Do NOT shower a girl with compliments, make her work for it
are you out of your mind?
I would NEVER even go on a second date if i don't get a compliment it tells me the guy does not think i am pretty or attractive.
well what i meant is, if you're not feeling a connection, dont throw a compliment out there hoping it will instantly turn her onto you.
she is going on a 3rd date with him and he has not given a compliment.
How is she supposed to know he finds her attractive?
so fkn kiss the girl, wtf is a tacky compliment gonna change on the 3rd date.
Post hair transplant.Stop. Why in hat mode? There's lots of bald people around you.
Post hair transplant.
2800 grafts, on my entire head.
Shaved, and scalp is red.
Post hair transplant.
2800 grafts, on my entire head.
Shaved, and scalp is red.
I will most likely just take pictures.Do you plan to document your progress with pics on this forum? Good luck with the growth.
I will most likely just take pictures.
haven't decided on whether or not I want to write a novel on my experience.
A head shave is honestly the most depressing part of the journey. Why might you ask?
Because its a REALITY check on the state of ones hair loss. The extension in which we see how impacted are scalps are by genetics related Androgenetic Alopecia.
Grown out hair over 1 inch is a severe cope where we are blind by how decimated are scalps are by androgen related activity. @Wolf Pack was confident he was a NW3 with wicked density until he shaved then realized how diffuse, and miniaturized his crown was compared to the terminal surrounding hair.
@Roberto_72 Do you have any knowledge and first hand experience with how our scalps become miniaturized over time. I noticed the first time I shaved my head I had hundreds of micro bald spots all over the scalp. Very tiny in appearance, but micro bald spots spread all over. Is this the process of miniaturization, how the hair gradually erodes ontop of our pattern where hair is evidently higher in sensitivity. i.e recession at the hairline, but pattern is NW6. however the hairline will be heavily impacted, but gradual density loss through out entire scalp happens at a snail pace.
No, but my observations found that Turkish women on average have very low and rounded hairlines. Mirin' there hairlines.had u slay in Turkey while stayed there for hair transplant?
9 dates! Good job David. My date count this year is zero![]()
with zero outcome
mirin at his perseverance
with zero outcome
mirin at his perseverance
To be fair, I think David is coming off to much like a platonic friend in his encounters. All though the intent is romantic, he needs to put his foot to pedal and start doing everything he can for a more passionate experience.
But to be fair the remaining 8 women were not a compatibility which I would say is aesthetic related.
As long as he progresses, and moves bases. Don't want to be stuck in the kiss her on cheek mode. Gain experience, get agressive and move forward.
If he likes her I would say don't try and have sex the same night. Give it at least a second, or third date before this happens. If he doesn't care, then atempt on the first.
From my experience, every woman I was with was always willing to put out by the second date with varying out comes in sexual activity. At least a blowjob
There's no prospect of me spending money on Ho's as I don't even get near the ho's. They left-swipe me, and in real life they scoff at me. They don't want me, they're too busy going after @Baldhurts and wondering why he's not responsive to them. Maybe they think it's their fault.
I'd think "wow, she'd be beautiful if she lost weight". It's a curse that I have conventional tastes.
Post transplant, of course.
When I was in Munich, germany it was hella depressing. Literally couldn't find a single person wearing a hat. I
Do euros not ever wears hats?
I feel so comfortable being in Fort Mcmurray for this regard. People in the maritime, and along the east coast all wear hats.
Almost all men out here wear hats. I would say 1 in 3 guaranteed
Inside? It's fine wearing a hat outside. Many people do in cold weather. It's unheard of to wear a hat inside.
hedonic adaptationLads here sometimes wear snapbacks inside.
The trick with compliments is not to cheapen them by giving them out to much.
If you shower her with compliments they become meaningless to her. Instead try and find something she likely put a lot of effort into, or a stand out feature, and compliment that.
Keep them rare enough.
with zero outcome
mirin at his perseverance