Good Day
Your name was cited in a recent Journal about a pilot study on Microneedling and the positive effects on Androgenic Alopecia.
Are you the correct person to contact regarding this study?
Please could you kindly contact me and comment whether you'd be willing to assist with some queries I have?
Many thanks for your assistance in this regard
02 August 2013
I am the right person, who is responsible for the study.
We routinely perform microneedling for patients with androgenetic alopecia including women, getting good results.
Thank you very much for getting back to me and confirming you are indeed the correct person.
I have a few queries on the treatment which maybe you can shed some light on:
1. Do the results continue improving under the microneedling / Minoxidle regime or is there a limit to the regrowth patients can expect?
2. Have you treated any patients with this regime whilst they were on Finasteride? How do their results compare?
3. What level of pain and bleeding should patients expect and could there be potential damage to the hair follicles if the treatment is too vigorous?
4. Do you treat with Minoxidle immediately after the treatment or follow the studies method of rest for 24 hours? If so, why?
5 Do you use different length needles for different patients or is there a standard length?
Thank you very much for your time clarifying these queries. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Kind Regards
07 August 2013
1. There was further mild improvement after completion of treatment
2. Now I treat all my patients with finasteride + minoxidil+microneedling + platelet rich plasma. Results are v.good.
3. very mild pain, one or 2 bleeding spots occasionally.
4. We ask our patients not to apply minoxidil on the day of procedure
5. Standard length is 1.5mm for all patients.