
My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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I haven't tried minoxidil before - mainly 'cause once you on it, you can't stop. That being said though there's probably not a lot time before it becomes too late for me.
minoxidil is trash. It fools you with some regrowth to begin with but it doesn't last or progress. After a few years, you have more loss than if you never used it. There is research to back this up.


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minoxidil is trash. It fools you with some regrowth to begin with but it doesn't last or progress. After a few years, you have more loss than if you never used it. There is research to back this up.
Supply the research? I don't think this is true unless you stop using the minoxidil, then yeah you'd probably end up well under baseline.

Most people get lazy after a few years with their application and start to lose any ground they held just by using it 2-3 times less a week.
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im not sure i kind of agree with zephyrprime, i used minoxidil religiously for 1.5 years and all i saw was dreadful dreadful loss on what was a decent head of hair. I felt like i carried on in vein for far too long. At 36 years old then i was NW2 and receding but after minoxidil i was thinning all round. In the end i decided to stop, nothing returned, maybe genetics increased because of my age who knows... it certainly wasnt helping with twice a day use. im stil NW2 but thinning worse which is obv genetics. but minoxidil defnitely didnt help, was quite noticeable.

But now the last 5 weeks ive been using:

the ordinary petpide serum - evenings
Zix - twice
nizoral - 3 times p/wk
terra nova - hair, skin, nails - this was what i first used and saw good results (placebo or not the ingredients dont seem bad)
lush - kalamazoo (i use on beard and my hair in the mornings) - this was just an experiment as i use on my beard and face and shaved my head (which made me look awful my god). Certainly makes my hair feel healthier as does my beard and skin.

Now im seeing alot of small hairs popping up again thank god. i bought a course of fina in desperation (but revistied here first) but very relcutant to use as i tried a few years back and symptoms were not cool (prior to minoxidil). thankfully that all passed. i personally feel fina is just not worth the risks. however i have a friend whos been on it for 5 years and absolutely fine with a full head of hair despite genetic pre-disposition, so i guess its person dependant. im not senstive to most medication so frustrating, plus literally the only person in my entire family on both sides historically to ever be bald in anyway was my mum's dad not even his brother.... i went grey in my 20's but was hoping i keep my hair atleast..... alas

ive been watching this forum very carefully for a long long time on and off, and i dont see many other people commenting on zix positve effects. ill certaonly be updating my results as i go and if anything to report may create a thread.

But yes i would say depending on your level of loss, does it warrant trying minoxidil/fina... thats your choice.

I would also say stress is a big factor, i meditate daily now and am a lot better for it generally
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im not sure i kind of agree with zephyrprime, i used minoxidil religiously for 1.5 years and all i saw was dreadful dreadful loss on what was a decent head of hair. I felt like i carried on in vein for far too long. At 36 years old then i was NW2 and receding but after minoxidil i was thinning all round. In the end i decided to stop, nothing returned, maybe genetics increased because of my age who knows... it certainly wasnt helping with twice a day use. im stil NW2 but thinning worse which is obv genetics. but minoxidil defnitely didnt help, was quite noticeable.

But now the last 5 weeks ive been using:

the ordinary petpide serum - evenings
Zix - twice
nizoral - 3 times p/wk
terra nova - hair, skin, nails - this was what i first used and saw good results (placebo or not the ingredients dont seem bad)
lush - kalamazoo (i use on beard and my hair in the mornings) - this was just an experiment as i use on my beard and face and shaved my head (which made me look awful my god). Certainly makes my hair feel healthier as does my beard and skin.

Now im seeing alot of small hairs popping up again thank god. i bought a course of fina in desperation (but revistied here popping) but very relcutant to use as i tried a few years back and symptoms were not cool (prior to minoxidil). thankfully that all passed. i personally feel fina is just not worth the risks. however i have a friend whos been on it for 5 years and absolutely fine with a full head of hair despite gentetic pre-disposition, so i guess its person dependant. im not senstive to most medication so frustrating, plus literally the only person in my entire family on both sides hostotically to ever be bald in anyway was my mum's dad not even his brother.... i went grey in my 20's but was hoping i keep my hair atleast..... alas

ive been watching this forum very carefully for a long long time on and off, and i dont see many other people commenting on zix positve effects. ill certaonly be updating my results as i go and if anything to report may create a thread.

But yes i would say depending on your level of loss, does it warrant trying minoxidil/fina... thats your choice.

I would also say stress is a big factor, i meditate daily now and am a lot better for it
I also had the same issue as you with minoxidil many years ago. Used it at my hairline corners which shed quickly and never returned. I eventually stopped 9-10 months later. I'm also not keen on using finasteride for various reasons.

Is your regrowth cosmetically significant would you say? Interested in your routine if so, but I know very little about zix and 'peptide serum'. I'd need to be able to get the ingredients for them in the UK and i'd also want to be able to travel with this stuff in that possible?


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I also had the same issue as you with minoxidil many years ago. Used it at my hairline corners which shed quickly and never returned. I eventually stopped 9-10 months later. I'm also not keen on using finasteride for various reasons.

