Progress update + more photos added.



I’ve added a few more photos that show a clearer picture of what my hair looks like.

A few pictures with the light on showing the true extent of my hair situation. My hair has grown out about 5 days. It’s not as great sight, as you can see.

In normal light, my hair looks different, especially when it’s shaved down, but when the lights on and it’s grown for a few days it’s much worse. I'm at the stage where I need to look into a form of hair restoration. Something that will help my situation severel fold.

I require more density. Can a hair transplant deliver? Would I be asking too much to ask for a 10 fold improvement in density, if I was to see a hair transplant surgeon?

I’ve been on Finasteride for almost 2 years now. By the looks of things, it hasn’t worked. The horse-shoe pattern has slowly, become more slowly more evident. I used Propecia - the brand name for about a year but then switched to fincar and cut up the pieces into 5ths. This was at about Feb last year. I have no way of seeing or knowing if what I am taking is legit. I should get back on propecia, just to be safe, but that’s another story for now.

I don’t even think finasteride works on me. When I started, I would have been the perfect candidate for it. So it just so happens, that the stuff disappoints. It might have slowed things. I don’t know. I doubt it. I just don't know.

I’ve been on minoxidil non stop for a year. My hair looks slightly better, from the pics in November 2003. If you look at those pics you’ll see my hair looks horrible.

This was because of a minoxidil shed due to stopping minoxidil for 4 months. This is what it did to my hair. I started minoxidil initially in May 2003. I used it for 3 months with good results. However, I had to stop because I could not put this stuff on and go to work. It just couldn’t happen. Anyway, as you can see by the pics, I had a massive shed in late 2003. Re-started minoxidil end of December 2004 and have used it non stop for a year. Hair has got slightly better. Nothing spectacular. I think the hair that I lost came back.

Saying this, I cannot grow my hair like the early pics taken in August 2003. My hair has become more diffused since then, hence cutting it short.

I started spironolactone cream about a month ago. I use this 3 hrs after minoxidil, twice a day. Having no job this is easy. But that isn’t no good. The reason I have no job is because of hair loss itself. It’s killed my confidence and peace of mind I had prior to this nightmare. Haven’t dealt with it well at all. Down the last few years, I probably looked a picture of depression - and with the shaved head, that simply doesnt work on me, the perception would have been very negative. If I was depressed and had hair - especially a framed face, then people wouldn’t mind/notice, but as I have a shaved head with recession, I’m perceived the wrong way. But there is little I can do about that.

Anyway, if you look at the January pics, you’ll see that the hair looks in slightly better condition. I think this could have something to do with the spironolactone I have been using. Whenever I use this stuff, I feel that my hair feels ‘slightly’ better (and I do mean slightly), especially about a month after use.

If you compare the December pictures the January pictures, you’ll see the difference. The December ones were taken with the light on and my hair grown for about a week. The Jan pics were taken with my head just shaved with a #1 and in slightly darkened daylight

Look how the light makes the diffuse thinning look horrible. It shows the true extent of how bad it looks.

I’m going to be looking into a hair transplant within the next year. If anything, to give myself a better hairline. I reckon I can get maintenance, if I use spironolactone, minoxidil and keep using finasteride, so that will help keep what I have.

If the worse comes to the worse, then I could try dutasteride, but in order to add density, the only way I can achieve this is to get a hair transplant. Even if was only 1000 grafts. What’s your opinions on that?

Finasteride (fincar)
minoxidil x2
spironolactone 5% x2.


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God damn you type a lot about hairloss for a guy with a full head of hair.

Hair transplant? LMAO.

Well, looks like a mature hairline and some diffuse thinning but otherwise not as bad as you make it sound... at all.


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it looks that you maintain it, but you need to grow the hair. don't shave it let it grow. if you like shaved head then there is no need to use fins. just let grow....

Why me?

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I just want to put my input in....... I hate saying this but its like I live off of 'Gunners" posts. What he says is what I feel.

Gunners hair is alot like mine expet mine is black. I dont want to sound negative but I/you can see the "horshoe pattern" without a doubt.
It is easy for me to see cause I know what to look for.

Yo bro I am thinking about a hair transplant also and if I had the balls I would go out and get one today but I am still scared and dont know what Doctor to use....anyone know a good Doctor in the Sacramento Ca area?

Anyways Gunner bro I dont know what to tell you that you dont already know. This sux we are all very depressed at least I am. I hate when people say there is nothing wrong when damn well there is. I know we want to cheer everybody up but we all know something aint right.

