New treatments coming out 2024 or max 2025.


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Is your transplant truly that bad?
To me it is, not sure if others can notice when it's cut to 1/8" unless they're looking for it. The dumb hack bosley doctor didn't understand angles or graft placement. The few hairs I have on the right hair line and back are all natural and angled to the right. On the left the transplanted hairs stick straight up in any direction. For the last years I had just enough to kind of comb them down. Not anymore. All my natural hair, every single strand is entirely dead around the transplant now.


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We have been looking at this situation the wrong way entirely. Instead of a cure for hair loss, we need a medication that will make us enjoy suffering and humiliation. Like i pop a pill and every time someone stares at the weird transplants in my decrepit hair line I get a boner. Problem solved entirely. Let's hit up the Kane shop and see what he can do
We've had those pills for decades now, they're called Quaaludes