OOOO The Illuminati killed Michael Jackson?


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Bryan said:
Petchsky said:
No doubt in my mind that the Kennedy assassination, and 9/11 were conspiracies that actually happened, the official stories are more insane than the conspiracy!

You're saying 9/11 was a "conspiracy"? In what way?

It was a conspiracy to deceive the people in to supporting the Iraq war and create a new enemy in the public's minds, Muslim fanatics. There's so many holes in the official story I wouldn't know where to begin.

If you're interested in knowing for sure that it is just a 'crazy' idea and that it could not be possible, then read the reams of research out there on the topic. Look up the official story, look up 9/11 Truth. You've no real way of knowing without investigating it first yourself, even if you think it's mad.

And I really doubt George Bush knew much about it, or didn't know until late. I don't find any of this too hard to believe. The CIA has been caught running drugs, over throwing democratically elected governments, carrying out and/or financing assassinations etc... I don't think the whole of the American government is corrupt, but there is much that is kept from the public.

Here's another video that's well worth the watch, it's called Bill Moyer's Secret Government filmed in 1987! This used to be shown in schools I believe...Everyone should watch this as it's more relevant now. ... %27s&dur=3


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ali777 said:
11/9 is the correct form... Eg, 4th of July, any other form of date notation makes you dyslexic.

So when somebody asks you when you were born, do you reply (for example) "I was born on 12 August, 1970"? :shock:


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Petchsky said:
It was a conspiracy to deceive the people in to supporting the Iraq war and create a new enemy in the public's minds, Muslim fanatics. There's so many holes in the official story I wouldn't know where to begin.

Come on, Petchsky! It's totally screwball to believe that.

Petchsky said:
If you're interested in knowing for sure that it is just a 'crazy' idea and that it could not be possible, then read the reams of research out there on the topic. Look up the official story, look up 9/11 Truth. You've no real way of knowing without investigating it first yourself, even if you think it's mad.

The lunatic 9/11 conspiracies theories have been dismantled piece-by-piece by various informative sources. For example, read that article that appeared in Popular Mechanics (?) Magazine, which painstakingly looked at every detail of the claims made by nutballs about how the Towers came down, and explained every detail.

Petchsky said:
And I really doubt George Bush knew much about it, or didn't know until late. I don't find any of this too hard to believe. The CIA has been caught running drugs, over throwing democratically elected governments, carrying out and/or financing assassinations etc... I don't think the whole of the American government is corrupt, but there is much that is kept from the public.



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Bryan said:
ali777 said:
11/9 is the correct form... Eg, 4th of July, any other form of date notation makes you dyslexic.

So when somebody asks you when you were born, do you reply (for example) "I was born on 12 August, 1970"? :shock:

This might come as a surprise to you, but the answer is YES!!!! To be more specific, I would say 12th of August, 1970. I would never say August the 12th 1970. I ALWAYS fallow DD-MM-YYYY format, as does most of the world.

I understand that we are writing in a predominantly "American" forum and for the sake of clarity most of us follow your rules. However, your rules are an exception and not the standard way of doing things. USA is the only major country to use m-d-y format.

PS: according to wikipedia, "British English" adopted d-m-y format more than 100 years ago. Does that mean "American English" is about 100 years behind with catching up to the rest of the world?

PS2: the expression "9/11" just doesn't make sense in other languages (I'm tri-lingual). If you don't believe me go to wikipedia and see how it's translated into other languages, you'll 11 September as a more common format.


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ali777 said:
This might come as a surprise to you, but the answer is YES!!!! To be more specific, I would say 12th of August, 1970. I would never say August the 12th 1970. I ALWAYS fallow DD-MM-YYYY format, as does most of the world.

I understand that we are writing in a predominantly "American" forum and for the sake of clarity most of us follow your rules. However, your rules are an exception and not the standard way of doing things. USA is the only major country to use m-d-y format.

