Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't lowering prolactin systemically make your libido skyrocket? So basically side effects, if any, could be favorable?
Yeah.. that’s why we want to do the minitherapy. We don’t want to nuke our prolactin systemically![]()
I think pegasus had good theory that it just completely heals hair/skin so that it will take quite a while for results to diminish. Just like when male pattern baldness can last 5-15 years before you go to NW5-NW7As far as I understand you won't need to take this long term, the study from Bayer with the macaques showed prolonged results years after stopping treatment:
So let's hope prolactin levels return to normal when you stop the treatment. But of course we're talking about a different compound than the Bayer one here...
I'm not sure I understand what you meanHey just want to clarify that:
You listed above side effects of HYPOPROLACTINEMIA (erectile dysfunction, low libido) - you will get this with a HIGH PROLACTIN LEVEL
@FollicleGuardian @pegasus2 : Isn‘t the strategy of Bayer/HopeMedicine to get a LOW PROLACTIN LEVEL?! So the side effects should be high Libido for example.
Here are many different opinions written about the side effects which are at some point speculation.
BUT we should at least know, if BAY-113 will archieve a HIGH or a LOW Prolactin Level?!
I'm not sure I understand what you mean
Hypo = deficiency in the levels
Hyper = excess
I just pulled the information on hypoprolactinemia off the wikipedia page so obviously im not some authority on the matter.
Both of these seem to have shitty side effects - my impression was that the serum effects are quite important for bodily function regardless if they are raised or lowered; hence, we must focus keeping effects as localized as possible.
Why would Bayer try to higher the prolactin level? As far as I understood they try to shut down the prolactin in the hair follicle completely?I am sorry, very confused about Bayers technology.
I read now that they want to higher the prolactin level in the patients so that would lead maybe to erectile dysfunction or libido loss.
This technology of Follicleguardian should lower prolactin level so this would be better I think.
Very confused, hopefully HopeMedicine will clarify that
Yeah you seem very confused lmao. Bayer try to decrease the prolactin receptors activity, like the small molecule FollicleGuardian found. It's not about prolactin level by itself, but the activity of these PRL-receptors.I am sorry, very confused about Bayers technology.
I read now that they want to higher the prolactin level in the patients so that would lead maybe to erectile dysfunction or libido loss.
This technology of Follicleguardian should lower prolactin level so this would be better I think.
Very confused, hopefully HopeMedicine will clarify that
Local increase of prolactin can be a "side-effect" of the bind of BAY on PRLR. As receptors are "filled", then there's probably an accumulation of PRL locally I guess. But modulation of PRL level itself isn't the goal, we talk about inhibition of receptors.The candidate binds non-competitively to prolactin receptors and prevents undesirable side effects such as the inhibition of hair growth in the event of locally increased levels of the endogenous hormone prolactin. A second indication, and the one first pursued by Bayer, is endometriosis, a disease of the uterine lining, for which a locally increased prolactin level could also be relevant. Hope Medicine could also pursue this indication further. Incidentally, two phase I studies with BAY 1158061 still carried out by Bayer demonstrated its good tolerability in humans.
The surprising hair growth caused by treatment with the active ingredient was observed in preclinical experiments with mice: in animals with artificially increased prolactin levels, shaved areas grew closed again within two weeks. In the control animals, fur growth was only rudimentary to be seen there. Later, the effect was impressively confirmed in the best model of human androgenetic alopecia:
Haariges Geschäft
Obwohl die präklinischen Daten zu einem Haarausfall-Medikament spektakulär waren und die erste Phase klinischer Tests erfolgreich absolviert wurde, hat Bayer die globalen Rechte an dem experimentellen Antikörper zur Therapie von Haarausfall nach China
Ouch, my bad.BAY doesn't prevent PRL from binding to the receptor. It increases prolactin levels by inhibiting negative feedback mechanisms which limit prolactin production
BAY doesn't prevent PRL from binding to the receptor. It increases prolactin levels by inhibiting negative feedback mechanisms which limit prolactin production
Do you think effects of a PRLR antagonist would last like the antibody?It's only a small increase, not enough to shutdown GnRH. Can we just chill with the paranoia here from all the armchair endocrinologists.
Thanks for the clarificationThe speculation in this thread is funny. Prolactin's protective effect on sperm is mediated by the AKT pathway, which is also required for hair growth. The fact that the antibody grows hair proves that it doesn't shut down the AKT pathway.