Pros and Cons of a system.

Wolf Pack

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And that's where I and every other NW3+ guy on this forum can tell you that you're 100% wrong.

I've been in your shoes and my opinions were different when I was NW2.

I was saying things like "I could never shave my head". Look at me now.

It's not in my mind by the way, people don't know I'm balding. Because if you had experienced being bald, you would know that people will never hesitate to point it out to you to make you feel like crap.

This has stopped for me since 50% of my hair transplant had grown. Do you suggest it's a coincidence? Or maybe it's my new-found confidence deterring people from bashing my baldness?! That must be it.

If you do a proper social experiment online with any gender, under 35, you will see there is some difference in your appearance but not that much. (A razor clean shaven image v your hair transplant) That's my feeling. As bald2young says though which I mentioned earlier, it's all about what makes you feel secure.

A normal before and after picture that surgeons use to showcase their skills, there is a cosmetically big improvement. The person typically looks transformed. Whether it's temple points restored so less of wide forehead, lower hairline so it's not a big head, plenty of volume and density on top to balance the features. I don't see that here personally.

I know I'll get shot down for my honesty, but you asked me and I don't want to lie about what I see myself.


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What did you want De Reys to do with only 2000 grafts on a NW5? Magic? That's 5000 hairs where there is supposed to be at least 40000.

Don't tell me "Well it's better to shave then duh!" Wait until you have to shave your head. Then you'll be able to give me your thoughts on the matter.

And if you say again that you believe you will never be bald anyway, then I will just put you in the troll category.

It's not about making me feel secure, it's about not looking like a cancer patient. The time I shaved it down to a zero, many people at university asked me if I was at the hospital because of cancer.

I was in fact in psychiatry because of my hair loss. I've just changed my picture on dating websites and put the one where I had my hair transplant and a clearly visible hair line. Results: 5 matches a day.

Before that, maybe one once a week. The experiment has been done already. I'm sorry for you if you're that much delusional about the horror of true baldness and actually think baldness and a shaved NW1 are equal.

No girl in her late teens or early twenties wants to date a bald guy. But she'll give a chance to the guy who appears to be shaving his head by choice.

Yeah yeah we already get it you are very popular with the ladies now :p.


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Some of you give up so easily, I guess it's about individual strength and having the willpower to take action.

I have hair. I may not have a douchy gay One Direction "hair style" but at least I have hair on my NW5 that would otherwise be bald if I hadn't had a "useless" hair transplant.

You guys remind me of "Joe from Staten Island" on Spencer Kobren's the bald truth. Always whining, complaining about being bald, and doing nothing to improve his situation.

Even when Kobren said he would pay for his surgery, he didn't want it! No, it's something deeper with people like F2005, and I've pointed this out before: they need their misery.

I remember Joe from SI even insulting Joe Tilman and said on the air that his hair transplant was useless because he would never be happy if the surgeons put his hair line that high.

No, let's call it what it is, it's about wanting to stay miserable, because I can tell you that when I look at myself at the end of the day, I have no excuses anymore.

If my day wasn't productive, if I didn't dare to approach that cute girl, if I didn't get out of the house, I cannot say "well I'm bald, what's the point anyway?"

1 year after my successful hair transplant, that's over, if my day sucked, if my life sucks, if I'm not productive and trying to live my life to the fullest, it's all my own fault now.

And that's the main reason guys like Joe from SI and F2005 don't want to take action, they're scared that they would have to look at themselves and to take responsibility for why their life sucks.

By the way, transplanting hair at the back and combing it over the front is a terrible and unrealistic idea Wolf Pack.

It may not help these people mentally to have a hair transplant, but at least it will help with being treated like crap because they're bald.

If they cannot be happy with a high hair line and medium density, then they have another problem, which is called BDD.

And I would have paid all the money in the world for the obnoxious remarks about my bald head to stop. Fortunately, it was only 4500€.

