
Microneedling Photo Results Summary


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Thanks for the detailed response! I'm trying to understand why it is that some people's skin will peel after needling... yet other people's skin does not. @LowHairLine commented that his skin peeled with the use of the Dr. Pen A6 ... yet when switching to the Derminator - no peeling at all. @74775446 experienced flaking as well as @Ludachris Batbak , @NarWhal7 , @2young2retire ... who all had really good results.

I experience flaking/peeling skin on my scalp after every session so far. Is it a good sign? Is it necessary? Not sure.

"It is normal for the skin to peel after microneedling treatments within a few days. Microneedling creates a large number of tiny punctures on your face, which your body responds to by initiating repair. A new layer of skin is produced and the old skin begins peeling off. The peeling will be minimal, similar to a mild sunburn."
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I use the same pen the thread starter uses (believe the A6) and I experience skin flaking on day 5 after rolling.

Keep in mind, I roll until the skin feels like it’s been sunburned and the pain is intolerable. I rarely dermaroll to the point where all my skin is bleeding. My skin simply looks red and irritated in the areas I rolled. A few blood dots; but never anything like I’ve seen from time to time from some of you guys. IMHO I don’t think grinding down your scalp is necessary for results.

Again, I tend to flake skin several days after rolling, but I’m sure it’s because of the damage inflicted on these areas. For me, the corners of my hairline are always the areas that flake. Never the crown.

I dermaroll my entire scalp. My hairline is definitely slowing starting to fill in. Can’t wait to see my results around month 8-12.


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@Heat06 - thanks for the response! The corners of my hairline are typically what flake the most as well and usually the first to show signs of peeling. I never noticed my crown flake before, although paid more attention to this after my last session. There was a little bit of flaking, although much later than my receded hairline which appeared to peel the fastest (for instance, I might see peeling/flakes at my hairline around Day 3, but I didn't see flakes around my crown until Day 7 or so).


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Started stamping 1mm, sh*t felt weird as hell, not untolerable but could defo feel it. Minor bleeding, sweat style dots etc.

Question? I am being very careful with disinfecting everything and stamp after showering. Should I put anything on my head after stamping? Tea Tree Oil? Or will it burn my head / mess up the stem cell process? how long do I have to worry about getting my head really dirty / sweaty from gym?

How long do I have to be overly worried about the holes I just punched in my head lol, its been almost 24 hrs and my head is still sore (first time thing I guess?)

Just want any tips anyone can offer. Doing it 1 time per week.


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1) I get really bad sides from finasteride and minoxidil (dark circles, wrinkles etc.) do you think microneedling can work alone (with suplements and oils, more lightweight stuff)

2) Should i go pick dermapen / dermastamp instead of dermarolling? It's obviously more expensive but does it worth it?


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@MaestroTR - There aren't too many examples of people doing needling without at least Min - but there are some in this thread. Go look @ GOMI on the first page. He did needling, but also a boatload of 'natural' things like oils/etc (LOTS!). So it is difficult to say what was the key to his success outside of needling, BUT - he had great results without the use of finasteride/Min. There are some others if you go comb through the Regimen details.

As for dermapen, or a stamp, instead of rolling ... it is hard to say which might be "better". With a pen, you can dispose of the cartridges without having to deal with sanitizing it again (like a roller, or stamp). Though there is a cost to that too - although cartridges are priced cheaply to be disposable. I simply went for a pen initially, so have never experienced a roller before. I have seem some accounts on the large needling for those that have transitioned form a roller to a pen - and they've said there's no comparison (the pen causes more wounding and is an entirely different experience). We don't really have the data to say though, which one might be better than the other. The studies used rollers (Indian) and pens (Chinese) and both saw success - for what that is worth to you.


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Good find @HowardWulkan ! I'll update the original post with this 9 month results (edit - updated original post here). He's making some slow though good progress considering no minoxidil! Impressive too... considering where he is starting from.

Hair Closeup Before:


Hair Closeup After 9 months:


Side Profile:




Crown bald spot reduction:

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Good find @HowardWulkan ! I'll update the original post with this 9 month results (edit - updated original post here). He's making some slow though good progress considering no minoxidil! Impressive too... considering where he is starting from.

Looks like his donor hair on the sides and back thickened up aswell. No minoxidil used either which is pretty amazing. After eighteen months or two years he could probably get a decent transplant


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@Heat06 - thanks for the response! The corners of my hairline are typically what flake the most as well and usually the first to show signs of peeling. I never noticed my crown flake before, although paid more attention to this after my last session. There was a little bit of flaking, although much later than my receded hairline which appeared to peel the fastest (for instance, I might see peeling/flakes at my hairline around Day 3, but I didn't see flakes around my crown until Day 7 or so).
It's perhaps a seborrhoic dermatitis, a mushroom.I have the same thing in my face when i dermaroll but not in my scalp because i use an anti fungal schampoo.
In my case no change after a month of dermaroller


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I can't seem to find the WNT topical product that I saw preciously anymore. There seems to be none on Ebay, and one on Amazon for £79.99 for 59ml... pricey but I guess if I'm wounding once a week it'll last for months.
Anyone has any other ideas?


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Good find @HowardWulkan ! I'll update the original post with this 9 month results (edit - updated original post here). He's making some slow though good progress considering no minoxidil! Impressive too... considering where he is starting from.
Yeah, but he's using topical which has anti dht ingredients. I'm also considering to use a somewhat similar topical considering I don't want to use Minoxidil.

There's a liquid called Nuhair serum which has saw palmetto, azelaic acid, zinc, grape seed extract, GLA etc. I'm considering to use that. Hope it can give me results and I won't have to use it indefinitely like Minoxidil.


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Looks like his donor hair on the sides and back thickened up aswell. No minoxidil used either which is pretty amazing. After eighteen months or two years he could probably get a decent transplant
What is his regemin?