michael barry

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slippypiggy wrote:

"hey barry
sorry to dissapoint u but i got full head of hair.
couldnt care if i didnt have either.
but i have.
sucks dosent it"

Nah, you dont.

YOU ARE DIAMOND DAVE or Custinger is God, back to try and destroy this forum with defeatest spam pretty much like you were with your no-shampoo nonsense in all likelihood.

I hope they ban you, and they probably will.


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slimpiggy said:
no Doctor
you are telling me u can grow hair.u cant
dont give me that crap that vellous hairs always grow into real hair cos thats bullshit.
if youve gota bald scalp ure fuked ok.stop deluding yourself.
dht wins in the end @55** always does.
you cant stop it.people like merk aint silly.they no ul spend 10 000 dollars or so in lifetime on this crap.yet they also no ure hair in 2 years time will still b overcome by dht.u cant win.ure the stupid jerk you no wat dht does in a man?it puts muscle on makes u sexually perform helps you mentally.dont give me bullshit about it not causing depression or sex trouble or weight gain of fat and lard.cos it does.
id rather b a man than a cross between a woman with fat and b**** tits.
you aint got a clue Doctor.half of these so called men on here have been reduced to pathetic women on here.but wat u aint tellin them Doctor is further down the line theyll end up with no hair still,no money,and overweight with cancer risk.
go on Doctor u tell leave it to u.
im off

So, you expect us to ignore a few decades worth of hair loss research that clearly demonstrates that the transition from vellous to terminal hair is required for regrowth? Interesting.

I'm pretty much laughing at your lack of intelligence when it comes to DHT inhibition. Men can take DHT inhibitors for decades without any complication and at far higher doses than what we take for hair loss. Case and point is the use of finasteride for BPH which has a dose of 5 mg (1 -1.25 mg is typically recommended for hair loss). Also, one can not help, but mention the use of dutasteride for the same thing, as well.

So, men are on the same drugs for BPH and at higher doses with few to no side effects.

Wow, don't you look dumb.


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slimpiggy said:
no ones talking to you anymore
youve become stale and old
go back to rubbing that greasy $#iT on ure forehead.
nice life u got.
the fact that u reckon everyone on here is wasting there time cos it aint dht and its something else that causes hairloss is interesting.your a fukin as i say eh not wat i do.
people will see u for who u are
a guy who dosent pay enuf attention to wat there saying.
u really are an idiot man.
laughs.u really are.

I already told you. I don't use hair loss medications, because I can't afford them. Pay more attention.

You have an incredibly unstable personality whether you're faking it or not. You really should see a psychiatrist.


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slimpiggy said:
the fact that u reckon everyone on here is wasting there time cos it aint dht and its something else that causes hairloss is interesting.your a fukin as i say eh not wat i do.

This right here is why I know you're not reading anything that I'm saying. DHT IS REQUIRED for the fibrosis to occur. Fibrosis is the end step. DHT's action is what eventually leads to the fibrosis. So, by blocking DHT's action, you prevent the fibrosis. This is the last time I'm going to say this to you, because you either have a mental disorder or you're simply mentally deficient and incapable of grasping this simple idea that we're discussing.

Doing as I do requires that people don't treat themselves at all. That would be a poor decision for not only their hair, but their overall health. As I said before, treating hair loss treats the possibility of heart disease and cancer in men with the defective androgen receptor. Men on drugs like finasteride and dutasteride are doing themselves a physiological favor and are actually using it as a disease preventative.

Your idiocy continues to astound me and I'm becoming bored with your ignorance.

Sleep tight. I'm sure that we'll see you back here tomorrow or later, because you're just stupid enough to not stay away.


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I couldn't even read through all this bullshit that took place in such a relatively short period of time. The initial poster reminds me of the anti shampoo *** that just posted to be an a**h**. This appears to be the same thing. You guys are being scammed by a fuckstick.


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wooh! what a thread. Well, here is the deal. whoever think that taking hairloss medication is useless, stupid, or wadsoever. Please get the hell out of here. We are here because we like it and we want it. none of your freakin business. if you got too much time to waste, can i suggest you to just call the police and have a chat with them. I'm sure they will entertain you....


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Re: Doctor

docj077 said:
I hope that you're aware that men with male pattern baldness have a defective androgen receptor and it's actually unhealthy for them to not modulate their hormones through drugs and diet. Not doing so leaves them open to cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.

So, what you're basically doing is telling men with male pattern baldness to not only cease with hair loss treatments, but you're also telling them to not take of their bodies.