Wow Fred, I tried to be very respectful to you and your points (hell, I even stated that I respected you as a poster and complimented you on your transplant!) and then you go and spout idiotic nonsense, comparing me to Joe from Staten Island. That is completely ridiculous and insane (not to mention rude), especially since you don’t know me and have no clue who I am and what I am all about. I simply and respectfully disagree with you, and you go on the offensive with personal attacks. Your supposed assertion that I “need my misery” is just downright lunacy, especially since I’d bet the only psychological qualifications you possess are about 3,500 posts on a hair loss forum (and who knows how many on the other forum). You claim that I need my misery, yet judging by your extremely numerous posts on this forum, hair loss seems to be controlling your life a hell of a lot more than it is controlling mine.

Fact is, I have a steady white collar job, a Master’s Degree, an independent life, and an active social life. I lift weights frequently, jog when I can, and get to music concerts when I can. I am surely not sitting inside and wallowing over hair loss like you claim that I am. Sure I come on this forum occasionally to vent, which I believe is one of the main purposes of this forum, but that is my only outlet for venting. I do not discuss it when I am out and about with friends. So your assertion that my life sucks is completely asinine and just out-of-this world crazy since you have no clue who I am!

And I do not “want to stay miserable”, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. It’s just that today’s hair loss options are in fact limited, as evidenced by very small percentage of hair loss sufferers who even use them. As I stated before, finasteride gave me side effects (the same reason why you said you didn’t even attempt to try it) and minoxidil did nothing. I am not interested in a hair transplant for the reason many people aren’t. I am not going to endure the complications that come with an hair transplant just so I can have a sparse and thin coating of transplanted hair on my head. You scoff at the issue of permanent head scarring, and posted that photo of the side of your head to show the supposed lack of scarring, but if a person is having surgery, some kind of scarring will be visible, especially with a shaved head (an option I do not want to completely eliminate given today’s limited hair restoration options). And then there is the probable need for multiple surgeries, and I do not want to jump on that never-ending hair transplant treadmill. You yourself even said that you may very well need to resort to beard hair and SMP tattooing to retain some semblance of a head of hair. And I’m sorry, but moving beard hair to your scalp and tattooing your head are completely ridiculous to me, and I’d bet to the majority of hair loss sufferers as well. I am not looking for a teenage hairline anymore but I sure as hell am not looking for some sparse coating of thin hair either, especially when I am paying thousands of dollars for it.

I didn’t want to resort to any kind of p*ssing contest with this post but Fred, your comments about me were just rude, dumb, and untrue. Especially since I have respected and even complimented you in the past. Whatever.
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Wow Fred, I tried to be very respectful to you and your points (hell, I even stated that I respected you as a poster and complimented you on your transplant!) and then you go and spout idiotic nonsense, comparing me to Joe from Staten Island. That is completely ridiculous and insane (not to mention rude), especially since you don’t know me and have no clue who I am and what I am all about. I simply and respectfully disagree with you, and you go on the offensive with personal attacks. Your supposed assertion that I “need my misery” is just downright lunacy, especially since I’d bet the only psychological qualifications you possess are about 3,500 posts on a hair loss forum (and who knows how many on the other forum). You claim that I need my misery, yet judging by your extremely numerous posts on this forum, hair loss seems to be controlling your life a hell of a lot more than it is controlling mine.

Fact is, I have a steady white collar job, a Master’s Degree, an independent life, and an active social life. I lift weights frequently, jog when I can, and get to music concerts when I can. I am surely not sitting inside and wallowing over hair loss like you claim that I am. Sure I come on this forum occasionally to vent, which I believe is one of the main purposes of this forum, but that is my only outlet for venting. I do not discuss it when I am out and about with friends. So your assertion that my life sucks is completely asinine and just out-of-this world crazy since you have no clue who I am!