That only surprises me a little, and only the part about how they say it that way (d-m-y) in England and other English-speaking countries. I've posted a great deal about the differences in the way English is spoken in our countries, and this is just one of those differences.

ali777 said:
PS: according to wikipedia, "British English" adopted d-m-y format more than 100 years ago. Does that mean "American English" is about 100 years behind with catching up to the rest of the world?

I doubt that we'll EVER "catch up" to the rest of the world. It's so natural for us to say "August 12, 1970", I'm telling you quite honestly that this is the FIRST time I've ever heard that it's any different in England and the rest of the world.

ali777 said:
PS2: the expression "9/11" just doesn't make sense in other languages (I'm tri-lingual).

What's your mother tongue?


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Back to the original post.

The scary thing for me is that people actually believe this BS.

So Michael makes a statement in 2001 about a conspiracy and it has taken them 8 years to kill him???

There probably is a conspiracy in the music business, that's how really bad artists manage to sell so many albums and really good artists fail to make the top 40. It is manufactured but I doubt it is manufactured by the so called ''Illuminati'

Isn't it amazing how so many rappers know about this stuff? I am surprised the video author didnt say Pac and Biggie were killed by the 'Illuminati'

Some of the examples in the first video were all the same song by different artists.

I have never seen so much bullshit in all my life. It is people who make this kind of crazy video that should be investigated. They are not wired!


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Bryan said:
So when somebody asks you when you were born, do you reply (for example) "I was born on 12 August, 1970"? :shock:



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Here's another one brought to you by the David Icke believers


Story behind this apparently is that a Mexican caught it in a animal trap in 2007 and scientists have been doing tests on it and can't work out what it is since nothing on earth is like it. Yeah it's totally a baby alien...Looks more like a still born monkey that's been mummified or it's rubber, if it is that desiccated how is it moved into all those poses without breaking. But apparently it has reptilian and human features and a large cavity for learning and memory..Those damn reptilians!


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Bryan said:
ali777 said:
This might come as a surprise to you, but the answer is YES!!!! To be more specific, I would say 12th of August, 1970. I would never say August the 12th 1970. I ALWAYS fallow DD-MM-YYYY format, as does most of the world.

I understand that we are writing in a predominantly "American" forum and for the sake of clarity most of us follow your rules. However, your rules are an exception and not the standard way of doing things. USA is the only major country to use m-d-y format.

That only surprises me a little, and only the part about how they say it that way (d-m-y) in England and other English-speaking countries. I've posted a great deal about the differences in the way English is spoken in our countries, and this is just one of those differences.

I'll give you another example...

I bet you also didn't know that no one in Europe apart from the UK and Ireland uses the dot (.) as a decimal separator. We use comma (,) to denote decimal separation.

Due to the widespread use of electronic devices and programming languages, dot is sort of becoming de-facto standard in the IT world. I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm more likely to use dot than comma :sobbing: . It just goes to show you how much the American culture influences the rest of the world. However, with the calendar notation and other units of measurement, I think eventually you'll adopt the SI units or other internationally accepted units.

My grandfather knew how many "barrels" of wheat he'd get from his field, so speaking in other units of measurement was his culture and was easier for him. But we moved on and now we talk in SI units. As I said before, even the Brits now are more likely to use SI units than the Imperial units, so why resist the internationally accepted "standards".


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Still off topic :whistle:

What about a comma separating the 'thousands' in large numbers. In the UK, especially for science, this went out many years ago yet is still commonly used. For example, 175,000 would be 175 000. A space instead of a comma. I was told perhaps 30 or more years ago it was because of the confusion with some European countries using a comma for a decimal point e.g. in France.


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ali777 said:
I'll give you another example...

I bet you also didn't know that no one in Europe apart from the UK and Ireland uses the dot (.) as a decimal separator. We use comma (,) to denote decimal separation.

Sure, I learned about that in high school more than 40 years ago. By no means is it unusual for Europeans to post on these hairloss sites something like "I've been taking 2,5 mg of dutasteride every day."