We see ourselve everyday and know we aint as thick on top and we have receded....... and feel other people can see it to (whether or not they can) is a different story
but when people say there aint nothing wrong/or if they point it out (tell us we are thinning/losing our hair) it affects us.

For me and I think Gunner just knowing whats going on is the hardes part and once again it sux to no extent.

Sorry for the ramble or stealing your post Gunner but I have read everypost from you on this site and HLH and feel the same way you do and your stories you write get me laughing you get props from me bro.


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IWantMyHair, you're not helping the kid out by telling him he has a full head of hair! He wants honest advice, so it's wrong to tell him something like that. Kind of like a doctor telling you you're just fine when infact he knows full well that you have herpes.

If finasteride hasn't worked for over 2 years, then it's not going to work. I suppose it means you have an advanced case of male pattern baldness and the medication is not enough fight for it.

If I was you Gun, I'd forget the treatments, save up all the money you'll be putting away instead and then look for a major decision later down the line, whether it's a hair transplant, hair system or something like that. In 5 years, we may have something more advanced to treat hairloss anyways.

It's evident that medications have not benefited you, so be smart and save the rest of your money.

Either that or shave your head, and get in shape with weights to improve your health, looks and overall sense of well-being.


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not as bad as u think

dude....stay on the me it looks like you've made a lot of progress....your hair has darkened and the two areas behind your temples which were thinning look to be filling in for the back I can't even tell what u are talking about in regards to hairloss, maybe u can see it but others can't...and on top of it all you have a nice shaped skull unlike some people who don't have that luxary of pulling off the shaved look...
I used to be in the same boat as you as I let my hairloss control nearly every waking moment of my existance, wanting to study my temples with a magnifying glass to count my hairs on a daily basis so you can imagine my pain when i realized it was thinning overall too. And while of course I'd still prefer the thickness I had when i was 16, I don't let it get me down anymore(33 now). I just do what I can to make it look the best it can. I realize that if it's not bothering me then it's not bothering anyone else(especially chics).


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Sorry, I guess the photos just look to me like he still has lots of hair.


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Mate, looks like you have improved slightly. Considering that you are only in the very early stages of hair loss (you still have a heap of hair compared to other baldies) you can only expect so much progress.

I'd keep on with the regime of finasteride and min, and forget about it. You are definitely progressing, looking at your early pics and some of your December pics, I can definitely see improvement.


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I think you can turn the corner here. What you have up there is not half bad. It's not great of course like you say. But at least two things are working for you. 1) The shaved head look is something you are actually pulling off and 2) your has improved slightly in a year. No doubt get back on Propecia. Lets call it now and say it won't regrow hairs but a great chance to maintain what I think is a pretty good shaved look until you decide, down the road, to do an hair transplant.

Do yourself a favor and take Rawbbie's advice. It certainly won't clear your depression, but getting stronger and cut thru weights will give your mind something else to fall back on when you are out in the world. At worst you will feel better about the rest of your body and steal some of the thunder from your hair issues.

not me!

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phantom2x said:
it looks that you maintain it, but you need to grow the hair. don't shave it let it grow. if you like shaved head then there is no need to use fins. just let grow....

Wrong. He may want his hair later. Stay on finasteride. Good finasteride, not the "generic" crap.


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Hey Gunner,

Things dont look bad main. To me it looks like you have made progress and I say this because your hair does look thicker. In the early photos you look like you have very thin blonde hair, but in the after photos it looks like your hair is growing in thicker. Just keep on trucking and hopefully things will keep on moving in a positive direction.



Why me? said:
I just want to put my input in....... I hate saying this but its like I live off of 'Gunners" posts. What he says is what I feel.

Gunners hair is alot like mine expet mine is black. I dont want to sound negative but I/you can see the "horshoe pattern" without a doubt.
It is easy for me to see cause I know what to look for.

Yo bro I am thinking about a hair transplant also and if I had the balls I would go out and get one today but I am still scared and dont know what Doctor to use....anyone know a good Doctor in the Sacramento Ca area?

Anyways Gunner bro I dont know what to tell you that you dont already know. This sux we are all very depressed at least I am. I hate when people say there is nothing wrong when damn well there is. I know we want to cheer everybody up but we all know something aint right.

We see ourselve everyday and know we aint as thick on top and we have receded....... and feel other people can see it to (whether or not they can) is a different story
but when people say there aint nothing wrong/or if they point it out (tell us we are thinning/losing our hair) it affects us.

