I wish he would !![]()
I wish I COULD. That's why in the thread about the wishes I talked about wishing to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world.
By the way, back to the main topic, there's only one truth about women and attraction,

I wish he would !![]()
You mean couldn't, right?
they are stupid concepts and not what most liberals and progressives are about
just the loudest barking dogs
but we get painted with same brush.
A modern liberal who's not all about safe spaces and anti-white racism is no modern liberal. You're a conservative, or, more precisely, a classical liberal (which is a right wing ideology).
All these sub categories (no offense) get really ridiculous and bogged down in personal outlooks that suit that particular person.
what i would say to a modern feminist who calls herself a feminist but wants to emasculate mens human nature is call them a fraud...they dont deserves to call themselves feminist
HUGe difference between women who wanted to not be constrained by society as 'less than' or curtailed for behavior as women then to try and take something away from men.
To be so preciously offended by opposition speech even comedians that people censor it OR boycott it is not liberalism its the exact opposite its almost fascist or puritanical.
Not knowing those 'sub categories' resulted in you being scammed by the modern liberals into thinking you're a modern liberal while in fact you're a right wing person. Thus, your vote has been manipulated.
I considered myself a left wing liberal, but one day I realized the concepts of liberty and freedom I uphold were no left wing thing, they were a right wing thing. The left has nothing to do with freedom. That's when I realized I got scammed too, and my vote with me.
Dude i am 45 years old
Im not being scammed by 'modern' liberals
I'm an actual old school liberal with some libertarian ideals.
Its funny how you only think in terms of left vs right....
But i was scammed?
'Dood': old school liberal, libertarian is tea-party in my book. But I'm pretty sure you've been told the tea party is the KKK incarnate. And you got scammed again.
Daily reminder: age is no indicator of IQ.
You want to calm down "Dood"
You can engage in an actual conversation of curiosity with me or you can talk at me label me and make assumptions about me and what i think.
Choice is yours--seems like you have made it.
I work in film industry so I don't know what DOOD is unless you mean DAYS OUT OF DAYS--which obviously you don't.
Maybe dood means dude, as you first called me. Dude you're not that smart. Good luck with your cognitive dissonance
You can't make a relative point without making ludicrous assumptions about me but I'm not that smart--okay.
Also i am a woman not a 'dude'..pretty sure you are a dude since i looked at your profile and it says 'male'
No curiosity who you talk to because you are more interested in talking 'at' someone.
It's ok dudette. You smart and liberal. f*** those stinky conservatives (whatever their ideologies are about, huh). Keep votin' though.
Tell me where did i say these views you are putting on me.
I never said anything disparaging about conservatives.
You are very limited in your mind.
My life long best friend is a conservative and extremely active in republican party.
I have dated and been in relationships with many conservative men.
You have this very black vs white view of politics.
I feel sorry for you.
Whatever you say, dude. I stopped taking you seriously when you called me dude and started claiming you're a classical liberal and libertarian who identifies as a liberal. I lol at the American education everyday.
Whatever you say, dude. I stopped taking you seriously when you called me dude and started claiming you're a classical liberal and libertarian who identifies as a liberal. I lol at the American education everyday.
Dude was not an insult
i was laughing because telling me I am being brainwashed by modern liberals as if its modern campus as if i am a freshman at college when i am 45 struck me funny.
You have extremely thin skin and should not get into political debates if it gets you so heated.
I'm somehow sure that calling strangers 'dude' is insulting and condescending, thus undermines polite debating.
Maybe language barriers? I forgot Americans use very basic language even with strangers. But I missed al those political debates with 'dude' thrown around. Or is this /pol/ 2? I'm ready if it is
You clearly have issue with Americans.
I don't know why you are even debating so hard with me about politics if American politics and wherever you are from probably has a lot of nuance differences.
Larry David which was me and Hellrouser were referring to is an American actor...i don't know where your are from.
No dude is not an insult
Its clear if you watch American movies TV or even read our fiction--sounds like you have distaste for Americans so perhaps you refrain from this.
Or maybe you are just defensive nature i dont know.
I have no idea what you mean by ' /pol/2'.
Im from NY where feminism really came to bubble at the surface in 1970s..My Mother was a feminist at this time who marched and participated some...She was a single mother of two who could not enforce my Father to pay his child support since he moved out of state and at the time no laws to govern this 'technicality' in the law...
So when you speak to me about 'modern' feminists brainwashing me or modern progressive brainwashing me..and i am 45 years old--it just sounded very silly to me.
You're not immune to brainwashing if you're 45. I speak English fluently and get news only in English. I know Americans, have American relatives and I follow American politics closely. As far as my empirical knowledge goes, the vast majority of you is very gullible and/or brainwashed by others into believing something. Left and right.
You sound like the average burger to me.