No offense, but I have problems with this. You're calling their androgen receptors "defective" when their genes are naturally programmed to behave that way. You're also saying is that it's unhealthy to not be on hair loss treatments because they "modulate their hormones," as if there's some unnatural imbalance unless finasteride is coursing through their veins. These aren't vitamin supplements. They're cosmetic treatments.

Doing as I do requires that people don't treat themselves at all. That would be a poor decision for not only their hair, but their overall health. As I said before, treating hair loss treats the possibility of heart disease and cancer in men with the defective androgen receptor. Men on drugs like finasteride and dutasteride are doing themselves a physiological favor and are actually using it as a disease preventative.

My goodness. One is perfectly healthy if they're not using hair loss treatments. Frankly, I felt like crap when I tried Rogaine for a week.

I disagree with slimpiggy's methods, but I agree with his message that if treatments really worked, nobody would be going bald. At best, guys see moderate maintenance for a few years until the effects of genetics overtake the effects of the drugs. I believe a lot of people are making a lot of money off the emotional dependencies of insecure males who have been told by hair loss commercials that they're ugly when they're not--and that lifelong commitment to their treatments are the only way out. Yet these treatments have been available since the 80s and 90s, and 50% of guys still naturally go bald by age 50. Are there any 40 or 50 year olds in the world with a full head of hair who can attribute it to minoxidil and finasteride? Any 30 year olds for that matter who went from bald to full coverage?

Nothing like sh*t-stirring on a Saturday night. :p


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slimpiggy said:
no ones talking to you anymore
youve become stale and old
go back to rubbing that greasy $#iT on ure forehead.
nice life u got.
the fact that u reckon everyone on here is wasting there time cos it aint dht and its something else that causes hairloss is interesting.your a fukin as i say eh not wat i do.
people will see u for who u are
a guy who dosent pay enuf attention to wat there saying.
u really are an idiot man.
laughs.u really are.

U cud be more credible if u card enuf to actually post in English rather than that 'tard language u chose to use.


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Re: Doctor

blondeguy said:
docj077 said:
I hope that you're aware that men with male pattern baldness have a defective androgen receptor and it's actually unhealthy for them to not modulate their hormones through drugs and diet. Not doing so leaves them open to cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.

So, what you're basically doing is telling men with male pattern baldness to not only cease with hair loss treatments, but you're also telling them to not take of their bodies.

No offense, but I have problems with this. You're calling their androgen receptors "defective" when their genes are naturally programmed to behave that way. You're also saying is that it's unhealthy to not be on hair loss treatments because they "modulate their hormones," as if there's some unnatural imbalance unless finasteride is coursing through their veins. These aren't vitamin supplements. They're cosmetic treatments.

Doing as I do requires that people don't treat themselves at all. That would be a poor decision for not only their hair, but their overall health. As I said before, treating hair loss treats the possibility of heart disease and cancer in men with the defective androgen receptor. Men on drugs like finasteride and dutasteride are doing themselves a physiological favor and are actually using it as a disease preventative.

My goodness. One is perfectly healthy if they're not using hair loss treatments. Frankly, I felt like crap when I tried Rogaine for a week.

I disagree with slimpiggy's methods, but I agree with his message that if treatments really worked, nobody would be going bald. At best, guys see moderate maintenance for a few years until the effects of genetics overtake the effects of the drugs. I believe a lot of people are making a lot of money off the emotional dependencies of insecure males who have been told by hair loss commercials that they're ugly when they're not--and that lifelong commitment to their treatments are the only way out. Yet these treatments have been available since the 80s and 90s, and 50% of guys still naturally go bald by age 50. Are there any 40 or 50 year olds in the world with a full head of hair who can attribute it to minoxidil and finasteride? Any 30 year olds for that matter who went from bald to full coverage?

Nothing like $#iT-stirring on a Saturday night. :p

I have the same doubts as you.

I´ve never heard the connection between being bald and having poor health...where that came from?

And avoiding heart disese comes with diet and exercice.


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Slimpigs. Scuse me english no good too. You no believer. You bad. save me life. Me was spanish 30 year bald. No freinds. Girls vomit me face if asking telephone number. Me live with mother, no job for balds in Spain. wachin TV 24/7 and masterbatin a lots.

