Progress update + more photos added.


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Gunner: While you still have good coverage, you are balding no doubt. I do think you are being quite harsh about all this, but I empathise with your situation. Nobody can understand balding like us guys. My advice: since hair means that much to you, get the hair transplant. However, if you can hold off for 5 years and use treatments, you might be able to clone your hair and get a wicked *** hair transplant. At any rate, Hassen and Wong from my homeland Vancouver, Canada are up there among the most respected among the Hair sites. In Canada, you are in good hands, so that is a plus that they are located there. Generally, Asian doctors in Canada who are "Westernized" are incredible. They have that monk stare but they also have a buddha like wit, where everything in kinda funny. Under that, they are incredibly smart and precise. If you do this, give them a shot. You can fly to Canada on Flyzoom from London Stansted for about 300 pounds return. Cheaper if you book earlier, like maybe 250 pounds (or is that quid?).

I am not a salesman for them, just giving informed advice. There is another guy in Toronto, but Hassen and Wong would be who I would go to. They advocate the 'patient first' mentality, something rampid in Canada. Also, the pound is worth 3 times what the Canadian dollar is worth. I think you can expect to pay about 5-7 grand CAD (2200-3000 pounds) for a transplant of the magnitude you are looking for. I could be wrong, but I have analysed other peoples experience with them and if I remember correctly, it was around there.

You can search the various doctors they have working for them and look at their work. Very useful. Let me know.


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Its crazy, i think gunner and me are exactly alike sometimes, whether thats a good or bad thing i dunno.
I have almost an identical hairline as you do gunner and i think negative to much. My problem is ive always been way to negative for my own good, what i would look at as losing lots of hair, my friends would say its not that bad.
I think if your not gunner and you look at his head, you might say its not bad, thinking that yours is worse or wishing your hair was where his is now. But he has seen his head go to having a full head of hair to that, which isnt bad but i bet its not where near where his hair used to be, so its seems alot worse to him then many others.

hey gunner i went off minoxidil and and then the proscar and my hair went to sh*t, im back on propecia now, but im afraid to go back on the minoxidil because of the flaking and the thought it made my hair worse, you think going back on the minoxidil has been god for your hair?


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No offence Gunner, but I think youve let hairloss take over your life! And thats where everything stems from. I remember when I first started losing it. I thought that without a fullhead of hair I wouldn't be able to do anything. You start thinking that becasue your going bald you can't do certain things, and if I had a fullhead of hair then i'd be fine. Its pretty tough but you just gotta get on with things, from what I see your hair looks pretty decent, yeah you can kinda see a receding hairline but the coverage looks good. Have you tried growing your hair out?? You may find your hair is now really thick and you can hid the receding hairline with ease? I mean look at aston kutcher, he's got a massive receding hairline but his hair is so thick when he has it down you would never know. Why don't you try that?

Like someone said on this forum, the only people who go round staring at peoples hairlines are those also suffering from male pattern baldness. Good Luck.


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at least you're naturally blonde. Blonde is a good colour to be losing hair with as it's light so thinness isn't as noticeable as dark hair. And blonde shaved heads look cool anyway. I know it's not that much consolation but it's something at least...


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your hair

Gunner: I am a blonde, similar to you, in hair color. I shave my head but if I let it grow out, it would look like yours EXCEPT I WOULD REALLY HAVE A HORSESHOE patttern.

Dude, your hair looks great. You have full coverage, and unless a person is cruising the Norwood dictionary or sites like this, I seriously doubt anyone would give you a second glance and consider that you have male pattern baldness. Tons of guys are sporting the look you have right now, and it looks good on you (nice shaped head), so stop worrying. You look fine.

I must have a different standard of what looks "bald, balding, or thinning" because your hair looks good to me.


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Re: your hair

Resultsnottypical said:
Gunner: I am a blonde, similar to you, in hair color. I shave my head but if I let it grow out, it would look like yours EXCEPT I WOULD REALLY HAVE A HORSESHOE patttern.

Dude, your hair looks great. You have full coverage, and unless a person is cruising the Norwood dictionary or sites like this, I seriously doubt anyone would give you a second glance and consider that you have male pattern baldness. Tons of guys are sporting the look you have right now, and it looks good on you (nice shaped head), so stop worrying. You look fine.

I must have a different standard of what looks "bald, balding, or thinning" because your hair looks good to me.

