Olive oil.


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I started applying Olive oil to my hair the last few nights because it has become very dry and brittle from the use of Nizoral and coal tar products. It has a great moisturizing effect and my hair feels great for once. But , one thing I noticed that I never expected to happen to me was that my shedding has seemed to have completely stopped. Also my inflammation as gone down a lot.

I don't believe that olive oil is any type of treament for hair loss but I believe that my hair was deeply dehydrated. If your hair is dry and scalp is itchy you should give this a go.

Next I'm going to implement Jojoba and emu oil into a nightly regimen. Has anyone had success in keeping their scalp and hair healthy with these oils?


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Great , keep me updated.


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I've been using emu oil on my recipient area after my transplant. Great for dry skin....this stuff is very greasy, but packed full of vit e and lipids. Good to use after topicals to aid extra absorption.


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decro435 said:
I don't believe that olive oil is any type of treament for hair loss

It definitely is, I was using it back 15 years ago and it stopped my hair loss for as long as I used it and also leaves thicker hair. The only problem I have with it is that you need to apply a lot of it for a few hours. Unless you are lucky you don't have to work and go out, olive oil on your hair is simply... antisocial...


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While my hair loss has stopped I seriously don't believe that it has stopped my hair loss. I'm also on finasteride (.5-1mg) every 3 days. It does keep my hair nice and healthy though. Why don't you apply it at night?


I use emu oil and various other oils several times a week. No noticeable results after 2 weeks use, but it's very early.


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Anthing that prevents scalp inflamation and shedding is a good a sign of progress. I believe this inflamation is what accelerates hairloss so quickly. I notice more scalp irritation in balding areas than non balding areas in my scalp.


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I use emu oil every 2 weeks approx, or whenever my scalp has been exposed to the hot Australian sun for a period of time.

I usually wet my hair, and part it with a comb, so that I can apply it to the areas with less hair coverage (the more sun exposed areas). It doesn't take much to cover your head, and I leave it on for about an hour, and then thoroughly wash my hair using a gentle shampoo, otherwise my hair becomes over moisturized and very limp.

I find it works great to re-moisturize my hair and scalp.

I'm now looking into possibly adding Jojoba oil to my regime, and so I've started a new thread to hear all the other forum user's opinions.

So please weigh in if you have experience with Jojoba oil.


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emu oil also contains omega fatty acids. i really think its one of the better moisturizers.

but... whenever i use it, my scalp gets irritated.

not sure why this is. anyone else experience this?


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Don't know whats going on with my hair now. I've taking finasteride every 3-4 days (1mg). I'm still getting side effects. My hair feels great though and it isn't shedding. Inflammation has been reduced dramatically.

I'm not clear if it's the fact that I swapped T-gel with Nizoral or that I started applying olive oil to my head at nights. Though the fact that I'm still getting side-effects shows that my DHT levels are still low from finasteride?

Anyways , I'm enjoying the olive oil. I'm going to keep applying it every night.
It has vitamin E and vitamin K in it along with omega 3+6 fats. Combining this with Emu oil which is also rich in omega fats will be very good for the hair. Also , Jojoba oil seems like a great moisturizing agent for the hair. It is chemically very similar to the natural sebum produced in our skin.

One question I have though is , can I mix the 3 oils (Emu,olive and jojoba) together?
Would this reduce the effects of the independent oils or would it be wiser to use them separtely?


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decro435 said:
I started applying Olive oil to my hair the last few nights ...
Next I'm going to implement Jojoba and emu oil into a nightly regimen. Has anyone had success in keeping their scalp and hair healthy with these oils?

SE-Freak "used" to be an olive oil user - don't know if he still is.

He swore by the stuff though.

I personally use jojoba and the other oils from the Scottish Study - as well as emu. Yeah - great for hair and scalp health.


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Never really believed in this natural stuff , but my hair loss has decreased dramatically. Also , I hadn't heard anything of olive oil being good for hair and today I come across an article saying it can slow down hair loss. Going to keep it up anyways. Anyone who uses oils update here.


decro435 said:
Never really believed in this natural stuff , but my hair loss has decreased dramatically. Also , I hadn't heard anything of olive oil being good for hair and today I come across an article saying it can slow down hair loss. Going to keep it up anyways. Anyone who uses oils update here.

When I first discovered my hair loss, I knew about Olive Oil from the first day of research but never really believed in it much. I use oils as you know and my hair loss has decreased by 80% when my hair is dry.

Keep us updated


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Olive Oil has been used for varied medicinal purposes since biblical times. It must be good for something :) There's more than 1 website devoted to the stuff.


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yet no science behind any of it. Anyone know what emu oil consits of im going to do some research


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I reckon it's got to do with the omega 3+ 6 in the oils. These are meant to be good for the hair. Vitamin E+ K would also be great for keeping the scalp moisturized. It was reffered to as the Golden Nectar by the ancient greeks who used to for everything.

The world's longest living woman attributed her longevity to the fact that she drank and applied olive oil to her skin and hair all the time. Who knows what the amazing oil can do? All I know is that I will be using it all the time now! It's cheap and effective!


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decro435 said:
Vitamin E+ K would also be great for keeping the scalp moisturized.

Why is that?


decro435 said:
I reckon it's got to do with the omega 3+ 6 in the oils.

I really believe omega 3 is an important part in healthy hair. I read sites that say the Western diet has too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3 (not sure about omega 9). I would take cod liver oil daily but this has over the recommended daily intake of vitamin A in 1 tablespoon and too much vitamin A over a long period can cause hair loss.

Uncle Fester

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Olive oil is a natural antiinflammatory. The Guanitz Laser Clinics give their clients an olive oil and lemon juice scalp massage once a week as part of their protocol.