My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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Sorry if this has been asked but is there a zix shampoo or something with zinc & b6 that people are using?


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Sorry if this has been asked but is there a zix shampoo or something with zinc & b6 that people are using?
Zix is a home made topical treatment made by worm. I don't think he made any shampoo.
I don't think this could be turned into a shampoo because washing it away as you normally do with shampoo would nullify the wanted effect. (ie, it has to be absorbed by your scalp)


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Hey, I've been following this thread for a while now. This is my first post on after being a longtime lurker, actually!

I know there are variations of Zix, but I haven't personally read anything about adding essential oils (rosemary and/or peppermint, specifically).

Any thoughts worm?

Btw, thanks for the thread!

Edit: Finally found some zinc sulfate heptahydrate on Amazon today (from the states; I'm in Canada).

I'm in canada too. What's your source ??

Why do u want to add essential oils ? I wouldn't do so.


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Thought it might have some synergistic circulatory effects or something, plus I like the smells haha.

It won't let me send you a message because I'm a new member. Send me one and I'll send it your way!


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Well shedding 15 hairs seems pretty good to me.

Is this more of less than before?

Always shedding that much hair, so not sure.

My only hope is maintainence right now, got a hair cut yesterday, hair is the same but I am thinning in parts of my head. It becomes more visible when I grow my hair out that it’s ‘uneven’.

Pretty depressing.


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So I went to the doctor's on wednesday to ask for the paperwork for some blood tests. Just a health check.
Took the opportunity to ask for a Dutasteride prescription. He asked me if I knew what dutasteride was for, and I had to tell him everything I know. "yea I know it's for the prostate ect.". Basicly he was kinda surprised of all the details that I knew about how dutasteride could help prevent or reverse some hairloss. He naturally warned me about the side effects, low lebido , gynecomastia (man boobs), because it did drop down testosterone... which I think even he got that part wrong! If I remember the science correctly, Dutasteride lowers DHT which is responsible for counteracting estrogen effects, and therefore, it's estrogen that give you the man boobs, and now a lowering of testosterone. ( I even think testosterone rises).
Anyway, I asked him about the odds of that stuff happening, cause it must not happen to everyone and he agreed. He said that he had plenty of old man with prostate enlargement problems and that he gave them the prescription of dutasteride and didnt even tell them about the low libido side effects, and to date, none of them had complained (maybe they have problems and dont report them, maybe they dont have problems).
I asked him then, were the side effects permanent, and he said no, and that's where I wanted him to understand my position. (*Just let me try dutasteride!)
In the end he was a very alright guy. Unfortunally he couldn't give me the prescription because he said that in my medical perfile, I didn't have any problem with my prostate and therefore it would be a violation of medical rules to prescribe me such a thing with possible side effects. For a women, he said, he maybe could have done such thing because there is simply no problems. So, he understood that I'm a young guy that may be a bit naive but understands his sh*t (when we started talking about prostaglandins, androgens, dht and testosterone, he saw I'm not just a desperate guy trying everything he reads on the internet).
He then said something kinda along these lines: "well, I can't give you a prescription. Please just don't go online buying stuff that god know what's inside. I once had a pacient that wasn't pleased with his low body mass and ordered some stuff online. He ended up showing here with big breats! woman brests and he didn't know why so be careful on that!. There are pharmacies that don't ask many questions, even tho I strongly disagree with such practices and your opinion on this subject... I don't think you want to be taking this for the rest of your life".
Basiclly he hinted what I already knew. There is a pharmacy right in the center of my city that sold me anti depressives and finasteride a long time ago. Every other pharmacy I have tried to date, declined straight away to sell me anything that requires prescription but i'm lucky to know that one.
To terminate this long post, the doctor understood exactly my point of view... ie; there is a chance that it can f*** me up BUT it's not permanent. And after seeing NickyPoos post, damn one wants to try it so bad just to see if im a lucky one that doesnt have side effects.


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I have sent this by PM to those who have enquired.

