Interesting. How about your parents?
@WhitePolarBear parents marriage is hanging by a thread.
@Exodus2011 parents divorced.
I think
@EvilLocks parents are ok-ish
@Afro_Vacancy parents seperated I think
My parents marriage was not a happy one. Emotional abuse on part of my father. No love involved.
Any other members want to chime in about their parents' marriage?
I actually think I made great waves in improving my parents marriage, some years ago. They were going through a real crisis, I moved out at first when I was 17 and then moved country at 18, so it's not like I was home in the same way as a kid, but every time I was home, was major arguing, slamming doors, completely intentional mis-interpretations and exaggerations of each others behaviour. I lost it one night and pointed out how they were both being totally psychopathic, while they weren't using me as ammo (like in bucky's situation) I really dug deep at a lot of uncomfortable truths at the way they were both behaving. Similar to what I try to do on this forum (or I do? not to sound like a cocky c***) but I brought up a lot of stuff that made them think about how they were behaving, and to really dig deep and reflect on what they were trying to achieve as people.
I'll never truly know what impact that had but all I know is, the fighting stopped, it's pretty rare now, of course I'm not there all of the time, but at least 2 days a week I'll be around the house, but that's the same as when the fighting was out of control and it was literally every time I visited. I'd stop in their kitchen/living room area for an hour chatting, they'd be all smiles and lovely, I'd go down to the other living room or my bedroom, within 2 minutes screaming and crashing (nobody every turned violent though, as far as I know).
So I think it's similar to "parents are ok-ish" but maybe a little better than that, they genuinely don't seem to have that resentment they once did, and chat happily to each other in a content way, as older couples should with someone who understands them. I just wonder if my breakdown with them one night had turned a potentially volatile couple into a better one, and while of course I'd be happy that this happened (not that I really care about taking credit for it, because it's just too damn important to really care about such a thing) it's also like, well, they so easily could have been miserable together or even broke apart. It took a rare intervention from someone to stop the inevitable, which isn't encouraging for myself when it comes to hoping for a happy future with someone.
It's like, it could easily go wrong, and we won't get that lucky intervention.