Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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Thanks mate,i may consider dermarolling at some point,i know a friend who is starting to see good results from it!

I'm taking 1mg of finasteride ,rogaine foam mornings and the liquid evenings(1-2 hours before bed)

I ditched nizoral as i felt it did nothing but dry my hair out .

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1)1mg the moment i wake up (8am)
2)I use 2ml all over on a damp scalp ,foam mornings(8:30am and liquid 2 hours before bed
3)Used nizoral for the first 2 years then ditched it .Didn't do much for me

Anybody knows:

- How much finasteride he uses? And what time of the day he takes it?
- How much minoxidil he uses? And which brand? Which time of the day?
- Wether he still uses ketonocazole shampoo? Still Nizoral brand? How often and which strength? 1% or 2%?

Thanks A LOT! And of course, sublime results.


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Great, thanks! Have you always used minoxidil twice? Seems like an idea, foam in the morning, liquid at night… :) Isn't it hard to take finasteride always at 8 am? What about when you go out? At night seems easier, I guess.

Any particular shampoo you use? I quitted keto too, the drying effect on my hair (from 1%) was already insane. Don't know shampoo to choose now, anything that would help in the hair loss battle would be great tbh.


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hey ,yes always twice:)I set my alarm for 8am so i never take it later.

I dont have a particular shampoo i use,just regular

Great, thanks! Have you always used minoxidil twice? Seems like an idea, foam in the morning, liquid at night… :) Isn't it hard to take finasteride always at 8 am? What about when you go out? At night seems easier, I guess.

Any particular shampoo you use? I quitted keto too, the drying effect on my hair (from 1%) was already insane. Don't know shampoo to choose now, anything that would help in the hair loss battle would be great tbh.


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Who done your transplant hairline work? Looks great.


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Did you never have a feeling your hair was worse when working out? So afraid to throw myself fully in working out, just scared for the extra hair loss... :s


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I always wondered why my hair looked thicker during the Christmas period ,the time when i would relax my training for 3-4 weeks.I believe working out does have some effect on my hair.I would still start training though, just go lighter with the weights ,more of a circuit style training programme.I believe (touch wood)thats why i've managed to stay injury free for all these years.Hell i haven't squatted over 200lbs for years now,i'm not looking to be huge freaky bodybuilder, just aesthetic, slim and healthy:)

Did you never have a feeling your hair was worse when working out? So afraid to throw myself fully in working out, just scared for the extra hair loss... :s

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Taking finasteride actually had a positive effect on my training ,i got scared it would effect my gains so i trained much harder the moment i popped my first pill

Did you never have a feeling your hair was worse when working out? So afraid to throw myself fully in working out, just scared for the extra hair loss... :s


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Interesting! So you're suggesting: lighter weights, more reps? Makes sense! Here they say that lifting heavier weights spikes T more.

Yet here, the opposite is stated. :sad:


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i just started using finasteride for a week
i didn't get morning erection, my libido decreased
is this normal ?
or i have to stop using this and change with saw palmetto ?

really need some advice


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My friend was a norwood 3 and started avodart. It thickened up his hair nice and can now pull off a norwood 2 with a good cut and styling .He did experience low sex drive ,but it returned to normal after a few weeks:)

addajc what do you think about dutasteride? would you use avodart?

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Try a lower dosage (0.5) and ease into it ...

i just started using finasteride for a week
i didn't get morning erection, my libido decreased
is this normal ?
or i have to stop using this and change with saw palmetto ?

really need some advice


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addajc, with the experience you have now, what would you recommend for someone looking to fight early-ish stages of hairloss, mainly at the temples?


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I always believe the earlier you start the better.Keeping hair is much easier than trying to gain back what you've lost.

So i would hop on finasteride and start applying minoxidil on those temples .

addajc, with the experience you have now, what would you recommend for someone looking to fight early-ish stages of hairloss, mainly at the temples?


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Looking back, would you recommend starting finasteride on a lower dose, say 0.5mg? I'm getting 5mg generic so it may be tricky to split it.


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Sorry for going on about the fitness, but what do you recommend? Higher reps and less weight? I really want to fight hair loss as efficiently as possible while being able to keep working out.


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Its fine ask away!!!

Depends on your goals, for higher reps and less weight will help develop lean muscle ,this is the kind of physique i like best.If you want to add size then you will have to go heavier (6-8 reps) and eat a TON of food.Keep it fairly clean ,but throw in a few cheat meals per week.

I wouldn't worry too much about the weight lifting effecting your hair(especially if you're on finasteride).

This is one of the many reasons why i will never touch drugs ,its far too risky for my hair .I would rather have a full head of hair with a nice ripped smaller body than a 220+ pound freaky physique but with no hair.

Sorry for going on about the fitness, but what do you recommend? Higher reps and less weight? I really want to fight hair loss as efficiently as possible while being able to keep working out.


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Its fine ask away!!!

Depends on your goals, for higher reps and less weight will help develop lean muscle ,this is the kind of physique i like best.If you want to add size then you will have to go heavier (6-8 reps) and eat a TON of food.Keep it fairly clean ,but throw in a few cheat meals per week.

I wouldn't worry too much about the weight lifting effecting your hair(especially if you're on finasteride).

This is one of the many reasons why i will never touch drugs ,its far too risky for my hair .I would rather have a full head of hair with a nice ripped smaller body than a 220+ pound freaky physique but with no hair.

Wow, this advice could not be anymore wrong and would be considered "bro science". You cannot build "lean" muscle, you only build muscle. Leanness is just a representative of body fat.


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Peapoddy's you made hair transplant or not?


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Adam, I'm curious if your girlfriend has ever mentioned anything about your hair loss? You said your sister told you just to let it go, but what did your girlfriend say? I am betting she doesn't care. She is super hot and if she doesn't care about hair loss then I think the people here should hear it for their own benefit. Alot of people think hair loss is the end of your sex life.
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