And I do not “want to stay miserable”, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. It’s just that today’s hair loss options are in fact limited, as evidenced by very small percentage of hair loss sufferers who even use them. As I stated before, finasteride gave me side effects (the same reason why you said you didn’t even attempt to try it) and minoxidil did nothing. I am not interested in a hair transplant for the reason many people aren’t. I am not going to endure the complications that come with an hair transplant just so I can have a sparse and thin coating of transplanted hair on my head. You scoff at the issue of permanent head scarring, and posted that photo of the side of your head to show the supposed lack of scarring, but if a person is having surgery, some kind of scarring will be visible, especially with a shaved head (an option I do not want to completely eliminate given today’s limited hair restoration options). And then there is the probable need for multiple surgeries, and I do not want to jump on that never-ending hair transplant treadmill. You yourself even said that you may very well need to resort to beard hair and SMP tattooing to retain some semblance of a head of hair. And I’m sorry, but moving beard hair to your scalp and tattooing your head are completely ridiculous to me, and I’d bet to the majority of hair loss sufferers as well. I am not looking for a teenage hairline anymore but I sure as hell am not looking for some sparse coating of thin hair either, especially when I am paying thousands of dollars for it.

I didn’t want to resort to any kind of p*ssing contest with this post but Fred, your comments about me were just rude, dumb, and untrue. Especially since I have respected and even complimented you in the past. Whatever.
I've been on here briefly and posted just three times and this Fred cat has responded to each post and has done so with negativity and has attacked me...don't know him, never looked at any of his posts or otherwise engaged him. Kinda surprised the admins of this forum would allow someone like that to infect their forum...


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Plenty of good discussion in this thread. Again I wasn't trying to take a shot at you F2005, so I apologize if it appeared that I was. I was just trying to piggy back on Fred's point of guys complaining yet doing absolutely nothing to help themselves. We have too much of that around here. It just get frustrating when you hear the constant complaints from the same guys over and over and over, then you look at their regimen and it reads "nothing". I just have a hard time sympathizing with people that refuse to even make an attempt to help themselves. I will be the first one to say that our treatment options are lacking, but at least we have options.

We need to realize that we are all individuals and what I might consider as being "acceptable", might be the opposite for somebody else. I think I look OK with my current hair style and density, but I realize that the next person might think I look like a fool. That's just the way it is. Personally I think Freds transplant made a huge difference in his appearance. Slick shiny bald vs. Buzz cut is a clear difference to me, but I realize that to some unless they can grow their hair out and have a style then it isn't worth the money. At the end of the day we just need to do whatever we can to help us live with our situation.


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I have been receding for a while (luckily I still have a full head of hair) and I have been looking into options. I have to say that the hair system is the the most appealing option. Now they look good and undetectable, they give you exactly the results you want, they can't be pulled off etc. The downside is the maintenance I think. Why people choose to get FUE transplants to get themselves a NW3 or get their head tattooed to look like a skinhead when they're already bald is beyond me. Us as men need to wear systems and don't be embarrassed about it, the same way woman get breast implants or get cosmetic dentistry, there is no difference except our perceptions of it. I believe that nowadays the adhesives etc you apply are strong enough to do anything you want. Have a look on YouTube at this and make your own mind up look at 2:50 and tell me that he doesn't look much better in the after pic. The only downside I have is there is no place that does this near me so I will have to order it and do it all myself or take it to a salon and ask them to help me.

I have taken some solace from losing my hair knowing how good hair systems are nowadays.

1 question I have... Can you wear hats with them? What are your thoughts on this?


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I have been receding for a while (luckily I still have a full head of hair) and I have been looking into options. I have to say that the hair system is the the most appealing option. Now they look good and undetectable, they give you exactly the results you want, they can't be pulled off etc. The downside is the maintenance I think. Why people choose to get FUE transplants to get themselves a NW3 or get their head tattooed to look like a skinhead when they're already bald is beyond me. Us as men need to wear systems and don't be embarrassed about it, the same way woman get breast implants or get cosmetic dentistry, there is no difference except our perceptions of it. I believe that nowadays the adhesives etc you apply are strong enough to do anything you want. Have a look on YouTube at this and make your own mind up look at 2:50 and tell me that he doesn't look much better in the after pic. The only downside I have is there is no place that does this near me so I will have to order it and do it all myself or take it to a salon and ask them to help me.

