mozarella topical finasteride full study


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I know how you feel. I've tried oral finasteride (1mg, 0.5mg, 0.25mg) and got fairly significant side effects. I moved onto topical finasteride 0.05% (Hims) which was going great for a few weeks but then the side effects caught up with me (although mild). I'm now on a 0.005% topical in line with the study we're talking about (been using for 2.5 months, no noticeable results yet). My libido is slightly lower than pre-finasteride and I don't get MW very often, so even this dose is seems to giving me mild systemic side effects, but they're bearable. If you look at the studies, a 0.05mg oral dose will reduce DHT by about 50% (1mg gives a 60% reduction); at 0.01mg orally, DHT reduction is no different to placebo, so a topical dose somewhere between these two is probably what we're after (assuming follicular 5 alpha reductase is the culprit).

Finasteride is an insanely potent drug with a very steep inhibition curve.

My take on this is that if 0.05mg orally can lead to a 50% drop in systemic DHT, then that's surely the absolute maximum we should be applying to our heads if the objective is local 5 alpha reductase inhibition, and even then, it's not clear how much would hit the bloodstream.

Mozzarella's study is encouraging but all of the more recent studies have looked at topical formulations of 0.1-0.25% and there's no other evidence to show that a 0.005% topical would work. This is the last roll of the dice for me and will shave it if I don't see any results. I'm also confused by the latest topical finasteride study which shows a fairly limited reduction in systemic DHT using a 0.25% topical - doesn't this contradict the earlier studies that showed virtually no difference between oral and topical administration when it came to systemic DHT reduction?

you are totally right eith your assesment. finasteride is insaley potent, dosages literally dont matter, i cant think of any other drug where it does not even matter if you take a dose or 1/100th of that dose and still get the same systemic effect. with finasteride that is the case. thestudy results are weird indeed, i wish there was more evidence on lower doses like mazarella used. in my case, using 0.05% the sides are not mild, they are just as bad as with oral. maybe i truly never recovered from the oral but i highly doubt it, some things have changed e.g semen is thicker and orgasms are better but i still have significsnt ED, not where i cant perform sexually, no, to the extent where i can physifally not masturbate. i do not know what my semen looks like because i csnnot get this fsr eithout v**** and im not into that sh*t anymore. it is beyond my understanding how a 0.05% topical dose, a dose with zero discontinuation rate among the last randomized plwcrbo controlled studx is giving me those sides. out of 200 people nobody hsd to quit compared to 8% in oral finasteride. i feel no different compared to oral finasteride tbh, i feel completelx chemically castrated. im getting my blood resukts next week and then ill see whether topical finasteride has had any positive impact on blood resukts compwred to oral at all.

crazy that you think you get sides on mazarella dose, did they not test dht and found no change? hoe would that eork, no change in dht but sides? isnt the lack of change evidence thag it basifally does not get systemic?

everyone who gets sides talks about how they csnt last as long or they take longer to get an erection or have a longer refractory period, meanwhile here i am i cant even get an erection its as if i had a venous leak, it just flops immediately, no pressure buuld up inside the penis, no urges eitherx its all numb snd gone. the sad thing is to me this is still better than beint NW6 in mid 20ties -. -


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The other problem with topical finasteride is that it has a small molecular mass making it absorb into the serum very easily.
this is not a problem, everybody knows about this anyway. but it cannot be drniwd that only a very small percentage of finasteride goes into the serum. probably 10-15% and finasteride concentrqtion on topical is a whopping 100 fold lower than with oral. there is good studies for this.

my personal problem is being pwrt of the 0.5%, the 1/200 that cannot tolerate this sh*t and get the least desireable side effect from it.

and not even mikd ones either. i cannot explain hoe i am reacting this badly to it and j am so sicj off it. but the problem is i know if i stop it my hair will go to sh*t very very fast, ill go from a NW3-4 to 6 within a year and that in mid twenties which is so depressing and unacceptable. what can i do? do i noe just have to accept that i wilk have ED as a young man for the next decade? i have done everythi g to mitigate it, it does not make sense to me that i am not even feeling s difference, that i get such potent sides from putting a tiny portion of liquid on my thick scalp. i tried evrrxthing, all oral dosages and regimes and it always felt the same. i am convinced that "dosing" is not a thing with finssteride, you are either on it or off of it at least what side effects are concerned.

i also donr bekieve anymore that topical deliver is actually a thing. these vehicles are ultra garbage and the rewson why it probably works is that mx serum dht is probably tanked as much ws with oral

i had my theories about topical bug they were all garbage

but besides havjng these sides i havrnt fekt better about my body in years. now when i look in the mirror i dont grt this sunked feeling of depression amd anxiety anymore its such a relief. this is the trwde off i need to make? trade body dysmorphia due to looks with ED dur to drugs. what a trade.

is there any way one can use finasteride if one is prone to gettinf sides? it seems that this is one of the few problems that cannot be solved even with money. i coukd spend 200$ a month on this and it would not make a difference because medicine is still in ancient times and we do not know how to deliver dermwtological drugs locally, kind of ridiculous


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After 14 years on oral finasteride and playing with doses, I know for a fact that my sides reduced significantly (if not completely eliminated) when I switched from 1mg ED to 0.5mg ED. So, I don't believe one iota that microdosing finasteride doesn't affect sides. I know it's different for everyone, but that's how my body reacted to it regardless of what the studies say.

Now that I'm on topical, i feel fantastic. Zero sides.


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After 14 years on oral finasteride and playing with doses, I know for a fact that my sides reduced significantly (if not completely eliminated) when I switched from 1mg ED to 0.5mg ED. So, I don't believe one iota that microdosing finasteride doesn't affect sides. I know it's different for everyone, but that's how my body reacted to it regardless of what the studies say.

Now that I'm on topical, i feel fantastic. Zero sides.

i was using 2.5mg oral finasteride at some point and my erections where not much worse if at all compared to 0.05% 2ml topical which is probably rquivalent to 0.1-0.15mg oral so less than 1/20th of that dose. my ED on that low topical dose is unbearable, its not even the kind of ED id expect an old man to have, i experience complete sexual dysfunction, could never have sex like this its terrible. its really depressing bexause i was hugely building on the fact that this could work


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im really up for suggestions at this point, what can i do to mitigwte this. i probably eont stop using finasteride i just want to have tokerable sides, not sides free idgaf but this level of ED is completely untolerable


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im really up for suggestions at this point, what can i do to mitigwte this. i probably eont stop using finasteride i just want to have tokerable sides, not sides free idgaf but this level of ED is completely untolerable
Why don't you try the mozzarella cheese route? Just make 0.001% topical finasteride and apply 1mL twice per day and see how you feel. I've heard you talk about wanting to try it...just try it.