One of my friends (Jessica) is a very pretty woman that I dated right after I was divorced. She is 26, a truly wonderful woman, naturally beautiful, and funny. She has a Masters and is a Physical Therapist making really good money. She is single and has been trying to find a serious relationship with the right man for a couple of years. She tells me everything about her dates, etc. and I have even set her up on a few.
Well a couple of weeks ago, at a club, I introduced her to a good friend of mine. His name is Carson and he is a resident Doctor at a local hospital here in Daytona Beach. He is 31 or 32 and is in excellent physical shape. Everybody loves his personality and he can make a gathering that much better just with his great attitude and conversation. I love the guy. If I was a chick, this is the guy you would want to marry. BUT, Carson is BALD.
So, fast forward to a couple days ago and ask Jessica if she has been talking to Carson. She tells me that they have texted and talked and he had asked her out. He also is looking for a serious woman to settle down with. I was really excited because they are perfect for each other. So I asked her what she was going to do and she said, "I can't date him 'cause he's BALD"! I was like, "WHAT THE F-CK"!!! I was insulted and really upset with her.
If that wasn't bad enough, she tells me she met a guy on an online dating service and they are going on a date. She goes on to tell me that he is a "marine tech" (boat mechanic) and has sleeve tatoos covering his arms and he won't go to a restaurant or club with a dress code because, "he doesn't do dress codes". I haven't seen him, but I'll bet he has all his hair.
THAT IS REALITY, not always, but enough to justify what a lot of you have said.
Here is a pic of Jessica (she is the tallest one in purple dress) and another pic of Carson so you can see for yourserlf. Seriously, Carson does the bald look well and he's a f-ing DOCTOR!!! I'm only gonna leav the pics up for a day or so out of respect for Carson, but it really helps to make the point.