I'm not still talking about
@Pasbrillantebrunette here as I don't know her at all, but as a generalisation I would say women are incredibly bad at taking all things personally. Eg if a guy likes blondes, and a girl is ginger, it's like some attack on ginger. Men like big boobs like in glamour magazines? = small boobs are awful, no man would have them.
Of course this may be like what Pas is like, possibly, and that's not an awful thing or worth scolding or anything, but I've known plenty of women with this attitude I've described, and feels the "pressure" when there is none, and it's good to stand back and be self-aware that it's not incredibly rational. I've noticed this is more prevalent in females who tend to like causing trouble for themselves, relationship-wise (romantic or friendships), and some people's brains just have a tendency to jump to conclusions in order to cause disruption for themselves. I guess it's what they see as keeping occupied.
It's a nasty brain muscle reflex.