
My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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No i havnt. I actually only use head and shoulders once every 2 weeks. However im beginning to wonder is some of my problems are down to SD or dandruff.

I normally just wash my hair in water as i dont like how dry shampoo leaves my hair.

However i am debating a blitz of shampoo to see if it makes any difference to tje itching or shedding

I would try nizoral 1% ketoconazole shampoo if I were you - 3 times a week, leave in for 5 to 10min rinse it, then use conditioner that will moisture your hair.
It helped me with my itch when I started using liquid minoxidil.


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do you know how much zinc he dumped in his zix? You don’t want to take more than 10mg-11mg of zinc a day from supplements and zix. Majority for zinc you get from food so overdose is possible on zix is the concentration is high.
they put zinc in some face creams and lotion but formula doesn’t exceed 100mg for 4oz.

Same as the worm’s formula but with less P5P. On the other hand I have used x3 the worms formula


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Well one week in after adding minoxidil and have experienced no adverse effects so far whatsoever. It certainly is a bit greasy but dries after an hour.

I havent noticed any increased shedding. I am wondering if it has maybe even decreased the minimal shedding i do have. Again, still too early to tell, but I remain optimistic.


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Well one week in after adding minoxidil and have experienced no adverse effects so far whatsoever. It certainly is a bit greasy but dries after an hour.

I havent noticed any increased shedding. I am wondering if it has maybe even decreased the minimal shedding i do have. Again, still too early to tell, but I remain optimistic.

You need a few weeks for shedding to kick in. You pretty much just started.


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You need a few weeks for shedding to kick in. You pretty much just started.

yeah, so I understand. I did however read a few years ago that another user who used both in conjunction said that his shedding was effectively halted to nothing after a couple weeks. So I am hoping this will be the case for me, but who knows.... only way to find out is to try. But @JWM2 's friend had very good results as well.


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yeah, so I understand. I did however read a few years ago that another user who used both in conjunction said that his shedding was effectively halted to nothing after a couple weeks. So I am hoping this will be the case for me, but who knows.... only way to find out is to try. But @JWM2 's friend had very good results as well.

Are you sure that you had a bad experience with Azelaic Acid? It's extremely synergic with Minoxidil and Joe the Zix Guy endorsed it all day every day.


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I have found an old post where a doctor gave one of his patient topical zinc+copper+azelaic and got before and after blood test+scalp biopsy.

Systemic inhibition was negligible and scalp DHT was decreased by 25%.

Couldn’t find the post again. It was archived under the name of googleforums.


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3 months of zix and unfortunately I've continued to thin

It should be first defense for most so when you notice it's not working for you, you still can have recoverable hair. It's certainly better than nothing but nothing natural can really fix hair loss. If they could billions of people would be retards for taking medicine.
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It should be first defense for most so when you notice it's not working for you, you still can have recoverable hair. It's certainly better than nothing but nothing natural can really fix hair loss. If they could billions of people would be retards for taking medicine.
I'm just wondering where I go from here. Do I continue zix for another 3 months to see if it improves or do I try something like finasteride.


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I don't think it will get better if it got noticeably worse. Zix isn't potent to reset the cycle like finasteride.


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Are you sure that you had a bad experience with Azelaic Acid? It's extremely synergic with Minoxidil and Joe the Zix Guy endorsed it all day every day.

Yes I had a bad experience with zix. Maybe I just got a bad batch though. i did have success using it with minoxidil some 23 years ago. f*** me. I cant believe I am saying 23 years ago, and that I've been battling hairloss since (longer that I havent). That said I've managed to hold up pretty damn well all things considered.


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It should be first defense for most so when you notice it's not working for you, you still can have recoverable hair. It's certainly better than nothing but nothing natural can really fix hair loss. If they could billions of people would be retards for taking medicine.

That depends on the person. Its been much more of a legit cure for me than finasteride.


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Well I'm already on day 13 of my minoxidil experiment. Happy to report no sides (yet). I was so hesitant to try this out, but so far so good. I also took a shower this eve, and my wife's hair was already in the drain catch. So I'm not sure how much I shed, I can however say there wasnt much including hers. It leads me to suspect it may be working. Will keep you updated