MrBastard's Story. RU/minoxidil/Copper peptide. Diffuse + temple


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MrBastard's Story. The bastard it back, all topicals out!

Hey! Awesome forum. It have helped me extremely much. :punk:

I am born in 1987. First noticed my balding at the low age of 18... Every single male on my fathers side of family is balding, most NW4+. I dont know so much on my mothers side, but those i seen have balded pretty muuch too. My own father is a very diffuse NW2. 1 - 0 in genes favour so far...

I was in denial the first years until i got to the age of 21. Wherever i styled my hair i had 200+ hairs in the sink so it was etremely aggressive. My temple was in an aggressive v shape and it was diffuse lot all over expt my crown. Tested a crap remedy that did not work until i found this site at age 22. 2 - 0 to genes for the crap that did not work!

To be continued... Pics and regimen longer down!

Before ANYTHING. The hair is long, and look at my god damn temples and you can see the diffuse.
[attachment=4:3w2apfmh]Before ANYTHING.jpg[/attachment:3w2apfmh]

1 Year after. Used NISIM. Still shedded a lot, all it did was giving the hair a nice look. Did nothing to male pattern baldness. Its long here so it covers the temples somewhat
[attachment=3:3w2apfmh]After 1 year on crap, before official regimen.JPG[/attachment:3w2apfmh]

Short hair in strong light. Dated 7th June 2010
[attachment=2:3w2apfmh]7th June 2010 - Strong Lights.JPG[/attachment:3w2apfmh]

Outdoor in normal light. Really shows my temples receeded bad. I think after a small sheding period. Dated 27th June 2010

9th Desember 2010. basicly how my hair look through the day noways unstyled. It is 3 hours after a spironolactone application. Not strong lights so the temples do look worse than they seems here
[attachment=1:3w2apfmh]9th December 2010 - Normal lights.JPG[/attachment:3w2apfmh]

There are pictures of different angles, lights througout the thread. If really interested, have a look at em :)

Last topicals pickture is at 11, its finasteride only from there and out!
Stopped ALL topicals somewhere in 2012, spread as i ran out, dont remember exactly.

Timeline of my regimen:


RU58841! - Stopped 2012!
- March 2011. Started RU58841. 25-50mg daily, very inconsistand first month.
- May 2011. Reached 150mg daily after gradually increasing over the past weeks.

Minoxidil! - Stopped 2012!
- June 2010. Started Recrea Forte 5% Linement. It irritated my skin and make me lose my 1rs skin layer + parts of my 2nd.
- July 2010. Changed to dr. lee's Minoxidil 5% with an accationally Xandrox 5%. 0.7ml morning and 1.3ml night.
- November 2010. Stopped morning minoxidil, 1.5 - 1.7ml minoxidil night.
- Desember 2010. Stopped the accationally Xandorx, only on regular 5% minoxidil now. 1.3 - 1.5ml night, or 1ml morning/night those days it goes. Like weekends.
- January 2011. Only 1 ml night on a DRY scalp. Developed sides like wrinkles + dark under eyes.
- March 2011. Started to mix it with my RU. See RU part for more info
- May 2011. Gone down to 25mg minoxidil/day. Same as 0.5ml rogaine 5% daily

Copper Peptides! - Stopped 2012!
- January 2011. Folligen Spray + EMu Oil S on day 1 and 2, breake on day 3
- March 2011. Folligen Spray on random days throughout the week. No Emu Oil-S

Spironolactone! - Stopped 2012!
- July 2010. Started 5% topical. Temples morning, all over night
- October 2010. Temples morning, all over night EOD
- November 2011. All over morning, none night
- March 2011. Stopped it to see how well RU works on its own. Also fear i might have some tiny side effects.

Miconazole Nitrate! - STOPPED March 2011
- January 2011. Started Daktar 2%. Temples only 2 - 6 hours before shower
- March 2011. Stopped it. Did not seem to give alot of results in exchange of having to apply a topical mid day aswell.

Retinoic Acid! - STOPPED January 2011!
-September 2010 - Started Retinoic Acid 0.025%, Every 3rd - 8th day 30 - 60min before shower. Really inconsistant. Only used 1 bottle from start to end.

Tin Peptides! - STOPPED March 2011!
- October 2010. Folligen For Blondes + Emu Oil-S EOD night
- November 2010. Folligen for Blondes + Emu Oil-S every night
- January 2011. Folligen for Blondes on day 3, breake on day 1 and 2


Ketokonazol! - Stopped 2012!
-June 2010. Started Fungoral 2%. Anywhere from once to four times a week
- May 2011. Upped to almost every day.