It's called zix, I got it from a user called Joe on hairlosshelp back in 2005, Ive modified his original formula, basically 3x the zinc, adding ethyl alcohol (which he added to zix 2) and doubling the concentration. I think the ethyl alcohol is absolutely necessary. Joe came out with a couple other versions, but i didnt really like them, so i went back to the original and adapted it over the years.


I still use original zix, but double the concentration with Ethyl Alcohol 70% (do not get confused with isopropyl alcohol which is not at all the same).

My formula is

- about 15 mls ethyl alcohol
- 2 x 220 mgs of zinc sulfate - 2 x sulfate (I NOW USE 3x Zincs have much better results)
- 150 mgs of b6 p5p is use the brand pure encapsulations, you can find it on amazon
- 45 mls distilled water (must be DISTILLED NOT filtered or ionized or any of that)

This fits in a 2 oz minoxidil bottle basically.

I apply 1-2 mls twice a day.

Ive dabbled a bit with different brands of vits, but have had one bad experience with a different b6 and started shedding, not to mention the tabs make my hair easier to style. Otherwise I was using a different zinc until they discontinued it, and found this new one that works.

One quick thing, I had majorly itchy and inflamed scalp from when i started losing my hair at 19 yo. I think that contributed to my loss, and as a result think i responded well to zix because it reduced the inflammation big time. Recently I noticed more shedding when I ran out of ethyl alcohol. While I didnt have the itch, it was still shedding about 50 hairs in the shower compared to 25-30. I bought some more ethyl alcohol a few days after, and the shedding has come back down to 25-30. So simultaneously i think it definitely helps prevent dht in the scalp.


Also, if you search google - worm + zix - you'll see I posted a lot about it in hairlosshelp years back (my history and formula etc).

Also if you search zix + hair - you will see the original website that created the mix. I made mine more concentrated and added more zinc.

BTW it helps with giving your hair a follicle boost and makes it feel and look cosmetically thicker.


Here are a couple links

And another link -

I tried adding Azelaic, but it didnt do anything. That said, it may have not worked due to a vitamin i was taking - which ive since dropped and my shedding decreased. I may try again in a few weeks.

Also, be careful if you're using it with minoxidil. Joe says not to do so, however heard of some who do and have had great success.

Please post your experiences here.


I try to wash my hair daily, I massage my scalp with original H&S (no conditioner) and sometimes mix it with Klorane (with Quinine and b6), and let that soak into my scalp for about 5 mins. Combined they have zinc and b6 in them. Afterwards my scalp feels loose and relaxed. I also believe it helps rid the scalp of dht containing sebum, at least for a few hours, but that's just an idea.
I head about b vitamin and zinc for hair. Also, about a backing soda for head ph. Something to do with the ph level and dht leading to balding. I think it is a good idea to try. I know everyone is different and responds to the things based upon there gene preset.

Thanks for the great news.