Is your regrowth cosmetically significant would you say? Interested in your routine if so, but I know very little about zix and 'peptide serum'. I'd need to be able to get the ingredients for them in the UK and i'd also want to be able to travel with this stuff in that possible?
Hey mate im in the UK too, by no means im experienced here so please take this with a pinch of salt, its just my limited experience.

After minoxidil i bloody well regretted that but still had decent hair prior and it was really noticeable loss that never recovered. Fina just made my balls hurt really bad haha, plus zero 'coming out' and limp duck. literally within 2 weeks 0.5mg so i stopped. But i didnt see i lost hair becasue of it. Fina i took about 7 years ago and minoxidil about 4 years ago.

im 42 now and it could well just be age/genetics. But i reallly dont look good without hair :( so I got quite desperate during lockdown, i just noitced the thinning so bad compared to last year. my hair growth is so slow after shave as well, so would say dont shave your head for fun

But anyway im still experimenting and only 5 weeks in:

1 - nizoral - ive been doing this for 5 years 3 x p/wk - not sure if it helps but it doesnt hurt as part of my shower routine
2 - 5 weeks ago i saw on this forum someone mentioned 'the ordinary' - peptide hair serum was a good sub for minoxidil, so i started it
3 - nova terra - hair, nails, skin tablets - took this at the same time and was reccomend from planet organic and wholefoods people as a good natural support to healthy growth. i went round talked and googled and it was a good brand so thought why not. plus decent ingredients
4 - Lush 'kalamazoo' - beard and face wash - ive used this for 2 years. i just smells amazing, my beard and skin feel fanstastic and its natural ingredients. lush is a good uk brand. i decided to use this on my head when it was shaved/short and using Zix seemed to dry out my hair. it just feels nice and an extra layer of nutrients. doubt it does more than that but if you have beard its awesome!
5 - zix - 2 weeks ago i started zix. i cant say anything yet, wish i was more scientific and could break this all down. it defo dries my hair which i hate, so i try put stuff in after.. even beard balms and oils as thry contain argan oil, jojoba etc which are said to be good for hair
6 - micro needling 3 weeks (once per week 1.5mm) - stamping not rolling - i heard rolling can be bad. but i didnt buy a very expesnive one only dr pen from ebay, although i am tempted to invest in the better one. this hurts like hell i wont lie!! i tried the standard Uk numbing cream EMLA. doesnt help at all, it bloody hurts! but the results people state all over, i will contune

i just bought fushi - hair repair - its a conditoner with rosemary oil etc which are noted on this forum as having postive effects for hair loss. i dot know when to use it as good god ive got enough products to cycle now :) its just a no fuss all in one i saw and thought worth a try

But i can 100% see alot of miniturised hairs growing back where they werent before. Something must be blocking the DHT and atleast allowing the regrowth of what was there within the so called 36 month window. Nonetheless i pray they keep regrowing stronger and dont wither away. plus im now trying to think of anyone i know thats not bald from all my friends! my next step is definitely FUT/FUE if i must. But i know they will say to go on fina. i would be prepared to try fina again tbh if i get really desperate, i just want to see how this all goes. if zix etc can save what i have and bring back a tad, im happy

Its so frustrating and ironic, i have a friend who shaves his head completely as he looks better. im less jason statham and more omid jallili haha! i need to do something! having dates in the evenings is definitely a trick im adopting recently

on another note, for people like pigeon that havent recoverd from fina... i know a lot of bodybuilders that used PCT and cycles to recover, i have not much knowldge of this, but if you are seriously messed up from fina, TRT and HRT drs or even BB forums may help. ive known guys that were shut down unable to have kids etc but managed to bounce back. People that used fina and didnt on cycle and found ways round to bounce back, but for the love of god do proper reserach and consult a dr, a lot of private dr's will help. dont mess with your hormones unless you know what you're doing

I would like to point out im relatively new to all this so ... please do your own research


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Glad to hear you've been getting good early signs from that regimen. I tried using Zix and The ordinary together for a while but probably not long enough and it wasn't with needling either. The problem with all this stuff is that people get lazy after a while. Especially if you're not getting any results apart from a slowing down of hairloss.

I am pretty reluctant to try minoxidil - it seems most people here agree it's not great.. but I guess this particular section of the forum is biased against minoxidil. When I read the minoxidil/needling thread it seems like that is really the only solution that currently gives you a good chance at regrowth/maintenance. I tried finasteride at the beginning and that worked initially but the sides were not good.. first signs of gyno and wasn't sleeping well. I also tried Seti and CB a while back, but it's annoying to get hold of the supplies for long term use. Maybe part of my problem is not trying a regimen out for long enough but I have been Zix for a good year now.


