shocktop311 said:
Bryan- great noise from you intoxicating the forums on your endless rant for proxiphen.
I don't have "an endless rant for Proxiphen"; I only mention it on an occasional basis. Did you see that experiment I did a while back, in which I actually COUNTED all the posts I did here on, and made a note of the ones that I
did and did
not mention Dr. Proctor's products at all? The ones in which I mentioned Dr. Proctor's products were only something like 6% or 7% of the total. I think that number is perfectly reasonable and acceptable.
shocktop311 said:
To say it's undeniably more effective than propecia without showing us pictures of your head or studies is garbage.
Why do you think it's "garbage", and what do pictures of my head have to do with anything? :dunno: It's what Dr. Proctor himself said, when he said that Proxiphen is "
Unquestionably more effective than Propecia alone."
shocktop311 said:
My only problem is that you wont stop, especially to new members trying to pick out effective regimens. Its those people who are most vulnerable to bs products. Yet you continue to spew. The big 3 is a clear answer to these folks and its no question that they need to start immediately.
As I said before, I rarely even mention Proxiphen (only about 6% or 7% of the time, according to that last count). When I do mention it, there's generally a very good REASON to do that, like when a poster is having bad side effects with Propecia, and asks if there's something else he can use instead. Or when a poster says that he's losing hair, DESPITE using Propecia and Rogaine. On occasions like that, I think it's perfectly reasonable and acceptable to point out what a doctor says who has focused on the problem of treating hair loss for decades, and has developed his own technology to do that. I always point out to other posters that Proxiphen is expensive, and let them make the decision on whether or not to get involved.