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So I went to the doctor's on wednesday to ask for the paperwork for some blood tests. Just a health check.
Took the opportunity to ask for a Dutasteride prescription. He asked me if I knew what dutasteride was for, and I had to tell him everything I know. "yea I know it's for the prostate ect.". Basicly he was kinda surprised of all the details that I knew about how dutasteride could help prevent or reverse some hairloss. He naturally warned me about the side effects, low lebido , gynecomastia (man boobs), because it did drop down testosterone... which I think even he got that part wrong! If I remember the science correctly, Dutasteride lowers DHT which is responsible for counteracting estrogen effects, and therefore, it's estrogen that give you the man boobs, and now a lowering of testosterone. ( I even think testosterone rises).
Anyway, I asked him about the odds of that stuff happening, cause it must not happen to everyone and he agreed. He said that he had plenty of old man with prostate enlargement problems and that he gave them the prescription of dutasteride and didnt even tell them about the low libido side effects, and to date, none of them had complained (maybe they have problems and dont report them, maybe they dont have problems).
I asked him then, were the side effects permanent, and he said no, and that's where I wanted him to understand my position. (*Just let me try dutasteride!)
In the end he was a very alright guy. Unfortunally he couldn't give me the prescription because he said that in my medical perfile, I didn't have any problem with my prostate and therefore it would be a violation of medical rules to prescribe me such a thing with possible side effects. For a women, he said, he maybe could have done such thing because there is simply no problems. So, he understood that I'm a young guy that may be a bit naive but understands his sh*t (when we started talking about prostaglandins, androgens, dht and testosterone, he saw I'm not just a desperate guy trying everything he reads on the internet).
He then said something kinda along these lines: "well, I can't give you a prescription. Please just don't go online buying stuff that god know what's inside. I once had a pacient that wasn't pleased with his low body mass and ordered some stuff online. He ended up showing here with big breats! woman brests and he didn't know why so be careful on that!. There are pharmacies that don't ask many questions, even tho I strongly disagree with such practices and your opinion on this subject... I don't think you want to be taking this for the rest of your life".
Basiclly he hinted what I already knew. There is a pharmacy right in the center of my city that sold me anti depressives and finasteride a long time ago. Every other pharmacy I have tried to date, declined straight away to sell me anything that requires prescription but i'm lucky to know that one.
To terminate this long post, the doctor understood exactly my point of view... ie; there is a chance that it can f*** me up BUT it's not permanent. And after seeing NickyPoos post, damn one wants to try it so bad just to see if im a lucky one that doesnt have side effects.

Man, I'd still be extremely careful -- not only in making sure it's actually dutasteride upon acquiring, but of the side effects. Inhibiting 5-R 2 and 5-R 3 is one thing, but inhibiting the 5-R spectrum is uncharted medical territory for a young guy.

I'm not a neuroscientist (my minor was neuroscience in university though), but inhibiting DHT has more neurological consequences than we have considered.

Just be safe!


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So I went to the doctor's on wednesday to ask for the paperwork for some blood tests. Just a health check.
Took the opportunity to ask for a Dutasteride prescription. He asked me if I knew what dutasteride was for, and I had to tell him everything I know. "yea I know it's for the prostate ect.". Basicly he was kinda surprised of all the details that I knew about how dutasteride could help prevent or reverse some hairloss. He naturally warned me about the side effects, low lebido , gynecomastia (man boobs), because it did drop down testosterone... which I think even he got that part wrong! If I remember the science correctly, Dutasteride lowers DHT which is responsible for counteracting estrogen effects, and therefore, it's estrogen that give you the man boobs, and now a lowering of testosterone. ( I even think testosterone rises).
Anyway, I asked him about the odds of that stuff happening, cause it must not happen to everyone and he agreed. He said that he had plenty of old man with prostate enlargement problems and that he gave them the prescription of dutasteride and didnt even tell them about the low libido side effects, and to date, none of them had complained (maybe they have problems and dont report them, maybe they dont have problems).
I asked him then, were the side effects permanent, and he said no, and that's where I wanted him to understand my position. (*Just let me try dutasteride!)
In the end he was a very alright guy. Unfortunally he couldn't give me the prescription because he said that in my medical perfile, I didn't have any problem with my prostate and therefore it would be a violation of medical rules to prescribe me such a thing with possible side effects. For a women, he said, he maybe could have done such thing because there is simply no problems. So, he understood that I'm a young guy that may be a bit naive but understands his sh*t (when we started talking about prostaglandins, androgens, dht and testosterone, he saw I'm not just a desperate guy trying everything he reads on the internet).
He then said something kinda along these lines: "well, I can't give you a prescription. Please just don't go online buying stuff that god know what's inside. I once had a pacient that wasn't pleased with his low body mass and ordered some stuff online. He ended up showing here with big breats! woman brests and he didn't know why so be careful on that!. There are pharmacies that don't ask many questions, even tho I strongly disagree with such practices and your opinion on this subject... I don't think you want to be taking this for the rest of your life".
Basiclly he hinted what I already knew. There is a pharmacy right in the center of my city that sold me anti depressives and finasteride a long time ago. Every other pharmacy I have tried to date, declined straight away to sell me anything that requires prescription but i'm lucky to know that one.
To terminate this long post, the doctor understood exactly my point of view... ie; there is a chance that it can f*** me up BUT it's not permanent. And after seeing NickyPoos post, damn one wants to try it so bad just to see if im a lucky one that doesnt have side effects.

