
My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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zix doesn't work
don't be like me and wait 2 years to start real treatments
save ur hair while you still have it
avoid the brainrot or join me idc >:)


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Hey, could really use some advice here. I hate the way my hair looks when I put zix in, genuinely, it's so liquidy that my hair looks so thin. I am also applying another product (Ostrigrow), and wanted to know if it's possible to apply Ostrigrow at around 6:00pm, and then Zix at around 11:00pm to wear over night. Would this be okay, as wearing this throughout the day is just killing my confidence.

Also, is Zix just for maintaining what you have, or for regrowth?


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Basically, what can I and cannot mix zix with, and how long before mixing would you need to wait?



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Chill out man . Their is 249 post here just start reading .
haha thanks, man, just curious as I only started commenting the last few pages. Feeling somewhat unsure about it, but want to continue it.

In fact, I feel my hair is shedding a lot now since I started it. Just want to know if you can mix zix with other solutions?


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haha thanks, man, just curious as I only started commenting the last few pages. Feeling somewhat unsure about it, but want to continue it.

In fact, I feel my hair is shedding a lot now since I started it. Just want to know if you can mix zix with other solutions?
Just start reading . Every queston you are asking have already been answered many times .


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Just start reading . Every queston you are asking have already been answered many times .
Spent 20 minutes reading, got up to page 21, did not find any of the above answers.

- Could not see if I can mix Zix with other solutions, at all.... and if so, what and how?
- Ehtyl Alcohol, is 99.8% okay?
- Can I put it on after Microneedling?
- Does it regrow or just maintain?


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I dont believe it will, Joe, when he created the mixture really insisted on the 70% ethyl alcohol, saying it does not work otherwise. HOWEVER, if you cannot find any, you can just mix it with 100% distilled water. I dont think it absorbs as well, but it does still work (possibly less). When Joe was formulating everything, I seem to recall ethyl alcohol wasnt in the mix until a few months later. It still worked for me, it's not essential however I would try to get some.
ARGGHHHH.... so does the Zix solution I have made with 99.8% alcohol not work? I dont get it, why is 99.8% Ethyl alcohol not okay and 70% is. Can someone please help me find this in the UK!

Why wouldn't 99.8% work?


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So annoying no one here replies or takes this sh1t serious anymore, literally trying everything and asking questions and I cant even get a genuine reply anymore. Followed some previous advice and was linked to the wrong god damn ethyl alcohol.

Like genuinely, can I get some help here.

Mr. Slap Head

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I never used zix. But I have made other topicals. You should be fine with 99%+ alcohol, I don't see why not. It makes the substrates more soluble. The drawback is that it will dry very quickly and have less time to be absorbed so you must massage well. On the other hand, if you go with say 70% alcohol and about 30% of something like propylene glycol, it won't have as good of solubility but it will take longer to dry which will increase absoorption. But either way works, really.


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I see Worm talking about Ethyl alcohol, makes me think it's not okay, I quoted him above.
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I just micro needled, then applied Zix after, literally the itch is crazy, I guess its not a good idea to microneedle then apply Zix? Any thoughts as to why? Is it the alcohol?


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Probably the alcohol yeah
Yeah just completely washed my hair with water, it hurt too much.

Also see some people recommended me to take Copper, and then said that Copper can cause a bad reaction with Zinc, seriously, conflicting information here.


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@whatevr thanks for the feedback. Please drop the copper. I've never heard of adding copper to zix, nor it having it any positive effect. I really think copper counteracts zinc given the interactions I've read on the net. That's why I suggest just sticking to the formula. By using copper, you're not using zix.

I realize you want to get results, but copper is not an ingredient in zix.

Your recommendation /table on page 7 has actually motivated me to use 4 zincs, and I'm seeing massively improved results. Whereby I'm experiencing 70% less shedding in the shower in the past 6 weeks. I'm seeing less scalp and thicker darker hair.

I'm sorry to sound like a broken record, but I'm a bit in disbelief as to why some can't just try the formula as is.....

Otherwise yes, please restart once the eye pressure disappears. Do not use copper.

@whatevr - so is copper not a good idea to take with zix...


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Interesting experiment, by the time I jumped on zix, I had been off finasteride for over a year, and had just come off a very potent mix of minoxidil that was f'in with my health/ In hindsight, I think I would recommend the original zix for people, as I believe my version is extra strong and probably overkill even though it works for me.

So I would use 2x zinc in 4 ozs of water.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Waiiit what, so hes using 4ozs of distilled water (118.294 Mls?)

Im so confused.


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Spent 20 minutes reading, got up to page 21, did not find any of the above answers.

- Could not see if I can mix Zix with other solutions, at all.... and if so, what and how?
- Ehtyl Alcohol, is 99.8% okay?
- Can I put it on after Microneedling?
- Does it regrow or just maintain?

I use 99% Ethyl alcohol. Worm said its fine. I'm going to use more than 15mls though for hopefully better absorption