@DesperateOne: go easy with the cayenne, especially when the tea is really hot, a few sprinkles is more than enough, otherwise, come poop time you will need ice cubes
Hey, would you advise to use cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin, as methylcobalamin is the biologically more active form of vitamin B12. But the Study used cyanocobalamin, so I´m unsure which one to use.
Indeed, the active form of b12 is way more potent to biding/activating the vitamin b12 receptor sites than cyanocobalamin, so it seems natural to ask whether this should be used or not, but you have to bear in mind that the studies used specifically the inactive form and the results as far as hair growth was very positive (increase anagen, increase hair weight). The question then becomes, if you have a BB gun that can kill the fly, why would you need a bazooka?
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What percentage of B12 (in the minoxidil solution) should we be aiming for? Any idea?
I tried asking the makers of Lipogaine which much B12 they put in their stuff. They won't disclose it.
I'm thinking maybe something like 0.2%
Concomitantly the amounts of GSK-3 were significantly reduced after stimulation with 25 ug/ml vitamin B12 (fold change compared to DMEM: 0.76 u 0.12, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our data demonstrate a hair growth promoting effect of vitamin B12 in vitro. This effect is accompanied by the modulation of intracellular signal transduction molecules of the wnt-pathway and might promote hair growth after micrograft transplantation.
for a 100 ml solution I wouldn't add more than 5 1000ug pills. The systemic daily usage of b12 is only 2.5ug for the entire body. 5 pills will yield
50 ug/ml which even is way overkill, I had mixed 10 pills into a 100ml bottle before, but it was borderline insanity
... the in vitro study above used an upper bound level of 25ug per ml... since a minoxidil bottle has only 60ml, 2-3 pills (1000ug per pill) would be more than enough, this also reflects how cheap and easy this simple addition is
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Also when mixing topical a nice little cloth-like reusable filter is very helpul to remove non disolvable fillers.. something like this:
ps: not advising anyone to buy this thing, just a quick a search from amazon to give you an idea, maybe even simple coffee filters you already have in your house or a thin cloth tissue, or paper towel can do this