No hair = no dates (online)?


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I am not bald yet, but I have a receding hairline and I buzz my hair down to grade 1. I decided to join a few datings sites as a new way to meet girls and I must admit I've had very little success. Out of the dozens of girls I've contacted only 2 have replied. One was of average looks, and the other was good looking. After I sent them another message they never bothered to send another reply.

The weird thing is that in night clubs I don't do too badly. I always attract interest from girls, even hot girls. I'm guessing that it's my confidence or my posture which pulls me through. However, online, none of this comes across. Here is the picture I used:


Is online dating difficult for bald/balding guys because they can't use other factors to their advantage, like confidence and boldness? I hoped to be able to meet more girls with a similar peronality to my own, but it looks like I'll have to stick to bars and clubs. Strangely, I actually thought online dating would be easier for bald/balding guys rather than harder.

Quantum Cat

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the majority of people on those dating sites are desperate freaks who for whatever reason can't find a partner in real life. That means there's something wrong with them.

stick to the traditional way, especially if you've had success


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The fact is online, people can look for their 'perfect' partner since it's like a supermarket.

e.g. how many times have you looked at a women in a magazine and not being impressed (Surrounded by so many other women). However, if you saw them in real life, being a model there'd be no way you'd turn her down.

You just look like a normal dude with a shaved head.


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Youre looking like David Trezeguet. I would say you are not gonna look bad being bald.

Online-dating sucks ***. Ive been there. Im not getting attracted to one single woman out there. Seriously. Below-average-girls. People who is dating online have ALWAYS something to hide. f*** the internet! Im super serial. You are just wasting your time. And IF you find one, you must remember that they get 45678 mails every day, so give up the hope on getting regular replies. Do you think girls dig desperate looser guys? Because that is what you are if youre a online-dater. Go for the real girls instead.

What in the hell are attractive girls doing on the net anyway? Confirmation? Absolutely. They just want to boost their ego a bit. Or else, its because they cant hook up with guys IRL, and that is really sad for a girl.


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I'm surprised women don't want to date you... You are "cute" :gay:

I always thought online dating was for desperate women looking to settle down. So, they are extremely picky. I think they would be looking for stability more than the looks.


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I wouldn't worry dude, you're a good looking guy. Don't worry I mean that in the gayest way possible.

Really though going bald isn't the end of the world for you. You can pull it off.


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Quantum Cat said:
the majority of people on those dating sites are desperate freaks who for whatever reason can't find a partner in real life. That means there's something wrong with them.

stick to the traditional way, especially if you've had success

I agree. I'm sick of people who got to post their very best, photoshopped pics of them from the right angle in the right clothes etch. All they are doing is scaring away the people in their league and setting themselves up for rejection from people out of their league. I don't even go to match sites because people lie about whether or not they smoke, and their profile says absolutely nothing about their interests. It often says something meaningless like, "I bet you can't keep up with me." or something dumber than that. The only reason to go online is so you can search for people with similar interests, but they don't even state them, so I don't bother going.


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1) Online sites are solely on looks. Ask yourself this. Do you look at bald or fat women and choose them over pretty women and/or thin women yourself when you look online?

2) I'm sorry but "No=HAIR"? You have almost all your hair left.

Quantum Cat

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HatPrisoner91 said:
1) Online sites are solely on looks. Ask yourself this. Do you look at bald or fat women and choose them over pretty women and/or thin women yourself when you look online?

2) I'm sorry but "No=HAIR"? You have almost all your hair left.

'almost all'? From that pic he doesn't appear to have very much.


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Quantum Cat said:

'almost all'? From that pic he doesn't appear to have very much.

Yes, almost all. Sometimes I want to smack people around here in the head. You guys all need to really become bald, then you will see how silly it sounds when people say I'm bald and all you see is hair. I'm lucky if I see 4 total hairs on my head.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Yes, almost all. Sometimes I want to smack people around here in the head. You guys all need to really become bald, then you will see how silly it sounds when people say I'm bald and all you see is hair. I'm lucky if I see 4 total hairs on my head.
Its totally true, but as HP says you have to experience it to understand.
Losing hair is bad in the early stages NW2/3 but its just hairloss it does'nt compare to actually being FULLY BALD.
When I was a NW6 I would have given anything to just be a NW3, now I'm NW2(ish) with a bald(ish) crown and although I hate it and am still desperate to improve things its a world away from living as HP and UCman do.

uncomfortable man

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Tc4h has posted other threads about this same topic. As a matter of fact, I stumbled on his post in Yahoo Answers. I want to ask the OP if in his persistent inquiries online as to weather he is hot or not (another site he posted on) if any of these female responses mentioned hair loss or balding? My guess would be no, unless you prefaced your question with some sort of "I'm balding" statement. You've got it where it counts so relax in the knowledge that you are not as bald as me or HP. I shutter to think of what would happen if I try to find a "connection" online. :/


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dudemon said:
I've seen some ads where the woman specifically says, "please DO NOT reply if you are bald."

Or, "bald guys need not apply"

Or something along those lines. So, that is evidence that some women are not interested in bald guys, no matter what. No matter about anything else, they aren't interested in balds just becaus eof the baldness. Although those women are a small minority who are "that" open about it.

But, how many more of them feel the same way, but just won't openly admit it?

I know that is true but is that a bad thing? Would youa ctively search for a bald woman? Or one that is hideous?


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Quantum Cat said:
if you notice, the OP said he's 'not bald yet'.

He also entitled the thread "NO HAIR". Again, you have to go through this to really know what it means to be bald.


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s.a.f said:
When I was a NW6 I would have given anything to just be a NW3, now I'm NW2(ish) with a bald(ish) crown and although I hate it and am still desperate to improve things its a world away from living as HP and UCman do.

SAF were you a full on NW6 (I mean where there was absolutely NO hair on top and crown). Because some norwood levels still have hair there although very thin. Because I find it nearly impossible to see how one can go from a full NE6 to a NW6 even with every translplant possible and every body hair I had. I had a ton of hair transplant docs tell me that it's beyond "repairable".


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Andy hunt of

There you go hp. A major hair transplant journey(3) and the results of it. Dont tell me hes not bald enough lol. I guess you could get your hair back but it would cost you. I think this guys clinic was cheap though who knows what the Doctor would be like. His results do look good though.


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I haven't really read much about hair transplant, but my understanding is that such results are very rare.

We are talking major hair transplant here, and we have a limited donor area. I'm not saying it's impossible, but very unlikely.

I personally wouldn't go through such a big surgery.


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i dont see where all the hair came from. How do you fill the whole top of the head using the back and still have any hair at the back?