The only reason why I stay is because I am a true warrior who still battles, but has over come most of his fears. I am resilient in that regard, but by no means have I got to where I am today through genetics, and good fortune. its been a very tough journey, and all though I have better hair now then I did at sixteen, its still a long road ahead.
Some of you seem to forget that I have been battling hair loss for twelve years.
I never dated any women as a young teenager or even had a relationship in my early twenties. it wasn't until a couple years ago did I manage to have my first relationship.
Why? because I was devastated by my hair loss. Imagine being sixteen years old with a five head, vertical sides and a NW3V. I lived behind a comb over/hat and was to insecure to ever form a meaningful relationship. Despite women being interested in me, I just couldn't let go of this burden i had on my shoulders. That's only one puzzle to the rest of my insecurities.
I joke witjh balding dudes, but I also advise and give a helping hand.
Do you think if it were that easy I would just get a transplant and leave? there is a reason why I am here, despite now overcoming all my obstacles that I faced as a early teenager, and adolescence., - being skinny, poor, and having hair loss.
I had to work so hard to overcome all this sh*t man. even then, I am still no different then any of you.....I am just in a better place in my life, but I am still facing the same problems you have deep down inside. they never end, it's just a matter of being more brave