MSM supplement showing signs of new growth


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Has anyone tried the powder? Have seen a few comments about nasty taste, so would mixing it into a shake or something make it taste rank? Would be preferable to tablets if viable.
I had the powder. It didn't really taste like anything much. A slight sour taste but nothing to complain about.


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Has anyone tried the powder? Have seen a few comments about nasty taste, so would mixing it into a shake or something make it taste rank? Would be preferable to tablets if viable.
I mean it's not candy but I take things in powder form that are much more vile and with a lasting aftertaste.
While ur at it, take a pic of your pee pee and post it here.
Is it inspection day already?

Derek Clapton

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I had the powder. It didn't really taste like anything much. A slight sour taste but nothing to complain about.
Thanks. Had as in now have the tablets? Which would you recommend? 10 tablets seems a lot tbh especially if they're anything like the 1mg vitamin c chewables.


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Has anyone tried the powder? Have seen a few comments about nasty taste, so would mixing it into a shake or something make it taste rank? Would be preferable to tablets if viable.
Like anything else u will get used to the taste have been taking it for 2 years and currently the taste is just used to it


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Im Still shedding the same amount. Like i said before i took msssive doses of the powder with vitamin c years ago it didnt do anything positive for my hair. So ur not missing out at all. It only works for People with bad diets lol.
I am not an expert but not so much is known about msm with regards to hair . My guess is that it strength the hair mechanism so that it will last longer before falling out in short extend the resting phase

Derek Clapton

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I am not an expert but not so much is known about msm with regards to hair . My guess is that it strength the hair mechanism so that it will last longer before falling out in short extend the resting phase
Mine would be increased blood flow from what I've read, since hairloss basically occurs because DHT strangulates the follicle, but that's just bro science. Seems worth trying because it's cheap and seems to have other benefits anyway.


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I am not an expert but not so much is known about msm with regards to hair . My guess is that it strength the hair mechanism so that it will last longer before falling out in short extend the resting phase
My guess is inflammation as MSM is a serious anti inflammatory. Also maybe blood flow, and the fact it stops sulphur deficiencies which almost everyone nowadays has.


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The dose is irrelevant as long as it's enough to makrle for any deficiency you have. Having more won't make a difference as it doesn't target the causes of Androgenetic Alopecia.
MSM has antioxidant properties. It increases Glutathione and decreases reactive oxygen species . i am not saying it will regrow hair, but it can certainly slow down the degenerative process since imo elevated ROS are necessary for male pattern baldness

I am using it orally and also topically with other antioxidants like melatonin, MAP, glutathione, magnesium sulphate. Time will tell...


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I would get off the tuna. My son was on a diet of tuna only for some ungodly reason for weight lifting and got mercury poisoning and now his hip joints are all f k up. I would lower dose to 10g a day or less and re acces in a few weeks.also, what else are you taking? If you’re on prescription meds or taking something off label for Hairloss or other issues it may be having an adverse effect. I would get your mercury levels checked and then resume slowly if health check is ok.
Dang, how often was he eating it?


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I have a question about taking C with MSM . Should I take vitamin C at the same time I take MSM or dose it make a difference and if I take MSM twice a day should I also take C twice a day ?


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MSM has antioxidant properties. It increases Glutathione and decreases reactive oxygen species . i am not saying it will regrow hair, but it can certainly slow down the degenerative process since imo elevated ROS are necessary for male pattern baldness

I am using it orally and also topically with other antioxidants like melatonin, MAP, glutathione, magnesium sulphate. Time will tell...
How long have you been taking this topical mixture for? I've been looking for a reputable place to get MSM and MAP because I've seen a study saying it's more effective in that combination. Magnesium and Melatonin are also apparently good


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I take C whenever during the day.It doesnt have to be at the same time.
MSMPure from Amazon is the strongest because it gave me the most persistent insomnia.Magn. (valley Spring) from Walmart.


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Something I noticed on some OptiMSM bottles, is that it "Contains sugar: Lactose 96mg"

Which is not good for those trying to cut out sugar and dairy to reduce inflammation or Lactose intolerant people.
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Here's my update:

I've been on 10g MSM for 2 months now, stated 1/1/22. So far nothing. Taking 5 pills in the AM, 5 after lunch. Hair loss continues. Was really hoping for some improvements here, seems like it's helped everyone except me. I bought a 6 month supply, not sure if I should continue. What's the point if it's not working. Defn. going to continue for the month of March though before deciding.

Current Regimen
  • Avodart daily (18 years)
  • Minoxidil daily (18 years)
  • Nizoral 2x a week (12 years)
  • RU daily 100-200mg (12 years)


Nothing. Hair loss continues.


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Here's my update:

I've been on 10g MSM for 2 months now, stated 1/1/22. So far nothing. Taking 5 pills in the AM, 5 after lunch. Hair loss continues. Was really hoping for some improvements here, seems like it's helped everyone except me. I bought a 6 month supply, not sure if I should continue. What's the point if it's not working. Defn. going to continue for the month of March though before deciding.

Current Regimen
  • Avodart daily (18 years)
  • Minoxidil daily (18 years)
  • Nizoral 2x a week (12 years)
  • RU daily 100-200mg (12 years)


Nothing. Hair loss continues.
I've been taking msm for 3 months now. The initial signs were very positive, but kind of stagnated now however my shedding is still very low since starting so I will keep taking it. Also still feel like I have less inflammation over entire body. My hair is sltill sightly better than when I started MSM but other things I'm doing might also be helping.

wang yisong

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Here's my update:

I've been on 10g MSM for 2 months now, stated 1/1/22. So far nothing. Taking 5 pills in the AM, 5 after lunch. Hair loss continues. Was really hoping for some improvements here, seems like it's helped everyone except me. I bought a 6 month supply, not sure if I should continue. What's the point if it's not working. Defn. going to continue for the month of March though before deciding.

Current Regimen
  • Avodart daily (18 years)
  • Minoxidil daily (18 years)
  • Nizoral 2x a week (12 years)
  • RU daily 100-200mg (12 years)


Nothing. Hair loss continues.
Thin and soft can become strong. Shedding is not important. You watch

When I took it for a week, my facial oil decreased. I don't know. Do you have any benefits in this regard


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2 months in, 6-8g per day.

- random body aches first week (detox properties I assume)
- less shedding
- significantly increased libido
- hair no significant changes, but taking photos regularly
- I take everything before 4 pm else I can't sleep well

Will continue taking either way for dick superpowers. Been on finasteride and minoxidil for 5+ years. Also adding pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto.


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2 months in, 6-8g per day.

- random body aches first week (detox properties I assume)
- less shedding
- significantly increased libido
- hair no significant changes, but taking photos regularly
- I take everything before 4 pm else I can't sleep well

Will continue taking either way for dick superpowers. Been on finasteride and minoxidil for 5+ years. Also adding pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto.
For dick superpowers, take what I take: Tongkat ali, butea superba, zinc, boron, and raw orchic (bull testicle extract). You'll be horny all the time and have insane sex dreams every night that frequently end up with ejaculation.