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Not only do you not know what you're talking about, but your grammatical skills make you look like a fifth grader.

It's very difficult for people to listen to you when you type with your feet.

1.Yes, you can regrow hair.
2.Yes, you can prevent hair loss.
3.There are no current long term effects associated with hair loss medications.
4.5AR inhibitors do not increase your prostate cancer risk.
5.Hair loss sufferers that care about their personal appearance are not pathetic.
6.Yes, you need counseling.



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There are no current long term effects associated with hair loss medications.

I would say there are especially with minoxidil, that stuff is nasty, look at pictures of people who have used it then stopped, their hair goes crisp and dry and falls out. WTF????????????? That stuff has got to cause some serious long term damage


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Itsonlyinmyhead said:
There are no current long term effects associated with hair loss medications.

I would say there are especially with minoxidil, that stuff is nasty, look at pictures of people who have used it then stopped, their hair goes crisp and dry and falls out. WTF????????????? That stuff has got to cause some serious long term damage

That didn't happen to me. No, there's currently no scientifically proven and ubiquitous long term effects associated with current hair loss medications.


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just ignore this loser guys, he wants this to be a big debate thread so let's not let him have that. it's plain to see he's stupid so it's not like we're going to win an argument here.


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Re: oh dear

slimpiggy said:
id rather be stupid and uneducated than getting a mental illness like some of these guys on here.
and your wrong.
these drugs seriously harm you.
you cannot grow hair.
if you could you wouldnt be taking pills for 5 years would you.
and yes im clever enough to know if i ever lost my hair.i wouldnt destroy my life trying to get it day you will look in the mirror after 30 years and ask where your life went.
tell your kids wat ure life was spent doing.
trying to grow hair.

Hair loss does not concern me, nor does it consume me. Many of the people on here have body dysmorphic disorder or suffer from anxiety and depression. However, that doesn't mean that they are necessarily mentally incapable of trying to take care of their personal appearance. The difference between a mentally unhealthy man with hair loss and a mentally healthy man is the ability to decide that hair loss will not consume them, but they will still treat it. There are a lot of people here that have reached that point.

If you are ignorant enough to think that hair loss treatments don't work (which my guess is they haven't worked for you and that's why you've decided to come across as a spiteful a**h**), then you obviously haven't spent any time in the success stories section of this forum.

Hair loss is progressive and pro-fibrotic. For many, before they can regrow hair they must reverse the fibrosis and then the hair can begin to grow again. That may take years (something that even actors don't have the luxury of, by the way). So, don't come on here with your crappy opinion and less than intelligent observations and tell other people what does and what doesn't work.


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Doctor how do we reverse fibrosis?

Is it something expensive that even famous people don´t have money too?

And who and how it was figured out?


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FabioM said:
Doctor how do we reverse fibrosis?

Is it something expensive that even famous people don´t have money too?

And who and how it was figured out?

Perifollicular fibrosis is a major component of hair loss and it's inevitable without proper treatment. There are currently no medications that can adequately reverse fibrosis as treatment requires inhibition of TGF-beta. TGF-beta is a very dangerous molecule when it comes to designing drugs for future treatment.


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Re: excuse me?

slimpiggy said:
Doctor sound educated.
im 35 i dont have hairloss ok.
if i did i wouldnt care.
you just dont like an opinion of the other side.
your scared.your scared of me.of what your hearing.
i can assure you ive known someone who used finasteride for 3 years and hes now in a mental institution,with grade a prostate cancer.
i know someone who spent 50 quid a month on minoxidill only to have it wither away,losing more hair than he started with.
so get your fact right ok.
you may be educated,but not about hairloss.
if you were you wouldnt be here.
why are you all here if the money you waste on treatment every year is working??????



anyone want a bong rip? it makes this alot funnier!


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Re: Doctor

so your a guy that doesn't suffer from male pattern baldness, and are on a hair loss help forum telling hair loss sufferers that what they are doing is stupid and insulting their decisions.

i can't wait 'til you get banned.


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Re: Doctor

slimpiggy said:
Doctor sound educated.
im 35 i dont have hairloss ok.
if i did i wouldnt care.
you just dont like an opinion of the other side.
your scared.your scared of me.of what your hearing.
i can assure you ive known someone who used finasteride for 3 years and hes now in a mental institution,with grade a prostate cancer.
i know someone who spent 50 quid a month on minoxidill only to have it wither away,losing more hair than he started with.
so get your fact right ok.
you may be educated,but not about hairloss.
if you were you wouldnt be here.
why are you all here if the money you waste on treatment every year is working??????

