloss, but can aid in hair loss by increase testosterone levels for those susceptable to male pattern baldness

No, I don't think you should be making claims like this at this point.


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sorry to bring this back up if u friends in denial are annoyed, i can refer to this, theres reduce irritation in my scalp when i have sexual activities less frequently...i also feel less hair falling out after days of no sexual activities. its not masturbation that causing hairloss, its ejaucualtion.thats my 2 cents


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Nobodies gonna know the answer to this unless there are some serious studies involved. Ive heard that ejaculation depletes the body of zinc and that zinc had some anti-dht effects. Who knows. The way i see things are, EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. I dont think its healthy to have sex and masterbate everyday, just like i dont think its healthy to eat cake everyday. But in moderation i think its ok. I think eating good foods, exercising daily, taking multi-vitamins, having sex a couple of times per week, eating the occasional fast food or sweet, is perfectly healthy. Thats my opinion and the opinion of Doctors ive spoken with. I dont think its healthy to have sex or masterbate every day, 3 times per day. Just think about it, all your energy is going to be gone. I limit myself to sexual activity twice per week.

Oh, and what works for you works for you, everybody is different. If something works for you stick with it, dont take the advice of somebody else.


Guys I don't know about any medical studies on masturbating/sex and DHt.

Let me tell you my personal experiences.

I don't masturbate anymore. I remember when I used to masturbate, my head would start itching and my hairloss would increase.

Whenever I stopped masturbating for 2 weeks or more, the itching would stop. When I started masturbating again, the itching would start again and also the hair loss would increase. I have done this experiment for myself several times.

It is the same for sex. When I have sex more then 2 times a week, the itching really starts to kick in. When I decrease my sexual activities, the itching goes away.

I also noticed that when I drank soy milk the itching would go away. I stopped using soy milk because a lot of people claim soy is bad for health.

I think anyone who has slow hair loss can keep their hair by not masturbating and decreasing sex to max 3 times a week. Use arginine or rogaine(both for improving vasodilation) and drinking soy milk(2/3 glasses a week).

I would also advice any person to not use things like finasteride/dutasteride. Come on guys, I know hair is important, but it should not get so important that you are systematically suppressing a hormone and who knows what other effects these drugs have on the liver, intestines, brain in the long term.


Guys I don't know about any medical studies on masturbating/sex and DHt.

Let me tell you my personal experiences.

I don't masturbate anymore. I remember when I used to masturbate, my head would start itching and my hairloss would increase.

Whenever I stopped masturbating for 2 weeks or more, the itching would stop. When I started masturbating again, the itching would start again and also the hair loss would increase. I have done this experiment for myself several times.

It is the same for sex. When I have sex more then 2 times a week, the itching really starts to kick in. When I decrease my sexual activities, the itching goes away.

I also noticed that when I drank soy milk the itching would go away. I stopped using soy milk because a lot of people claim soy is bad for health.

I think anyone who has slow hair loss can keep their hair by not masturbating and decreasing sex to max 3 times a week. Use arginine or rogaine(both for improving vasodilation) and drinking soy milk(2/3 glasses a week).

I would also advice any person to not use things like finasteride/dutasteride. Come on guys, I know hair is important, but it should not get so important that you are systematically suppressing a hormone and who knows what other effects these drugs have on the liver, intestines, brain in the long term.


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Music23 said:
Guys I don't know about any medical studies on masturbating/sex and DHt.

Let me tell you my personal experiences.

I don't masturbate anymore. I remember when I used to masturbate, my head would start itching and my hairloss would increase.

Whenever I stopped masturbating for 2 weeks or more, the itching would stop. When I started masturbating again, the itching would start again and also the hair loss would increase. I have done this experiment for myself several times.

It is the same for sex. When I have sex more then 2 times a week, the itching really starts to kick in. When I decrease my sexual activities, the itching goes away.

I also noticed that when I drank soy milk the itching would go away. I stopped using soy milk because a lot of people claim soy is bad for health.

I think anyone who has slow hair loss can keep their hair by not masturbating and decreasing sex to max 3 times a week. Use arginine or rogaine(both for improving vasodilation) and drinking soy milk(2/3 glasses a week).

I would also advice any person to not use things like finasteride/dutasteride. Come on guys, I know hair is important, but it should not get so important that you are systematically suppressing a hormone and who knows what other effects these drugs have on the liver, intestines, brain in the long term.

thanks for your input, i agree with you, but its hard to keep sexual activities down, especially the first few days...they the hardest, any tips on how to down the sexual activity? its so hard, p**rn is all over the internet!!!


thanks for your input, i agree with you, but its hard to keep sexual activities down, especially the first few days...they the hardest, any tips on how to down the sexual activity? its so hard, p**rn is all over the internet!!!

You know too much sexual activitity besided increasing hairloss really also wears you out.

-Do not watch p**rn on internet! Just don't.


-Especially don't masturbate. In the beginning this will be difficult. Decrease your masturbation each week untill you don't anymore. For example, if you are masturbating every day, try it every other day this week. The next week once every three days. The week after that once every 4 days. It really is an addiction.

We are taught at school that masturbating is healthy. Yes it is, but have they researched what masturbating every day can do for you in the long term?

Btw if hair loss is no problem(for those lucky bastards), you can have sex as much as you like, you just must not ejaculate a lot. The ejaculation wears you out, but the DHT and testosterone won't hurt you.

Also it depends on your health. Some people are very healthy and ejaculating every day does not really affect them. Those who are not 100% healthy(intestinal problems, bad diet) for whatever reason should really limit it.

Since I have decreased my sexual activities I can assure the orgasms have improved very much! Now when I orgasm, it feels sometimes like when I was 13. In those days my orgasms were very intense. My orgasms are regaining the intensity.

Because the orgasms are regaining their intensity, you don't really feel wanting more sex. The intense orgasm really satisfies me whereas when I masturbated every day, the orgasms were not that great.

It's like those addicted people. In the beginning they use very little drugs and really feel great. After a while they have to increase the drugs to get the same effect. Masturbation is really an addiction!

Try to quit and you while notice improved energy, stamina and improved health.


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I am trying to masturbate a little less. However, when I come back from the gym in the libido level is so so high, its unbelievable. Its amazing, on one hand my muscles are hurting because of the workout and my body is tired...but OTOH I am horny as hell. I dont know what the connection is. But I cant help but matrurbate or have sex, if available. Does anyone know why an intense workout can make you so horny ?


I am trying to masturbate a little less. However, when I come back from the gym in the libido level is so so high, its unbelievable. Its amazing, on one hand my muscles are hurting because of the workout and my body is tired...but OTOH I am horny as hell. I dont know what the connection is. But I cant help but matrurbate or have sex, if available. Does anyone know why an intense workout can make you so horny ?

Maybe because working out increases vasodilation in the body. It could be that the increased vasodilation also makes your soldier rise more quickly. This ofcourse makes you more horny.

You could try to not go straight home after gym. Maybe the need to have sex will lower then.

Do not focus too much on sex. Don't let it control you!