hair today gone tomorrow said:
IBM said:
Taugenichts said:
IBM said:
As i said before. Being Norwood 2, 2.121232 or 3 is irrelevant.
There is a huge difference between a Norwood 2 and Norwood 3. A NW2 can still hide his hairloss, but a Norwood 3 has to be really careful when it is windy.......
Read the whole paragraph. I said in context of this forum.
just shut up already claimed at first he was nw3 and your were obviously wrong....dont be mad that he has a better head of hair than YOU.
If you want attack someone and low the conversation just do it in real life. Maybe you dont have the guts to do it. It's not the first time you enter in discussion with an user and attack him with bad words.
Certainly Taug have better hair then me. Even Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, every Taug avatar have better hair than me. I already said i consider myself and NW3.5 or maybe 4.
What's the point with your sentence. You talk like hair is the most important thing in the world...
If you cant cope with others opinions and differences just dont attack. Be the forum king and ban whatever you want. Maybe you should conquer your computer first.
Well i'll say no more... I'll not make this forum to attack or provoke users like some people.