I don't spend any money on hair loss treatments, because I don't have the money to do so. So, I stick around and add my opinion to threads that seem interesting to me.

If you don't have hair loss, then why are you here? Seems to me that you're simply here to start a conflict by trolling. Trolls are typically banned.

Also, I doubt the above story. You have no proof that finasteride caused the mental problems and cancer that you mentioned. There is a difference between an association and significance. Unfortunately, you have neither working for you.

Finasteride does not cause cancer. It merely improves the likelyhood that you'll develop a hormone insensitive cancer, because that's the only cancer that you will likely develop while on the drug. Hormone insensitive prostate cancers are typically high grade and difficult to treat. That's not propecia's fault. That's the result of a person picking the wrong parents.


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Re: omg

slimpiggy said:
well there you go guys.
read what Doctor sais.
he sais theres no medical treatment for the major component of hairloss fibrosis.
oh dear.
so why are you all taking finasteride,minoxidill,creams on your forehead,and money?it dosent just said isnt dht.its fibrosis.
jesus Doctor you dont no whos side your on do you.

Actually, that's not what I said at all. The fibrosis associated with hair loss is likely reversible when you remove the main cause, DHT. DHT increases TGF-beta production, so its removal will decrease TGF-beta and cause a gradual regression of the fibrosis.

So, finasteride and dutasteride are very good drugs, because they promote the reversal and allow hair regrowth.

You are in way over your head, buddy.


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Re: dietcola

slimpiggy said:
hold on mate
if your treatment worked why are you here and why is you post full of your moaning about your hair getting thinner??
you say.....
December 13th i started Proscar, taking 1/4 of a tablet per day

January 1st, nothing has changed. Shedding, same. No side effects.

i have always had thick hair, and it still grows in thick enough that i can wear it forwards and not look too bald...but it gets noticibly thinner by the month. depressing Sad

i read in a few threads on here that i should wait to start minoxidil in case the finasteride alone is enough for me, any thoughts on that? should i just go for it and jump on the minoxidil bandwagon right away?

i'll update here with pics once a month

lol go look at my results on page 12 smartass


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Re: dietcola

slimpiggy said:
dietcola let everyone look at your post ok.
your saying thaT treatments work.
why are you complaining that your still losing hair.even though youve had loads of treatments?
answer everyone.

i'm not losing hair anymore, i was losing hair very rapidly and now i don't lose any more than the average person


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FabioM said:
Dangerous why? Because that molecule is cancerous?

No, depending on the type of cancer, it can either promote metastasis and growth or prevent it.


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Re: im lost

slimpiggy said:
diet cola
im lost your hair is shorter thats all.
it looks better cos its shorter.
youve still receded the same.
your delusional.and thats my point.
your like anorexics in mirrors.

Are you serious? How can you expect us to listen to you, when your objective reasoning skills are completely lacking?

His hair looks great and it has improved a lot.


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Re: im lost

slimpiggy said:
diet cola
im lost your hair is shorter thats all.
it looks better cos its shorter.
youve still receded the same.
your delusional.and thats my point.
your like anorexics in mirrors.

you win, i'm going to throw out my rogaine right now


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Re: here Doctor

slimpiggy said:
if you want facts Doctor here.
go and ring them yourself ok.and put a stop to ure wingeing.
dr baker
treliske hospital

ask what dean turner has and what caused it.
go on.just say your richard phelps as me ok.
wipe the smile off your face once and for all

So, you want me to dial international to prove a point that is actually your responsibility. If you believe what you keep typing, then simply ask your friend for permission to post his history and physical along with any relevant imaging studies and consults.

You started this game, so you get to play, too.


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you are a f*****g a**h**,coming on this forum which is for people who wish to regrow hair or maintain what they have ,who the f*** are you to tell anyone they should not try to save their hair.

I don't say this lightly because hairloss is evil,but you say you don't have hairloss,well i hope it begins tonight and i bet you any money you will be on all the hairloss drugs you can get your hands on.

You say that if you got hairloss it would not bother you ,that is easy said when deep down you never think your going to be confronted with the problem.
I have had disagrements with a lot of people on this site but i would walk a thousand miles ,if it meant that just one of the guys on this forum regrew their hair to their satisfaction,thats how hard hairloss hits .

You anger me because you have never dealt with this yet voice an opinion
slimpiggy you are a a**h**