The one thing I've always wondered about, even going back 40+ years, is HOW and WHY that difference in usage ever developed in the first place. Do you have any idea about that?

ali777 said:
Due to the widespread use of electronic devices and programming languages, dot is sort of becoming de-facto standard in the IT world. I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm more likely to use dot than comma :sobbing: . It just goes to show you how much the American culture influences the rest of the world. However, with the calendar notation and other units of measurement, I think eventually you'll adopt the SI units or other internationally accepted units.

I really doubt that. Until yesterday, I didn't even have any idea at all that Europeans (including the UK) use that convention. I don't see any particular reason to use it.

BTW, you didn't answer the question I asked you before: what's your mother tongue?


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Bryan said:
BTW, you didn't answer the question I asked you before: what's your mother tongue?

I'm not answering that question... I think i've given enough hints about my real identity on this forum... I prefer to remain anonymous.

As a kid I lived in two countries and I speak both languages. I also learnt Russian which was practically compulsory for everyone in Eastern Europe, but I haven't used it much since 9/11 (the fall of Berlin Wall :whistle:). I don't really speak Russian so I don't count it.

Bryan said:
I really doubt that. Until yesterday, I didn't even have any idea at all that Europeans (including the UK) use that convention. I don't see any particular reason to use it.

I wasn't referring to the calendar notation only, I meant the SI units in general. Talking in miles, inches, lb, etc isn't practical. You might be used to it, but that doesn't mean it's practical. As I've already said, my grandfather had a vessel that would hold a unit of grain (I don't even remember what that unit was called) and that's how he measured his crops. You know very well that's not practical.

I just find it strange that a country that is in effect the largest exporter of scientific standards doesn't actually follow any standards.


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ali777 said:
Bryan said:
BTW, you didn't answer the question I asked you before: what's your mother tongue?

I'm not answering that question... I think i've given enough hints about my real identity on this forum... I prefer to remain anonymous.

You think merely by telling us that you're Polish (or whatever), you won't be "anonymous" any longer? Huh??


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You think merely by telling us that you're Polish (or whatever), you won't be "anonymous" any longer? Huh??

Easy bryan, it's clear he's part of the illuminati and trying to exert his control over the hairloss crowd. Don't push it or you'll end up dying rich, with bleached skin and a drug overdose.


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I just find it so odd that some people are secretive to the point of being paranoid. Personally, I use my real name, and post the actual city where I live.

Ian Curtis

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ali777 said:
I wasn't referring to the calendar notation only, I meant the SI units in general. Talking in miles, inches, lb, etc isn't practical. You might be used to it, but that doesn't mean it's practical.

True, those measures are unbelievably idiotic.


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Bryan said:
I just find it so odd that some people are secretive to the point of being paranoid. Personally, I use my real name, and post the actual city where I live.
Yeah true, like someone could track you down. Unless your wanted by the law or a famous figure i'm sure location can't hurt your anonymity.

Also with those videos when jackson or others were quoted using words like "they", that is meaning the general public or record industry. Also that supposed ghost filmed in jackson's home was already debunked as a camera man in that room walking past a light and his shadow traveled across the wall.


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Someone call the men in white coats to come give Monty a sedative. He's getting agitated.


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monty1978 said:
Spiel over. Now flame me, I don't care. :whistle:
Yer a bloody wanker and if i ever see you on the street I'm gonna buy you a ice cream.

Well if 9/11 was a conspiracy, they planned it flawlessly enough to not be detected. So they win.

And monty you know to much about jefferson for a brit. Stop making my dumb uneducated american *** look bad.


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I just find it so odd that some people are secretive to the point of being paranoid. Personally, I use my real name, and post the actual city where I live.

Because Bryan.......................................they really feel that their life has some relevance in this universe.......................................................:uglylol:

Where as you have no such delusions........................................ :whistle: