MrBastard's Story. RU/minoxidil/Copper peptide. Diffuse + temple


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

And about crinagen?


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

mann02 said:
Do u think I need to add spironolactone?or I can add folligen alone?

If you stop finasteride you got to use something. I feel spironolactone is an easy non greasy topical to use in the morning. Folligen can easely be added 10 min after you applyed minoxidil at nighttime. Every day or every other day. If you do that you got something that is easy to commit to, but it is not super efficient. It still help though. Wont hurt to try for 9 - 12 months and see how you respond to it

Crinagen is the weaker version they made before folligen a far as i know. Nothing to consider


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Thank u :) well my regimen will be nizoral 3x a week ,folligen,liquid minoxidil,and sometimes retin a..what u think?


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

I mean revivogen not folligen....on my first question I'm asking if revivogen alone can do the work?or I need to add spironolactone?


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

mann02 said:
I mean revivogen not folligen....on my first question I'm asking if revivogen alone can do the work?or I need to add spironolactone?

Got no idea. All i know is that ive heard of people who got good resoults with revivogen, but stopped it cus of flaking/smell/greasyness. Try it for some months and add spironolactone if you think you can fit it in the regimen


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

MrBastard said:
mann02 said:
I mean revivogen not folligen....on my first question I'm asking if revivogen alone can do the work?or I need to add spironolactone?

Got no idea. All i know is that ive heard of people who got good resoults with revivogen, but stopped it cus of flaking/smell/greasyness. Try it for some months and add spironolactone if you think you can fit it in the regimen

your results look great. what type of shampoo do you use besides nizoral and PO?

how long do you let the po and nizoral sit on the scalp?


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

None atm. i use nizoral every other day to fourth day, the rest i use sabemed anti dandruff(PO) shampoo. Sebamed anti dry shampoo once every 2 weeks or so.

I let it sit for 1 - 2 minutes i think. Dont really time it. Shampooing once, twice if i had it styled wich is very rare


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse's hard for me to get the revivogen...I'm from Philippines ..I can afford it but I don't have a credit card yet...


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Are you still using Flutamide, MB? It's meant to be a pretty potent drug isn't it? It absorbs systematically as well I thought

Surprised you are willing to take it but not finasteride...


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Tyler_Durden said:
Are you still using Flutamide, MB? It's meant to be a pretty potent drug isn't it? It absorbs systematically as well I thought

Surprised you are willing to take it but not finasteride...

I never tryed flutamide and i dont recall writing i ever did. Think you are thinking of someone else :whistle:


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

MrBastard said:
Tyler_Durden said:
Are you still using Flutamide, MB? It's meant to be a pretty potent drug isn't it? It absorbs systematically as well I thought

Surprised you are willing to take it but not finasteride...

I never tryed flutamide and i dont recall writing i ever did. Think you are thinking of someone else :whistle:

Whoops, my bad! Musta had a few stories opened in separate tabs and got them muddled.

Now I've gotta find who it was that was using flut!


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Bastard do u think emu oil can help me?I'll quit finasteride..


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

I use it for the anti inflam purposes. If your scalp can tolorate the alcohol good you should stay away as it is greasy and hard to apply


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Hey check my new pics showing my u think azelaic acid cream20%is good? As a dht blocker??


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Got no experience with 20% azelaic acid so cant tell. Cus of the angel your boobs dont show its size so much


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

I think ur already having a success ...based on June 7 2010....did you gain that much in frontal area?


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

I gained alot of temple hairs who i feel give alot to my aperance overall. They are still very weak though... Thinking of starting RU to strenghten them


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Re: MrBastard's Story- (22) No finasteride approach! Temple loss/diffuse

Small update.

Used folligen spray for some time now... 0.7 ml - 1ml for 2 days then a folligen for blonde day. And DAMN it really colors the scalp... I have to use a gentle shampoo every morning cus water alone wont get the green out. Too soon to tell any benefits yet.
Also recently started Micro Nitrate. 1 - 5 hours before shower at temples only. Too soon here too
minoxidil dropped to only nighttime on a DRY scalp, never over 1 ml.

Feel like there have been a tiny improvement since last time. Still look diffuse and with a thin high hairline though

And now some pictures!

Crown. Dont seem like i am having problems here yet. I only apply topicals above the red line:

Temple. The thick line show where my old hairline was. The 2 small lines show where i see new recent tiny, tiny hairs sprouting up. The lightening is down so you can see the hair better cus my camera cant capture them in full light. It dont look so thick in real life:

Aother temple. Same story as above exept for the lightning wich is a bit more like real life:

The plan from here. Start RU! Just need to clearify something with my local pharamacy first. If the plan go by i will mix minoxidil at 2.5% stenght and RU on 25mg at the beginning and eventually go up to max 50. Why? Cus i dont like the though of long therm minoxidil skin sides so i want it low


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