wtf has this got to with zix


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@worm have you ever experienced ANY sides whatsoever over the years wth zix?

ive read over the past few pages that some guys are getting some sides, like sunken eyes, or some other sh*t. im guessing this is because too much of the topical has gone systemic and is lowering dht elsewhere

so i guess the trick with zix is to find the point at which you are lowering dht in the scalp but not elsewhere.

i mean this is what zix is doing right? lowering dht?


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@worm have you ever experienced ANY sides whatsoever over the years wth zix?

ive read over the past few pages that some guys are getting some sides, like sunken eyes, or some other sh*t. im guessing this is because too much of the topical has gone systemic and is lowering dht elsewhere

so i guess the trick with zix is to find the point at which you are lowering dht in the scalp but not elsewhere.

i mean this is what zix is doing right? lowering dht?

Whether or not zix is lowering DHT in the scalp is a great question -- one that I'm unsure has been seriously discussed in this thread. I assume that the zinc (heptahydrate) plays a vital role in that mechanism, whatever it might be.

I've read sooooo much about zinc both decreasing and increasing testosterone (indirectly affecting DHT levels) that I'm unsure of what it does...contradictory science is fun.

Btw, before I joined this forum I saw your posts. Always a riot hahah.


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@worm have you ever experienced ANY sides whatsoever over the years wth zix?

ive read over the past few pages that some guys are getting some sides, like sunken eyes, or some other sh*t. im guessing this is because too much of the topical has gone systemic and is lowering dht elsewhere

so i guess the trick with zix is to find the point at which you are lowering dht in the scalp but not elsewhere.

i mean this is what zix is doing right? lowering dht?

Yes it is.

I think before even questioning if some topical treatment may have temporary side effects, I would first want to see if it works on regrowing hair. I know it sounds reckless but there isn't a single chemical out there that doesnt describe possible side effects. Even aspirins that I use to treat my headaches, says a possible side effect is headaches


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Yes it is.

I think before even questioning if some topical treatment may have temporary side effects, I would first want to see if it works on regrowing hair. I know it sounds reckless but there isn't a single chemical out there that doesnt describe possible side effects. Even aspirins that I use to treat my headaches, says a possible side effect is headaches

i dont think it regrows hair just maintains or slow down what you have. like all aa's i guess. regrowth is a bonus

i just think its crazy such a cheap simple supplement like zinc can halt hair loss but plenty of ppl seem to have success with it


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Sides, it's hard to say. I do feel tired, but I've always felt tired and I have a baby that wakes up in the middle of the night. I have started to take some copper the past few days and my hair has been shedding less, so I'm thinking maybe I could be getting too much zinc, but this after years of zinc supping. Otherwise I have tinnitus, but have listened too loud music for too long. I can't attribute anything specific, but who knows... it's hard for me to attribute any sides to zix, that is unless I stop to see if anything improves - which I doubt.


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Well I think my experiment with zinc alone has made me lose some ground. Im back on zix with b6 and think it's working better. While I have been happy with zix for 14 or so years now, I do feel like I need a boost at this point.

My first experiment will be with ceterizine. I ordered some online and it should be coming shortly. Im curious to see how it works.

My next will then be minoxidil.

@JWM2 is your friend still happily using both zix and minoxidil?


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Well I think my experiment with zinc alone has made me lose some ground. Im back on zix with b6 and think it's working better. While I have been happy with zix for 14 or so years now, I do feel like I need a boost at this point.

My first experiment will be with ceterizine. I ordered some online and it should be coming shortly. Im curious to see how it works.

My next will then be minoxidil.

@JWM2 is your friend still happily using both zix and minoxidil?

Same for me... I am using my own nizoral lotion once every 2 days and it has definitely halted shedding but I need that extra boost. Which ceterizine did you buy if I may ask?