Me find, now all freinds to me. Me eating dr reddis dutras (sp?) 3 por day six monts. All hair come backs. Norwood -2 today. Now muchos girls and coitos por day. Harhar. Fond briliant work cleaning rail estation on me city. Yes side effexs. Titis big now. But mother like it and touch -mother is lesbyan befor father introduce in herself to make me, harhar. No affect sex drife. Still masterbatin a lots plus muchos coitos.

You sad you try humiliating (sp?) me freinds because them wants look good. You poor life. You sad looser. Me and me freinds winers all coitos we harhar

Me happy now neu men myself. Thanks :D :D


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Re: Doctor

blondeguy said:
docj077 said:
I hope that you're aware that men with male pattern baldness have a defective androgen receptor and it's actually unhealthy for them to not modulate their hormones through drugs and diet. Not doing so leaves them open to cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.

So, what you're basically doing is telling men with male pattern baldness to not only cease with hair loss treatments, but you're also telling them to not take of their bodies.

blondeguy said:
No offense, but I have problems with this. You're calling their androgen receptors "defective" when their genes are naturally programmed to behave that way. You're also saying is that it's unhealthy to not be on hair loss treatments because they "modulate their hormones," as if there's some unnatural imbalance unless finasteride is coursing through their veins. These aren't vitamin supplements. They're cosmetic treatments.

Doing as I do requires that people don't treat themselves at all. That would be a poor decision for not only their hair, but their overall health. As I said before, treating hair loss treats the possibility of heart disease and cancer in men with the defective androgen receptor. Men on drugs like finasteride and dutasteride are doing themselves a physiological favor and are actually using it as a disease preventative.

Actually, the androgen receptor is indeed defective. It has a single nucleotide repeat mutation in most men and some men have a triplet repeat mutation, as well. The possible mutations that can be found within the androgen receptor are what create androgen insensitivity, normalcy, or androgen hypersensitivity (which is likely what we see with male pattern baldness). The receptor is defective from birth, so it is an inherited defect.

Also, finasteride and dutasteride act to bring balance to the environment surrounding the androgen receptor by decreasing the amount of DHT available for binding and signaling. This promotes tissue homeostasis as the correct level of signal is achieved causing an adequate amount of gene transcription instead of overexpression once the androgen receptor/androgen complex enters the nucleus.

Men with male pattern baldness do have higher rates of prostate cancer and heart disease. Some have even argued they suffer from increased chances of insulin resistance, as well. 5AR inhibitors prevent these processes by removing the cause and allowing tissue homeostasis to resume instead of a constant high level of androgen receptor signaling.

These drugs make you feel like crap, because they return you to a physiological norm and that's something that men with this defect have never experienced, because they were born with it.

blondeguy said:
My goodness. One is perfectly healthy if they're not using hair loss treatments. Frankly, I felt like crap when I tried Rogaine for a week.

I disagree with slimpiggy's methods, but I agree with his message that if treatments really worked, nobody would be going bald. At best, guys see moderate maintenance for a few years until the effects of genetics overtake the effects of the drugs. I believe a lot of people are making a lot of money off the emotional dependencies of insecure males who have been told by hair loss commercials that they're ugly when they're not--and that lifelong commitment to their treatments are the only way out. Yet these treatments have been available since the 80s and 90s, and 50% of guys still naturally go bald by age 50. Are there any 40 or 50 year olds in the world with a full head of hair who can attribute it to minoxidil and finasteride? Any 30 year olds for that matter who went from bald to full coverage?

Nothing like $#iT-stirring on a Saturday night. :p

Again, we're discussing 5AR inhibitors here, not minoxidil. That was the focus of the discussion and I apologize if it somehow seems to encompass all hair loss treatments.

First of all, it's quite silly to think that all older men with male pattern baldness have been on 5AR inhibitors since their creation or have even had access. Once they were created, they were incredibly expensive, no physician would prescribe them, and we didn't have the online/overseas pharmacies that everyone adores. So, noone was on these drugs religiously until well into the '90s. There are very few men around here that have been on these drugs longer than five years. What does that tell you? Either men simply did not start taking the drug sooner or the men that have taken the drug have no hair loss problems. So, you have 30-40 y/os taking these meds and they've accumulated decades worth of fibrosis and follicular damage. It takes a long time to reverse that process and many will never reverse it all.

Drug companies are not feeding off anyone's emotions or feelings. It is the individual's responsibility to decide what they want to do with their body. Drug companies have no control over free will. To say otherwise is idiocy at best.

