I just wanna take the time and thank you Hellouser for doing this and taking your time in order to help yourself and us on hairloss. We need more people like you in these forums.If the 2015 congress is any indication, you won't hear about any of the news any time soon (months or years) or at all. When I was at the Miami Congress, I didn't see any media there... all the news that followed the congress came from me.. at least that I know of.
I just wanna take the time and thank you Hellouser for doing this and taking your time in order to help yourself and us on hairloss. We need more people like you in these forums.
If we are close then yes I will count you as two ( however if we are close enough to the goal and only needed six or 700 more I may top it off), if not no I said 10 people that put in at least $50 or more... thank you for contributing more. So far we are at two from what I can tell.In at $100, Does that count for 2 50s? What's the count up to?
Actually you are wrong, especially with it being in Japan we will not hear anything, unless by chance one of the other hairloss sites send someone. Which is unlikely I believe this is the biggest one.\It would be great to get immediate news from the conference, but for everyone acting like those who don't donate are baby killers, we'll hear about any breakthroughs within the following weeks through normal outlets. It's not like we're funding some breakthrough studies or are realistically going to change anything; most companies refuse to clearly answer any of our questions anyway.
OK well this changes things, how much more do you need?Definitely happening. I've got my flight booked and already got the entrance fees paid up as well in advance.
lol it's 2017 and companies still f*** us in the *** and treat us like nothing, that's how some companies are in the USAIt's pretty time consuming. I've only had one 'vacation' in nearly 5 years, and I used that time off for the Miami congress. Japan again, is being used under the premise of a 'vacation' with my boss. They don't really know why I'm going. Vacation time in Canada is absolutely dreadful, most people get 10 days total out of the year, I get 15. Except I use my vacation days on things like going to the mechanic for my car, dental appointments, christmas time to see my family or other things to take care of personal stuff I cant do on weekends. Right now that I'm going to Japan, I gotta haul *** for the next two weeks and get a TON of work done in advance because i'm the only designer at my job and once im gone, nothing gets done. It honestly shouldn't be my problem... but Canada favours employers HEAVILY. Employees are disrespected greatly. You can get fired for any reason or no reason at all without any consequences for the employer.
i will donate $100 in a few days so add me in there.OK well this changes things, how much more do you need?
Edit: to those cheap asses my previous comment still stands on 10 people donating at least $50 and I will contribute $500 in response
Just don't be dumb and think communism is the answer haha. Our healthcare system is also pathetic as well, yet the world (especially in America) often uses us as a beacon of healthcare done right.lol it's 2017 and companies still f*** us in the *** and treat us like nothing, that's how some companies are in the USA
i will donate $100 in a few days so add me in there.
I think regardless he's going and doing everything but it wouldn't be fair for him for everything to come out of his pockets.Just don't be dumb and think communism is the answer haha. Our healthcare system is also pathetic as well, yet the world (especially in America) often uses us as a beacon of healthcare done right.
All right three down seven to go… Secretly waiting for Hellouser to report in on what more is needed
Oh yeah if he is going I'm going to contribute, of course. Just waiting for his responseI think regardless he's going and doing everything but it wouldn't be fair for him for everything to come out of his pockets.
@hellouserOh yeah if he is going I'm going to contribute, of course. Just waiting for his response
Oh yeah if he is going I'm going to contribute, of course. Just waiting for his response
So you don't need anything? You're in Mississauga, I'm in the GTA if you PM me your email I can email transfer you 200 dollars if that helps. Assuming you use online bankingI amgot my flight booked and entrance fee for the congress (eventhough goal hasn't been met yet on gofundme)
So you don't need anything? You're in Mississauga, I'm in the GTA if you PM me your email I can email transfer you 200 dollars if that helps. Assuming you use online banking
just put in 30 buddy! lets hope you get a lot more donations over the next two weeks! have a good time and thx for all the work! Cheers.
I think since he's going no matter what he's gonna spend it on the trip.So if we don't reach $5000, then all the money is returned to the donator and you're left with 0?