For me and I think Gunner just knowing whats going on is the hardes part and once again it sux to no extent.

Sorry for the ramble or stealing your post Gunner but I have read everypost from you on this site and HLH and feel the same way you do and your stories you write get me laughing you get props from me bro.

Yep, I hate it when posters, especially socks - from hlh says I have a "full head of hair" then begins patronising me about it.

The next port of call for me (I don't know about you?), is too get a consult because finasteride & min have been useless and will never provide worthwhile results.

I'm almost 25 and I'm going no where, fast. Not good.

I'll reply in length to this and other posts, when I have more time.



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You hate it when people say you have a full head of hair?

Why? Do you think our eyes are broken? Your head doesn't look NEARLY as 'bad' as you make it sound.

So of course, people will make statements which assume you are over-exhagerating. What do you expect, us to start getting frantic for your not-so-advanced condition?

C'mon man, it's NOT as bad as you're making it sound... but hey, that's just how my eyes see it.


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IwantMyhair said:
You hate it when people say you have a full head of hair?

Why? Do you think our eyes are broken? Your head doesn't look NEARLY as 'bad' as you make it sound.

So of course, people will make statements which assume you are over-exhagerating. What do you expect, us to start getting frantic for your not-so-advanced condition?

C'mon man, it's NOT as bad as you're making it sound... but hey, that's just how my eyes see it.

I agree, Im starting to think Gunner is way too negative at times. :shock:


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To gunner and Why me?

I feel ur pain. I am nearing 24, and have very similar hair to the both of you. You both are totally right, it affects you everyday whether your family,friends, peers say anything positive or not. We know whats going on, and its annoying. If either of you go for a consult for a hair transplant or analysis, please post on the website. Im curious what they will recommend to you, being a "young" age and ur degree of hairloss.

Thanx guys, Dont worry, one day there will be tons of day-light ahead for us!
Till then, shave those noggins and party-on!



Anyone with diffuse thinning will know what I mean.

When it's short it does look half normal, even though face on, the recession will finish a persons appearance.

Im not negative. I cannot grow my hair out. When the lights on, it looks horrible. Just look at the pics near the bottom. It looks diffused.

It is no "full head of hair". Far from it.

Then we get onto the fact that if a person can "pull off the skin head look"

With all due respect, you have no idea how I look. I could have a big nose, an eye lower then the other or a retarded mouth for all you know.

I’m not saying I have, but this could be the case.

So how anyone can say "you pull of the look" is just guess work.

I can't. Hence being here, looking for solutions and answers.

Medications are not the answer. They might maintain. But they will *never* make a decent cosmetic difference. No way.

A hairline is very very important. When you view my pics from the side what do you see? Please don't judge that as a hair line. That is the most distorted/inaccurate view I could ever see. This shows a total false picture.

Anyone with recession will tell you this. Face on, it's a difference story.

Why me?

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I hate like I am speaking for Gunner or barging in on his post but from my point of view the only thing saving Gunner from what I am going through is he has blonde hair...... So with that being said it is ABIT trickier to tell he is not thinning as bad as say someone with DARK HAIR. But in fact I am being honest he is thin on top as well as I am. He has a dantes peak hairline

We all can see it espcially people like us who are looking for it. Ive had people tell ME I am thinning and my hairline is better then the GUNmans but my crown is worst then his.....

The poor guy can tell something is wrong and crying out for help somewhat like I am and he needs support. His stories are funny but deep down thats how most of us feel at times.

Like I said before or heads are the first thing people look at so by saying he is being to negative is rediculous in my opionion. We are in the prime of our life and I dont even think a shrink could help me because I KNOW there is something wrong.

Its like saying (dont take this the wrong way people) you have half an arm but it aint that bad.... just wear a long sleeve shirt and noone will know. Come on guys we are thinning and balding and we need answeres and there arent many out there.

hair transplant? Wear a rug? Be a white skinhead looking guy? Or try to get honest help from people who are going through the same as we are. I am happy to be in America because alot of people are bald over here compared to Italy but I just cant say hey you are balding too want to hang out?

It sux because we feel like outcasts or at least I do and I fell Gunman does too.

Why me?

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Damn Gun we almost sent that at the same time.......... both had the "skinhead thing to say" aint that a trip hahaha


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I really think you are putting way too much stock into this. I understand your pain 'whyme?' and its good that you are doing something about your hairloss, but for the love of God there are other things to live for. If its just too much for you, look into hair transplant and make the change. Like you said, we are all at our prime so why waste it.
