Omfg, I can never go swimming again!


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people atcually thought taug was a wacko who had got his problem out of all control,well he is not and any body who criticises him should take a long hard look at themselves,he is a guy like myself really going through it yet people like to make fun of his sitution,well let that stop now and treat the guy wiyh respect


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I have always been very nice to Taug. The people who critisize me are the same ones who bash Taug. Ironic.


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its way better to have diffuse on the back of your hair, then receding hair line at the front.

something like loreal thinning shampoo would make that go away.


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antonio666 said:
people atcually thought taug was a wacko who had got his problem out of all control,well he is not and any body who criticises him should take a long hard look at themselves,he is a guy like myself really going through it yet people like to make fun of his sitution,well let that stop now and treat the guy wiyh respect
I was one of those guys who thought he was a wacko, but to be fair, the previous pics he posted showed very little to no hair loss. In the pic he posted asking people if they think he's ugly, he looked like a nw1 with no hair loss at all. I was thinking, this is the guy who complains non stop about his hair?? I would've killed to have that hair.

Even though he proved that he actually does have hair loss, you have to admit that he obsesses way more than the average male pattern baldness sufferer.


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Taugenichts said:
Last night it happened: I had another mental breakdown.
After doing some short cardio workout by running through the forrest I took shower. After stepping out of the (losing dozens of hairs before) it looked like this:

I freaked out completely.
Jesus Christ, I am only 25 years old and my "hair" looks like that. As if I was 60 years old. I can´t believe it..... :cry: :cry:

Ok I wont sugar coat it you do have hairloss, some moderate thinning on top. But you're going to have to learn to accept this. Hopefully treatments will work for you but the chances of it ever being dense again are very slim.
This type of hairloss is the least obvious though only people looking down on you will see it.
You are blowing this out of all proportion, hair of a 60 yr old? Hardly, it not grey for a start. Most guys on here would trade hairloss with you though because your hairline is still intact and not receeded.
For now Toppic would help conceal this.


antonio666 said:

no mine doesnt look that bad when wet, sorry to tell you. you can see scalp when mine is wet but not that much.

and what does my hair have to do with taugenichts's? jeez it's like you guys call me out in every thread like it's relevant, except it's NOT.

am i the new david beckham? omg david beckham is going bald!


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Taug why don't you buy rogaine foam?! Answer me dam it! I haven't seen the pictures of your body but if you like to work out and go swimming I would suggest a swimming cap. It makes you look more of a professional swimmer in any case. But again, you need rogaine foam, perhaps a topical anti-androgen and some toppik - though maybe yoru hair looks ok when dry. Anyway although I get a bit annoyed with you saying you are going to kill yourself over hair when there are worse problems out there I genuinely hope you see an improvement. Intercytex get your f*****g act together!


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Dutasteride+nizoral WITHOUT missing applications for 1 year.

If it doesn't get noticibly better add foam, if that doesnt work then your only options are HM or suicide.


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A wig is another option while waiting for HM.


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Taugenichts said:
Last night it happened: I had another mental breakdown.

After doing some short cardio workout by running through the forrest I took shower. After stepping out of the (losing dozens of hairs before) it looked like this:

I freaked out completely.
Jesus Christ, I am only 25 years old and my "hair" looks like that. As if I was 60 years old. I can´t believe it..... :cry: :cry:

this would make me freak out too. But I would not commit suicide. You are tall enough no women can see it. Wear a swim cap in the pool, a baseball cap most of the time, but make sure people see you with just yoru topik, so they don't start suspecting anything.

Tau, you are one of the only people on here your age who can afford HM when it comes out. That is not something to get suicidal about. And you got a big dick. Just keep exercising, going to school, and try to have some fun, even if it is not sex. Just work on your fear of being around people, for now.


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what is the point of having money,when taug is clearly unhappy with himself,he would be happy being a tramp,with no money and being happy of who he is,he is a tormented young man like myself.

The truly rich man is the 1 with inner peace,life means nothing without it.

taug says that he is ugly(i think he is wrong)but his opinion is the 1 that matters,so even if some miracle his hair completley recovered he would still be unhappy,i am diffrent in the fact,i have always thought of my self as very handsome but the hair loss has ruined that and now cannot wait to meet my maker,JESUS freaks might comdemm me but until you have walked a mile in their shoes never judge anyone


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Get some f*****g help I say. Antonio, have you made an effort to get help for yourself?


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antonio666 said:
what is the point of having money,when taug is clearly unhappy with himself,he would be happy being a tramp,with no money and being happy of who he is,he is a tormented young man like myself.

The truly rich man is the 1 with inner peace,life means nothing without it.

taug says that he is ugly(i think he is wrong)but his opinion is the 1 that matters,so even if some miracle his hair completley recovered he would still be unhappy,i am diffrent in the fact,i have always thought of my self as very handsome but the hair loss has ruined that and now cannot wait to meet my maker,JESUS freaks might comdemm me but until you have walked a mile in their shoes never judge anyone

He is an average looking guy, in decent shape, getting in better shape, and lucky to have a big dick. He also has savings he can use for HM later. I assume his back is straighter than mine too.

Tau, do not do a chin surgery. While I'm sure your face could use some kind off improvement, I can't see what it would be, and the chin would not make much of a difference. You don't look bad. You'd be amazed how much a built, cut body can compensate for an average looking face. Just save your money for HM, keep swiming with a cap, lift, and try to sociallize a bit with other guys. Stop stressing. Keep your grades up. HM will be here in a few years.

hair today gone tomorrow

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taug....were those pics taken under a bright light?

why dont you post some pics of your hair dry in the same room under that same curious as to what your hair looks like dry.


i really don't see why people care so much what their hair looks like when it's wet. so what if it looks like that after you go swimming? it's much more important what it looks like when it's dry, because that's what it is 99% of the time(in my life anyway). so just towel it off really fast as soon as you get out of the pool. no big deal.


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water + flash of course it's gonna look worse than what it really is.


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He is an average looking guy, in decent shape, getting in better shape, and lucky to have a big dick. He also has savings he can use for HM later. I assume his back is straighter than mine too.

Tau, do not do a chin surgery. While I'm sure your face could use some kind off improvement, I can't see what it would be, and the chin would not make much of a difference. You don't look bad. You'd be amazed how much a built, cut body can compensate for an average looking face. Just save your money for HM, keep swiming with a cap, lift, and try to sociallize a bit with other guys. Stop stressing. Keep your grades up. HM will be here in a few years.

I think he is abit above average looking. If your really that paranoid about your hair why dont you try buzzing it off?

Dont cling onto the hope of HM, it isnt worth it, you dont know how long it will take, Im sure it will come onto the market sometime but I dont think we can put a date on it as there will be problems(will the hair be rejected or degenerate fast just like the hair that was lost in the same place years before)

Taug-keep working out mate, keeping working hard at college/school(whatever you want to call it)

Have you joined any sport clubs yet?


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the body does not reject its own tissue. the cells came from the sides of the head, so they should be good.

every cell in your body has the same DNA. The only difference is which genes are activated at a given time. DNA makes proteins which make hormones which carry out the message of the DNA. Right now we are just altering these hormones so they give a better message.