My Pros & Cons of Drinking Minoxidil vs Tablets


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so putting the drop under the tongue is different from taking the real sublingual product you think? sorry to ask

i'm trying to reach dr bhoyrul ( as i'm pretty sure he speaks french aswell)who mde the video about sublingual min to see if there is way to get some sublingual min for someone in europe or the us
Did you try messaging him via his sublingual min YouTube video? I think a certain member of this forum managed to get Dr Bhoyrul’s attention in the comments and shared his opinions LOL.


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Did you try messaging him via his sublingual min YouTube video? I think a certain member of this forum managed to get Dr Bhoyrul’s attention in the comments and shared his opinions LOL.
I did as well.
And on IG as well but he liked my commet. Never asnwered


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Medical textbooks frequently suggest 1mg as the informal maximum bioavailable dose that you can expect to be absorbed sublingually for other drugs, sometimes as low as 0.5mg

When higher doses are needed, like can be in the case of nitroglycerin for the heart, the labels suggest waiting 5 minutes then applying again vs applying more at once

And that's with dissolving tablets or sprays designed for this purpose, so not worth doing with a min tablet designed for slow release in the digestive tract, but possibly a reasonable strategy with the liquid

IMO this implies that you shouldn't bother with more than 1mg min liquid sublingually at a time - if you want more a better strategy would be to wait e.g. 15 minutes and apply again

(and even if you could absorb more, there's safety concerns that peak plasma levels will spike very high)
thanks for your answer i'm trying to stick with the tablet in a regular way but i feel some fucked up chest pressure and i'm starting to get really worried


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Medical textbooks frequently suggest 1mg as the informal maximum bioavailable dose that you can expect to be absorbed sublingually for other drugs, sometimes as low as 0.5mg

When higher doses are needed, like can be in the case of nitroglycerin for the heart, the labels suggest waiting 5 minutes then applying again vs applying more at once

And that's with dissolving tablets or sprays designed for this purpose, so not worth doing with a min tablet designed for slow release in the digestive tract, but possibly a reasonable strategy with the liquid

IMO this implies that you shouldn't bother with more than 1mg min liquid sublingually at a time - if you want more a better strategy would be to wait e.g. 15 minutes and apply again

(and even if you could absorb more, there's safety concerns that peak plasma levels will spike very high)
Probably why i got the worst side effects ever from my 5mg sublingual dose.

But in the study of Sinclair, they had 4mg sublingual as the most effective dose. So how do you explain that?


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Did he ever publish the study? I remember it being a letter to the editor with study extracts but no details, because he was trying to commercialize his sublingual strip...

really need the research, sublingual's unique advantage over OM would be in safety if you can prove the adverse event rate or severity is lower

and a slow-release strip could explain that, 1mg might be considered the sub-5 minute absorption limit
e.g. nicotine gum comes in 4mg (and possibly higher strengths) and more is absorbed because it's in your mouth for a long time

plus in a medical context they need to assume worst case, so it's a "soft" limit vs a "hard" limit - maybe more can be absorbed than 1mg but after that it becomes questionable in terms of mouth pH etc.
This was my main issue with the sublingual oral min video by Dr Bhoyrul. The results of their study were very very promising but we just don’t have details and they have patented the sublingual strip so all we can do is speculate/“guesstimate” when we attempt this method ourselves. The concept of a slow-release but still easily dissolvable sublingual strip makes sense to me assuming one has sufficient expression of the Sult1a1 enzyme in their body (outside of the liver). Would be interesting if Dr Bhoyrul actually responds to @LouisSarkozy queries.


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This was my main issue with the sublingual oral min video by Dr Bhoyrul. The results of their study were very very promising but we just don’t have details and they have patented the sublingual strip so all we can do is speculate/“guesstimate” when we attempt this method ourselves. The concept of a slow-release but still easily dissolvable sublingual strip makes sense to me assuming one has sufficient expression of the Sult1a1 enzyme in their body (outside of the liver). Would be interesting if Dr Bhoyrul actually responds to @LouisSarkozy queries.
i've asked him on his insta 6 days ago bu i'm still waiting for an answer..... i know he speaks french so hopefully i would maange to get a phone call with him to get more info on sulbingual


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Did he ever publish the study? I remember it being a letter to the editor with study extracts but no details, because he was trying to commercialize his sublingual strip...

really need the research, sublingual's unique advantage over OM would be in safety if you can prove the adverse event rate or severity is lower

and a slow-release strip could explain that, 1mg might be considered the sub-5 minute absorption limit
e.g. nicotine gum comes in 4mg (and possibly higher strengths) and more is absorbed because it's in your mouth for a long time

plus in a medical context they need to assume worst case, so it's a "soft" limit vs a "hard" limit - maybe more can be absorbed than 1mg but after that it becomes questionable in terms of mouth pH etc.
So the problem with taking powder/pill as sublingual is the rapid absorption in one time? Man it gave me the worst sides ever except bloating and my eyes. Don't know how that's possible haha.

Here are the study results:

Im back on topical now but my eyes look horrible and tired again. So it's Just not an option for me to take it orally or topical.


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So the problem with taking powder/pill as sublingual is the rapid absorption in one time? Man it gave me the worst sides ever except bloating and my eyes. Don't know how that's possible haha.