Personally, I find your opinion to be about as worthless as the opinion as the thread creator. There have been a lot of people on these forums that have increased their hair density and distribution with propecia, avodart, and minoxidil. So, to call their results lackluster (which is what you seem to be doing), is more of an insult to them and their hard work. You really should consider the feelings of others before you make yourself into a jackass.


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What is the problem with the trolls who come onto these forums to lambast everyone? Surely they can find better things to do with their lives!

Guys who use hair loss treatments are making a free choice in a free society - a choice that is of no practical or moral consequence to anyone else. Slimpiggy, you have no business here - get lost.


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Some guys come to this board and say that we have to accept baldness as something gorgeous that shows our virility and strength. Even some of this guys say that find hot women with bald heads.

We may have to accept our baldness because we're forced to. Its something that we dont control. But i'll never accept hairloss as normal. I'll always think hairloss as a genetic defect of a human being.


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hahahaha some people are so stupid
and im not talking about Slimpiggy
haha he's not even good at it, you guys are dumb

Wash n' Gone

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It is hard to not feed the trolls sometimes. Even rubbish ones like slimpiggy. Has he been banned? He should be - clearly only posting to provoke a reaction. Winding people up on the internet is a pretty damn sad thing to indulge in.


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Nathaniel said:
This troll is getting banned pretty soon.
id like him to stay and waste people's time


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hey slimpiggy fuckhead ,

you will see,i will beat hairloss and get the hair that ihave lost back.

by hook or crook,and nobody will ever tell me i can't noyt even god almighty


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Docj probably knew more at 25 years old then slimpiggy will in his entire life.Slim piggy its pretty safe to say Docj is a hundred times smarter then you will ever be. Docj actually could be an authoritative resource on male pattern baldness while you dont seem to even understand the very basics of the english language yet alone hairloss.


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Re: Doctor

docj077 said:
Actually, the androgen receptor is indeed defective. It has a single nucleotide repeat mutation in most men and some men have a triplet repeat mutation, as well. The possible mutations that can be found within the androgen receptor are what create androgen insensitivity, normalcy, or androgen hypersensitivity (which is likely what we see with male pattern baldness). The receptor is defective from birth, so it is an inherited defect.

Human males evolved to lose their hair to some degree. Androgen sensitivity is a genetic variation, not a health defect. This pattern of baldness is also found in the animal kingdom.

Also, finasteride and dutasteride act to bring balance to the environment surrounding the androgen receptor by decreasing the amount of DHT available for binding and signaling.

The "natural" balance is to have DHT, or it wouldn't be there in the first place.

Men with male pattern baldness do have higher rates of prostate cancer and heart disease.

The American Cancer Institute does not believe Propecia should be taken to prevent cancer. It is not considered an anti-prostate cancer treatment. In fact, their study found that finasteride increased chances of a more aggressive form of tumor, and the decreased PSA can hinder the ability to detect prostate cancer by your doctor. I'm sure you already know all this.

These drugs make you feel like crap, because they return you to a physiological norm and that's something that men with this defect have never experienced, because they were born with it.

I mean, really, this is so ridiculous. Feeling like crap is a physiological norm? How much is Merck paying you?

First of all, it's quite silly to think that all older men with male pattern baldness have been on 5AR inhibitors since their creation or have even had access.

I didn't say all older men. I just asked for an example of an older guy who has a reasonably full head of hair that he can attribute to having used hair loss treatments for the last 10 years. Propecia's been available since '97, and Rogaine even longer.

Once they were created, they were incredibly expensive, no physician would prescribe them, and we didn't have the online/overseas pharmacies that everyone adores. So, noone was on these drugs religiously until well into the '90s. There are very few men around here that have been on these drugs longer than five years. What does that tell you?

That nobody knows the long-term effects of DHT inhibition, and those who have taken it for several years still lost hair or we'd be hearing from them. One thing I do notice around here is posts from guys who continue to go bald despite their treatments.

Personally, I find your opinion to be about as worthless as the opinion as the thread creator. There have been a lot of people on these forums that have increased their hair density and distribution with propecia, avodart, and minoxidil. So, to call their results lackluster (which is what you seem to be doing), is more of an insult to them and their hard work. You really should consider the feelings of others before you make yourself into a jackass.

I tried to be polite with you in my disagreement, but honestly, you're a jerk.

IBM said:
Some guys come to this board and say that we have to accept baldness as something gorgeous that shows our virility and strength. Even some of this guys say that find hot women with bald heads.

I just think guys who have let it take over their psyche should get over it. It's not a big deal no matter how much some folks try to scare you.