Piroctone Olamine! - STOPPED May 2011!
- August 2010. Started Sebamed PO shampoo. Anywhere from once to five times a week.
- May 2011. Stopped it. I got keto shampoo and that should be enough... The PO shampoo i had had an unpleasent smell aswell.


Fish Oil! - Still Using!
- September 2010. Started Fish Oil + A/D vitamin once daily

Methyl Sulfonyl Methane! - Stopped 2012!
- October 2010. Started 1g MSM + c-vit 250mg 2 - 3x daily
- January 2011. Ran out. Taking a small pause

Multi Vitamin! - Stopped 2012!
- January 2011. Started Nycoplus multi vitamin minus A/D vitamin once daily.


  • Before ANYTHING.jpg
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    After 1 year on crap, before official regimen.JPG
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    7th June 2010 - Strong Lights.JPG
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    9th December 2010 - Normal lights.JPG
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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

A little update on my status...

The skin layers who fell off before have stopped now. My conclution is that it cus of the Aloe Vera that is in my 5% spironolactone cream. I also stopped NISIM completely so it might aswell be some chemical intereaction between the stuff i used to use. The hairs on my left hairline have grown in size since last time, but still not so big that they show up on my phone camera. On right side it seems to be a overall thinning, a local shed i guess you can call it... When i see close i see alot of small hairs so i hope they will come back.

The regime i have bin following since last time is:
-Fungoral shampoo and a conditioner every 3rd day, green day shampoo+ conditioner on the other days.
-5% spironolactone creame on the whole scalp at night, temples on morning.
-Recrea Forte 5% on whole head at night.

I am thinkin of ordering green Telogen Effluvium for drinking within the next week. I know i need a DHT inhibitor very soon, but hard to decide wich one... The only one i seem to be able to order without having the customs slip wich tells everyone what is inside is Revivogen. But i hear it is so messy, i'd hate that :(


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

Nope, no pills for me :punk:


Too many bad things... Not worth it. It effects people in more ways than they imagine, and people even get sides after several years of usage. Some people dont even lose the sides when stopping.


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

Ive read some of eucapil now and is eager to start it :) Emailed the 2 webshops who sell em now and asked some questions, if all work out i will most likely start it soon.

The new regime then will hopefully be:
- Xandrox 5%/minoxidil 5% EOD Morning
- spironolactone + Eucapil night
- Fungoral 2 - 3 times a week (2% keto)

Still have not figured out wich to apply first, maybe eucapil then spironolactone 1 hour later. Ideally id do minoxidil/xandrox and spironolactone morning and eucapil before i go to sleep night. il experiment if i can take exremely small amount of spironolactone in the morning so it wont smel.

I will start to wash my hair less then everyday. Like the days i sweat alot i do fungoral or another one if i did fungoral the day before. Since i wont wash my hair everyday "less is more" will be my motto so my scalp is nearly 100% clean after each applying. My regime will then be good study backed and hopefully the best and easiest i can do without popping pills.

Also done my hair extremely buzzed, 3 mm long, and im lovin it :) Will take pictures at the start of the regime and update in aprox 3 months if it ever happend


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

Your hairloss looks a lot like mine (although I'm probably a bit worse off than you). I too have diffuse thinning and big temples, and I buzz it down. I've been on minoxidil 5% and nizoral for two and a half months approximately (I refuse to take Propecia too), and I've had quite decent results so far. My hair has gotten darker and thicker, and my facial hair growth has improved as a side effect.

Good luck to you, and it's good that you like buzzing your hair down.


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

Just got my minoxidil without propylene glycol as i suspect it irriate my skin a bit. Also got one with Azalaic Acid without PG.

My new regime will then be:

- 5% minoxidil W/ Azalaic Acid morning
- 5% minoxidil + spironolactone Night
- 2% keto shampoo every 3rd day
- Shampoo on my head 5 days/week max

And that is it :) Eucapil will prob be added down the road. Pictures will be taken aprox every month from now on! Posted if nessecary


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

dont scary me whit this video... :( :(


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

Man that video is bogus...Most likely you would never get sides from Propecia.If at all you do,they will be totally reversible when stopped.


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

mpbsux20 said:
Man that video is bogus...Most likely you would never get sides from Propecia.If at all you do,they will be totally reversible when stopped.

I agree. Mr. Bastard, I hate to tell you this but you need finasteride if you really want to save your hair. Your hair loss is very advanced for only 22, minoxidil will only buy you so much time. If you don't mind being bald by 30 and just want to thicken up for the next couple of years then thats fine, but if you want to keep your hair for the long run you need finasteride.


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

I am currently in a shedding period now. The hair is noticeable thinner in an agressive long back V-shape at the front.