Here are the study results:

Im back on topical now but my eyes look horrible and tired again. So it's Just not an option for me to take it orally or topical.
on topical you only got dark circles or you're noticing some bloating and more forehead/ under eyes wrinkles ttoo ? thanks


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on topical you only got dark circles or you're noticing some bloating and more forehead/ under eyes wrinkles ttoo ? thanks
I don't notice wrinkles at all, either oral or topical.
I do not think I am bloating on topical minoxidil. Under eye wrinkles, maybe? I just look tired as sh*t and I think dark circles come hand in hand with under eye wrinkles, I think I've never seen someone with dark circles and no under eye wrinkles tbh.


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I don't notice wrinkles at all, either oral or topical.
I do not think I am bloating on topical minoxidil. Under eye wrinkles, maybe? I just look tired as sh*t and I think dark circles come hand in hand with under eye wrinkles, I think I've never seen someone with dark circles and no under eye wrinkles tbh.
thanks as i'm thinking of dropping it alotgether but i'm till trying to grow my eyebrow back so i was thinking of using a small dose of topical on it and hope not to get fucked up skin side. do you thiink a small dose of topical on the eyebrow only would lead to the same sides for you? thanks


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thanks as i'm thinking of dropping it alotgether but i'm till trying to grow my eyebrow back so i was thinking of using a small dose of topical on it and hope not to get fucked up skin side. do you thiink a small dose of topical on the eyebrow only would lead to the same sides for you? thanks
I don't think it's relevant what I would think of that. Because it's personal. I wouldn't discourage anyone from using minoxidil in either way because it's fairly well tolerated. Whatever works for you, might not work for me. And vice versa.
Only way to find out is trail and error.


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I don't quite get how/why sublingual min would be any better than topical - can anyone explain?


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Had this thought spinning lately. As it happens, with oral administration you’re still subject to the limitations of sulfotransferase availability in various parts of your body. Therefore you’d face diminishing returns in terms of growth stimulation, albeit still suffer the adverse effects of increased dosing. That being said, it should hypothetically make sense to apply retinoids (shown to increase sulfotransferase presense) to the scalp alongside oral minoxidil so as to achieve better growth stimulation in the particular area. Perhaps even microneedle the skin for better absorption of the retinoids themselves. Any prior consensus on this? Perhaps others doing this specific use? I want to facilitate minoxidil the best possible way I can when I finally start treatment.


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Had this thought spinning lately. As it happens, with oral administration you’re still subject to the limitations of sulfotransferase availability in various parts of your body. Therefore you’d face diminishing returns in terms of growth stimulation, albeit still suffer the adverse effects of increased dosing. That being said, it should hypothetically make sense to apply retinoids (shown to increase sulfotransferase presense) to the scalp alongside oral minoxidil so as to achieve better growth stimulation in the particular area. Perhaps even microneedle the skin for better absorption of the retinoids themselves. Any prior consensus on this? Perhaps others doing this specific use? I want to facilitate minoxidil the best possible way I can when I finally start treatment.
which one is better, oral liquid minoxidil or tablet minoxidil with the same dosage ?


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which one is better, oral liquid minoxidil or tablet minoxidil with the same dosage ?
same thing.. drinking liquid is cheaper and easier to buy.. only concern seems to be between oral and sublingual at this point. Others had suspicion about the efficacy of sublingual due to its weaker side effect profile.


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same thing.. drinking liquid is cheaper and easier to buy.. only concern seems to be between oral and sublingual at this point. Others had suspicion about the efficacy of sublingual due to its weaker side effect profile.
with which one there are more side effect, minoxidil oral liquid you meant ?


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Been playing around with oral/sublingual min lately again.

Sublingual min (as an oral tablet, liquid does not have any effect for me i suppose)gives me a higher heart rate at lower dosage. My heartrate while sleeping is 10bpm higher as taking a higher dosage oral man.

So far been taking 1mg sublingual min. Higher heartrate during the day AND during sleep (I have a Smartwatch so it's accurate).

Taking 1(ish) oral min and heart rate dropped during sleep and rest. While taking 1-2mg oral min, my heart rate goes to 80-82bpm tho.
I hope it's just adjusting. Also I felt more pressure on my chest with sublingual. No effects on my eyes (yet). I have dandelion as well which I take now.


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Been playing around with oral/sublingual min lately again.

Sublingual min (as an oral tablet, liquid does not have any effect for me i suppose)gives me a higher heart rate at lower dosage. My heartrate while sleeping is 10bpm higher as taking a higher dosage oral man.

So far been taking 1mg sublingual min. Higher heartrate during the day AND during sleep (I have a Smartwatch so it's accurate).

Taking 1(ish) oral min and heart rate dropped during sleep and rest. While taking 1-2mg oral min, my heart rate goes to 80-82bpm tho.
I hope it's just adjusting. Also I felt more pressure on my chest with sublingual. No effects on my eyes (yet). I have dandelion as well which I take now.
What was your baseline heart rate before you ever started taking oral min? I guess it makes sense your heat heart rate should be higher when taking it sublingually vs orally since the point of taking OM sublingually was to avoid/minimize the hemodynamic effects.