
Microneedling Photo Results Summary


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It would be nice to make a thread of non responders too

I agree but what amount of time do you need before you’re a non responder. Some people are saying try for a year before you can be a non responser.

Also there will be two types. Those who non respond who aren’t of Min. And those that are.

What do you reckon?


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I agree but what amount of time do you need before you’re a non responder. Some people are saying try for a year before you can be a non responser.

Also there will be two types. Those who non respond who aren’t of Min. And those that are.

What do you reckon?
I guess I'd go for a year based on what we know


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I’m studying GOMI topicals protocol.
1) L’Oreal Stemoxydyne & Depakine VPA?
L’Oreal I have & agree with.
What’s his thinking on Depakine VPA?


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To those studying GOMI, See link where he on another site, (as a moderator) laid out his protocol in GREEK language. It is more illuminating & fuller description. I am looking at a translation of his original posting.


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@Jakejr & @TNTS - GOMI is an interesting case study since he did not use Minoxidil. At the same time - he used soooo many other things in place of where people would just use Minoxidil, it becomes less interesting in a sense. It is difficult to understand what was crucial to his success.


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To those studying GOMI, See link where he on another site, (as a moderator) laid out his protocol in GREEK language. It is more illuminating & fuller description. I am looking at a translation of his original posting.

Yeah I wrote up a pretty barebones summary of what he talks about in the thread. Gomi's results were amazing there's got to be something in there somewhere worth using


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@nohairnolife - Agreed. Timing is also interesting to note on the gallon of topicals he puts on. Usually starting on Day 4 - which is when the old layer of skin typically begins peeling off. He starts taking care of the new layer of skin right away.


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I’m studying GOMI topicals protocol.
1) L’Oreal Stemoxydyne & Depakine VPA?
L’Oreal I have & agree with.
What’s his thinking on Depakine VPA?
GOMI hair doesn’t look real.. looks like it was drawn with a sketch pencil.


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You may want to add the results of the Brazilian study as well.
They just had monthly sessions and showed very good results IMO. The infusion of minoxidil (Case 1) during needling is quite unique. I find it also interesting that minoxidil was used only during needling and not daily (I believe) . Sadly the study was only done with two participants.


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@overpourgoodfortune i have a question.
Isit ok to use the MYM nc-2 dermapem model? It seems to be just a cheap chinese generic compared to the Dr. Pen A7 which i cant afford right now (live in south africa).
It seems to do the same job and takes 12 pin cartridges to. Will that suffice?


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@fauxhawk Hey! I can't speak for that model in particular from personal experience. I use a 'cheap' model as well from "TBPHP" which was around $70 Canadian for me.... so about a third the price of the Dr. Pen A7 which is ~$190 CAD for me. I opted for cheap.

The model you show seems very similar to the pen I have... multiple speeds and adjustable up to 12mm. You can always give it a whirl. It could be a good question to ask on the big thread to see if anyone else has experience with it?


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This section is what most people aspire to and want to see to provide some hope when incorporating needling into their hair re-growth regimens. Here you have some long time needlers from outside the HairLosstalk community or some new fast responders from within the large microneedling thread. These are in no particular order. Credit goes to @nohairnolife for identifying most of these through the first 300 pages of the thread!

@74775446 (aka Numberman)

His results were originally posted to Reddit on the /r/tressless community and inspired the large microneedling thread started by @ZenHead.

Regimen details: Minoxidil 5%, Nizoral, Biotin, 2.0mm Weekly needling with Dermapen + Roller occasionally


He has also shared more details throughout the large needling thread as well in the Success Stories section here:

PrettyFly83 from baldtruthtaIk


Regimen Details: 1.5mm dermaroller (drew blood) once per week, Minoxidil twice per day, Zinc, Vitamin C, A, B6, Saw first results after a year



2Young2Retire is someone who needled early on back in 2014 on HairrLossTalk who had great results. A "Pioneer".

Regimen Details: 1.5mm dermaroller with 192 needles (drew blood, believes it's needed) once per week, Used Minoxidil 2X a day for first 1.5 months and then only needled thereafter (!)


3 Month Results:

GOMI (AKA Greekguy) from HairlossGR

Regimen Details: Microneedling only (2mm Dermapen) weekly + long list of topicals (see below)



Results (timeline unknown?):
Regarding gomi’s photos, each one was taken 3 months apart from the other. I am Greek and he mentioned that in one one of his posts