Yeah I totally agree with you his hair looks good. I don't see any sign of a horseshoe pattern at all, its look totally full in coverage except for the receeding hairline which could easily be hid or styled out (if that makes sense). By the looks of it you've made massive progress, I would stop stressing about it try growing it out. If it does look crap you can always shave it again because that look certainly works for you.


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Re: your hair

Resultsnottypical said:
Gunner: I am a blonde, similar to you, in hair color. I shave my head but if I let it grow out, it would look like yours EXCEPT I WOULD REALLY HAVE A HORSESHOE patttern.

Dude, your hair looks great. You have full coverage, and unless a person is cruising the Norwood dictionary or sites like this, I seriously doubt anyone would give you a second glance and consider that you have male pattern baldness. Tons of guys are sporting the look you have right now, and it looks good on you (nice shaped head), so stop worrying. You look fine.

I must have a different standard of what looks "bald, balding, or thinning" because your hair looks good to me.

I'll second that

too bald too furious

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I am not interested in your progress, I am only interested in your stories :icon_smile_lachuh:

Just kiddin definately hv made progress and yes hair transplant is NOT the answer for you. Stick to your treatments. :)

not me!

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nexus81 said:
Just kiddin definately hv made progress and yes hair transplant is NOT the answer for you. Stick to your treatments. :)

I second that whole-heartedly.


Will treatments give me a half -decent hairline? Nope. What will treatments do apart from maintain? Nothing. :roll:

It isnt real progress. If it was progress then I will be able to grow my hair out a couple of cm's without it looking bad.

Major recession shows though.

Treatments have not worked like I hoped.

Once again, anyone with diffuse thinning will understand, like the few earlier posters, such as 'why me' etc. :roll:

Cheers for your views anyway.


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hey i think ur hair has thicked alot since your first pics and more density, i think the treatments have worked for you, try to grow your hair now and lets compare it your first picture where u had more hair, i think your hair hair defo improved mate


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Gunner said:
Yep, I hate it when posters, especially socks - from hlh says I have a "full head of hair" then begins patronising me about it.


If you wish for me to NOT post in relation to your HORRIBLE hairloss then DONT make reference to me in regard to your hairloss. Next time you bring up my name boy you can bet your hairloss purse that I'm going to start adding my two cents to each and every post of yours.

This is my only warning to you before I remove my self imposed restriction on commenting on your hairloss.

Have fun :D

PS Members-

I apologize for interrupting this evening's entertainment. I thought Gunner and I had agreed to not bother one another in regard to hairloss topics on another hairloss forum (HLH)

Old Baldy

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Take it easy Socks. Breathe deeply - exhale - breathe deeply - exhale. LOL.

We both know Gunner has "other issues".

I say that Gunner because I admit that I'm "nuts". You are too. :wink:

not me!

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freudling said:
Gunner, go get a transplant.

Wrong answer. Surgery is a last resort issue. Once you go through it you cannot go back. Continuing medication is probably the best bet for him to keep what he has.

Sometimes it seems that a hair transplant is the ultimate answer, but it's truly not. It is one solution to a problem. I think you know that this is bad advise but gave it anyway.


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Gunner said:
Will treatments give me a half -decent hairline? Nope. What will treatments do apart from maintain? Nothing. :roll:

It isnt real progress. If it was progress then I will be able to grow my hair out a couple of cm's without it looking bad.

Major recession shows though.

Treatments have not worked like I hoped.

Once again, anyone with diffuse thinning will understand, like the few earlier posters, such as 'why me' etc. :roll:

Cheers for your views anyway.

Dude I think your hair looks fine, but I think the only way your ever gunna get the perfect straight hairline which is obviously what you want is with a hair transplant. And do you really wana go through all of that?


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Gunner is pretty much depressed, well depressed about his hair which is not going to really get any better... you can tell Gunner that a million times that his hair looks fine, it makes no difference. Clearly Gunner is not going to be satisfied intill he feels he has an acceptable amount of hair. A transplant seems his only option...

normally of course most people with a simmilar hair situation as Gunner the right advice would be to recommend against a hair transplant, to wait longer, but this is Gunner!

I just hope Gunner that once you have had a transplant you will be happy.


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Gunner i think you look better with a shaved head bro... and yeah it does seem to have thickened up a bit either that or you don't look thinning/balding at all with a shaved head.