On the other hand i have seen many new vellus hairs making the hairline even better if they ever grow long, and the vellus hairs ive got from the nisim period have gotten a bit longer.

Got a PO shampoo yesterday and i liked the way it make my hair look after one use, but i did not like the smell so much. It the brand sebamed. Hopefully i will get my minoxidil with PG soon (And that it really dry FAST!) so i can apply something before work everyday... Also adding ret-a this week wich i guess i will keep in a every other day/3rd day ratio.

Will keep this up a few months more then i will reconsider my regime. Overall i am happy i see it working and the results i gotten so far.

The way its bin done the past 2 weeks(vacation FTW) now is:

- minoxidil/xandrox morning and night alternating
- spironolactone morning and night
- Keto every 3rd day

Recent changes starting monday:
- Adding ret-a every 2nd/3rd day
- Adding PO shampoo every 3rd day
- Removing spironolactone morning mon - friday

Ye i know, i really need some kind of DHT inhibitor/androgen blocker!! Will think about it... hard to add a new topical on my current regime and finasteride is off limits still.


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

Jesus, talk about people eating up a bogus, scary background music and scarily toned robot voice followed with some out of context facts which are blatently obvious.





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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

nickypoos said:
Jesus, talk about people eating up a bogus, scary background music and scarily toned robot voice followed with some out of context facts which are blatently obvious.




The fact 3, you'll be surprised on how many people who dont know that... It is not kommon knowlege... :gay:

I have actually considered finasteride now, despite how anti-finasteride i was before. I belive i am a very well finasteride reciver as i got results from nisim wich is a very crappy anti DHT. Will give minoxidil a few months before i throw in finasteride tho


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Recarded Hairline /W Pics

i'm using finasteride since 8th April.

No sides. no ball aches. no breast tenderness. no low libido.


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Updated pics 28th August 2010!

Tok some pictures today to compare with. Deleted the old one i had uploaded due to i dont got that lamp anymore so i chould not get the same lightning... Got 2 new one on first post now. The first one is 1ish month in fungoral shampoo without minoxidil due to my skin peeling experience with the norwegian OTC one

I did not expect to see the hairline better wich it shows in the picture. I thought i feel like i have bin in a shedding periode lately but i guess i was wrong :) A nice surprise. Overall my scalp feels and looks alot healthier and my hair is getting darker. Got ALOT of vellus hairs wich i hope will get better in time. Still no finasteride and plan on keeping it that way.

I have more or less gotten in a stable regime now who consist of:

-minoxidil w/PG morning, 0.7ish ml and a very small amount of spironolactone mainly temples
-Alter minoxidil/xandrox Without PG night (1.3 - 1.5ml), full coverage spironolactone
-Fungoral shampoo 3rd day
-PO shampoo other days
-Retin-a every 3rd to 4th day, i am slowly working towards a every second day goal. It will then be xandrox and minoxidil with ret-a in it altering night time


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Updated pics 28th August 2010!

Without finasteride, you are just wasting time and money. That video is bogus lol


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Updated pics 28th August 2010!

Got my MSM i ordere 2 days ago today :) Will start with aprox 1g and slowly progress to 3ish gram. Also ordered c-vit i will take with it. The plan with MSM is just to have a faster hairgrowth and hopefully help with my knee pain ive experienced lately

Also ordered folligen for blondes + emu oil s wich will arrive late next week or early next next week i hope. Plan on doing it EOD, and drop out xandrox and just to regular minoxidil when i am out of it, also do a every 3rd day on ret-a instead of EOD. The hopes for FFB is a healthy scalp wich hopefully will result in a minor hairgrowth.

It have bin progress lately, the vellus hairs i had on my temples have gotten longer and i also saw some new tiny ones, but nothing that my crappy camera can capture. Overall i am happy so far :)

Still no finasteride! :woot:


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Updated pics 28th August 2010!

A small update...

Not much have changed since last time, but i feel like its improving slowly. I recently started to cut my hair 1.2mm instead. With my current growth i can use it and only look like i have minor hairloss at templess and no diffuse thinning in normal light. And i can style it good, i was satisfied with my hair styled for the first time in 6 months last week :) :) I rarely style tho, basicly only at partytime.

