I did, along with some HIIT and weight lifting, and I've lost ~60 lbs in 16 months without being perfect in habits. Nearly all of my blood parameters such as cholesterol, estrogen, SHBG, c-reactive protein, fasting glucose, etc, have improved.
I will not be trying the diets from mealplansite.com that you advocate as they unhealthy for both the body and the brain.
Which is why you are unworthy of discussion.
You are set in your poorly-researched incorrect views. You're basing your opinion off people with great genetics, people who do steroids, people who work out four hours a day, and then saying they look good without their shirt off and therefore everything they say is true. You're also ignoring the multitude of athletes who do intermittent fasting or eat low-carb diets.
The people at mealplansite.com aren't experts lol. They're just peddling outdated bro-science that they don't understand. To reiterate, here is their dumb diet plan for all to see, perhaps someone else can explain to you why this poor advice:
Wake 7.30 am
1 scoop
whey protein in water
8.00am Breakfast
Large bowl porridge made with 250ml skimmed milk + 2 tsp sugar
2 slices
granary bread toasted + olive oil-based spread
weight gain drink or MRP
200ml orange juice + 1 tbsp
flaxseed oil
2 tuna sandwiches (4 slices granary bread)
Large banana
Large chicken breast
200ml fresh vegetable soup
4 slices granary bread + olive oil spread
Low fat yoghurt
Tub cottage cheese
45 mins pre-workout
Glass skimmed milk
Large handful mixed nuts
Immediately post workout
2 scoops whey protein + 50g
dextrose in water
Lean steak
or 2 pork chops
2 medium jacket potatoes
or 100g boiled
basmati rice
Large serving of vegetables
Low fat yoghurt
Large bowl wholewheat breakfast cereal + 250ml skimmed milk + 2 tsp sugar
1 scoop whey protein in 150ml skimmed milk
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