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100% i hear you davok, it's good to know we can all be honest here and say that yes we do get lazy. Sadly I am now at a point where desperation far outweighs any lazy bones in my body! I must try and salvage my hair for the sake of my sex life. I'm not sure what has happened but since last year it's just got quite noticeable :/

ive not heard of seti or CB? i will try search for these. the fina stories are so mixed, although I wonder if we hear more of the bad stories than the good. I know a lot of people through the grapevine that use it and have no problems. To be honest I would rather use this again than minoxidil, how much i lost scares me. But yes I agree needling and minoxidil are a great combo... hmm i noticed worm added minoxidil after a while to his zix, i guess ill see how it goes

so you just do zix, and results? Have you not thought about at least once a week microneedling?


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I`m prone to dry eyes. After using Zix for almost two months, I have found out Zix is definately making my eyes much more dry. With 1ml daily dosage it`s bearable but 2ml is already much worse for my eyes. So this side effect is something people with dry eyes syndrome should be aware.


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I`m prone to dry eyes. After using Zix for almost two months, I have found out Zix is definately making my eyes much more dry. With 1ml daily dosage it`s bearable but 2ml is already much worse for my eyes. So this side effect is something people with dry eyes syndrome should be aware.
Not great. Any hair benefit?


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Don't experience and side effects from the minoxidil? Like bags under your eyes, bad skin, etc?

I have young kids - I am tired all the time. I dont think I have any extra bags or bad skin.


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Are you using liquid or foam? And do you wash out the Zix before applying minoxidil?

I simply use kirkland liquid. I usually shower at night, apply zix after I dry my hair. The morning i wake up and apply minoxidil - so to answer you, no i dont.


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Joe the Zix guy claims adding azelaic acid ruins the formula somehow, so recommends to apply them seperately. He uses 2.5% iirc.

I agree with that. I started shedding by adding AA, and I tried on a couple occasions. But every time I mention this, many tend to tell me Im wrong even though they've never used Zix.


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I recall some saying alcohol isn't necessary, just distilled water, is that still the consensus? I was doing that for a while and am going to restart. Does anyone have strong opinions/information regarding the importance of alcohol? thanks

Not for me, alcohol is a must.


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minoxidil is trash. It fools you with some regrowth to begin with but it doesn't last or progress. After a few years, you have more loss than if you never used it. There is research to back this up.

This is not true. If you dont have an anti androgen, then yes you're right. But finasteride + minoxidil or Zix + minoxidil = sustained results.

So far 10 months on zix, I have more density and thicker hair with no sign of reaching a peak and declining so far. That's not to say things wont taper off, but so far so good for me.


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im not sure i kind of agree with zephyrprime, i used minoxidil religiously for 1.5 years and all i saw was dreadful dreadful loss on what was a decent head of hair. I felt like i carried on in vein for far too long. At 36 years old then i was NW2 and receding but after minoxidil i was thinning all round. In the end i decided to stop, nothing returned, maybe genetics increased because of my age who knows... it certainly wasnt helping with twice a day use. im stil NW2 but thinning worse which is obv genetics. but minoxidil defnitely didnt help, was quite noticeable.

But now the last 5 weeks ive been using:

the ordinary petpide serum - evenings
Zix - twice
nizoral - 3 times p/wk
terra nova - hair, skin, nails - this was what i first used and saw good results (placebo or not the ingredients dont seem bad)
lush - kalamazoo (i use on beard and my hair in the mornings) - this was just an experiment as i use on my beard and face and shaved my head (which made me look awful my god). Certainly makes my hair feel healthier as does my beard and skin.

Now im seeing alot of small hairs popping up again thank god. i bought a course of fina in desperation (but revistied here first) but very relcutant to use as i tried a few years back and symptoms were not cool (prior to minoxidil). thankfully that all passed. i personally feel fina is just not worth the risks. however i have a friend whos been on it for 5 years and absolutely fine with a full head of hair despite genetic pre-disposition, so i guess its person dependant. im not senstive to most medication so frustrating, plus literally the only person in my entire family on both sides historically to ever be bald in anyway was my mum's dad not even his brother.... i went grey in my 20's but was hoping i keep my hair atleast..... alas

ive been watching this forum very carefully for a long long time on and off, and i dont see many other people commenting on zix positve effects. ill certaonly be updating my results as i go and if anything to report may create a thread.

But yes i would say depending on your level of loss, does it warrant trying minoxidil/fina... thats your choice.

I would also say stress is a big factor, i meditate daily now and am a lot better for it generally

My experience with Nizoral seems to have a negative effect with zix - not to say it's true for everyone. But I would recommend H&S over Nizoral.


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Joe the Zix guy claims adding azelaic acid ruins the formula somehow, so recommends to apply them seperately. He uses 2.5% iirc.
I have talked with him he said it was okay other than sensitivity to sun.


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I have talked with him he said it was okay other than sensitivity to sun.
He just says not to mix it in the same solution as zix.

"I've messed around with azelaic acid for some time now and I have found that whenever you simply add it to the zix formula it ends up ruining the entire thing. It's OK for a few days and then a preciptiate forms rendering all the ingredients useless... For this reason we mix up the azelaic acid in a seperate solution. We apply it twice per day. We apply it first, then wait a minute or two, then apply one of the zix formulas. We apply the azelaic acid first for no other reason than convenience"