Top currently look like this. It is damp here, tok it 1 min after sower before i applyed minoxidil so it look a bit wet close to crown:
[attachment=2:1uwn4m6i]DSC00038 - Kopi.JPG[/attachment:1uwn4m6i]

And an image of a place who as completely hair free 1 year ago!
[attachment=1:1uwn4m6i]DSC00039 - Kopi.JPG[/attachment:1uwn4m6i]

A horrorimage i found on my computer. It is dated 27. June 2010. And this angel shows my GOOD temple, the other side is worse. This side never was hairfree and actually had good hairs only minor recarded before i started nisim:
[attachment=0:1uwn4m6i]2010.27.06 - 01.JPG[/attachment:1uwn4m6i]

My plan is to keep my current regime for 3 - 6 months then consider a change. I recently added folligen for blondes + emu oil s wich i only applyed 3 times so far and want to see that work its magic before a change.
As it is now the thing i want to consider is RU. Too bad its so hard to get and a pain having to make it every day


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Updated pics 28th August 2010!

MrBastard said:
A small update...

Not much have changed since last time, but i feel like its improving slowly. I recently started to cut my hair 1.2mm instead. With my current growth i can use it and only look like i have minor hairloss at templess and no diffuse thinning in normal light. And i can style it good, i was satisfied with my hair styled for the first time in 6 months last week :) :) I rarely style tho, basicly only at partytime.

Top currently look like this. It is damp here, tok it 1 min after sower before i applyed minoxidil so it look a bit wet close to crown:
[attachment=2:sspjvs38]DSC00038 - Kopi.JPG[/attachment:sspjvs38]

And an image of a place who as completely hair free 1 year ago!
[attachment=1:sspjvs38]DSC00039 - Kopi.JPG[/attachment:sspjvs38]

A horrorimage i found on my computer. It is dated 27. June 2010. And this angel shows my GOOD temple, the other side is worse. This side never was hairfree and actually had good hairs only minor recarded before i started nisim:
[attachment=0:sspjvs38]2010.27.06 - 01.JPG[/attachment:sspjvs38]

My plan is to keep my current regime for 3 - 6 months then consider a change. I recently added folligen for blondes + emu oil s wich i only applyed 3 times so far and want to see that work its magic before a change.
As it is now the thing i want to consider is RU. Too bad its so hard to get and a pain having to make it every day

I changed my mind regarding finasteride. I realized that there really is no use trying to treat your hairloss without it. Been on it 2 1/2 weeks now, absolutely no sides whatsoever.

You're gonna lose the battle without it mate. You should get on it now, the longer you wait the harder it gets.

The regrowth you may have gotten will have come from minoxidil. The rest of the stuff you're using (apart from nizoral) just seems like a waste of time and money to me. Dump it and pop a pill every morning/night. Cheaper, easier and much more effective.


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) Updated pics 28th August 2010!

Still no finasteride. No point in trying to convice me :)

I belive that this is potent enough:
- minoxidil. Growth stimulant
- Folligen. Better condition for the hair to grow in, just like sand vs soil for flowers just not as drastic
- spironolactone. Week antiandrogen, but still helping a bit
- Ret-a. Dont really know what this do, but better absorbtion for other topicals is nice
- Keto shampoo every 3rd day. Obvious
- RU. Not using :(

Things i whould like to add is
- RU. Powerfull AR-biding-so-DHT-cant drug. If it was easely obtainable id get it
- Fluridil. Less AR recivers(?) for DHT to attack. Dont use cus of the need to have a clean scalp + water issues

My current goal to do in 4 - 6 monts now are:
- RU. Night
- minoxidil. Morning and maybe some afternoons
- spironolactone. Night(Maybe)
- Ret-a. Every 3rd day
- Folligen. EOD or every 3rd
- Keto shampoo every 3rd day

I read an double blind controlled minoxidil test once. It was itallin or french i think, googled with translator. They was on the 6th or 7th year and by the numbers they got minoxidil was able to hold on haircount above baseline for 15ish years if used twice daily. With that in mind and the fact that i use other stuff too i got hopes for alot of follicle to be alive until a remedy that actually work good will come in 10+ years. WITHOUT finasteride :)


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Updated first post with todays picture. The hair is a bit longer there and i dident manage to get quite the same lightening, but i know how you guys have bin eager to see my latest picture so i posted it anyway! :woot:

Lately I have not seen so much change. The vellus hairs on my harline have grown a bit longer, atleast 3 of em have gone terminal with good color and thickness. The past weeks i have noticed tiny new vellus hars coming even longer down than my current harline so this week i have started to apply my topicals 1 cm longer down than usual. have also noticed "lots" of hars shedding when i apply and touch my hair. I never really noticed any before. It is only 15+ max so i am not concerned. More happy hoping it is a good shed

A picure showing how the hair quality have changed! It have really gone for the better. My har was really brittle after 1 year of NISIM as i belive the first picture is from aprox. It also shows how it carefully have crawled down a tiny bit and a tiny bit of tickness
[attachment=0:ro1regdi]FRONT 2010.06.03.JPG[/attachment:ro1regdi]


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