I have taken some solace from losing my hair knowing how good hair systems are nowadays.

1 question I have... Can you wear hats with them? What are your thoughts on this?

In short yes, but most people lose (or wear less) the hats and caps when they start wearing.

DIY can seem difficult at first but with research, reading, forums and youtube its much easier now than 10 years ago!

Wolf Pack

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My Regimen
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I agree, only I am not man enough to do it.

They can look good and realistic, it's just the psychological issue and always will be. We should be grateful they are there, never know, one day we might have to reach for it through desperation.


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They can look good and realistic, it's just the psychological issue and always will be. We should be grateful they are there, never know, one day we might have to reach for it through desperation.

I have to say, for those here who profess to be all proud and holier than thou for having gone the receded, plug route, I find it kinda humorous that they feel compelled to omit their face in the pics they post!! You would think that if they were so proud of their new hair, they wouldn't be so embarrassed by their face!??


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In short yes, but most people lose (or wear less) the hats and caps when they start wearing.

DIY can seem difficult at first but with research, reading, forums and youtube its much easier now than 10 years ago!

And, nice to be able to change up styles on a moments notice!!! On occ, esp during summer months, I'll roll around without the dome some air!!! :)


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If anything £500 is the top end. I pay about £250 per system and £50 for a cut in and I get 9 months. Products are quite limited, say £30 a year. Would be happy to pay twice that for the benefits I get.

Sorry I must be naive, new to this blog, do you use a sytem that is attached to the scalp with a thin film and glue? If so where do you manage to get it at that price?


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@Fred Belgian

I cant seem to see your photo and post with it...oh well...

After all the build up, all the hype and all the fanfare, I am totally underwhelmed.

What hairstyles are you planning this summer?


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And, Just my two cents about systems...I am a competitive cyclist; on a bike five hours a day, six days a week. I am in the gym four days a week. I am from and return to Newport Beach monthly and get time in the surf. Also, being in Colorado, I ski and hike...I do all of these activities while wearing!! My girl has no problem with my wearing or not wearing - if I had to base my partner on her ability to accept my having or not having hair, I would first think about spending some money getting some mental health/self-esteem issues resolved AND...dump the superficial b**ch! I wear progresive styles and have been doing editorial model shoots for the past seven years! AND...for those of you who believe you can't wear an exposed hairline, I do it routinely! So, well...just LOL!!!

Oh, and I have NEVER seen one x-plant plug job that looked natural OR wasn't still receded. If you're still going to walk around with a huge forehead, what's the point!!!?? Just sayin'!!!


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Because having x-plants/plugs looks natural!!! LMAO!!

Look dude, I don't know who you are but, looking at the posts I see that you've posted, you're obviously insecure and bitter. I promise, nobody needs to have pics of you to mock you on any forum!!! You've been dealt a ****ty hand - bald at 25 (crappy genetics) and then paying the quack who left that ****show on your head, I get it!! But, there's no need to project to those of us who choose to wear and enjoy the benefits of wearing. You're way out of our league, you've plugs. So, why troll this board just to make us jealous and envious of your awesome head of hair!!!?? I mean, you have all those fine b****s on the dating websites waiting to run their fingers through your plugs!!!

Please just leave us all to our misery of having to spend hour upon hour in the bathroom and being unable to go outside in fear of being exposed!!!

Love me!!!


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I gotta admit that piece does look great.


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Isnt that a so called comic film set in the 80s with sterotypes? You seem desperate as you flail around trying to justify your stereotype. We all know stereotypes are a dangerous thing.

One day you will stop turning your face to the wind and accept people have a right to choice be it hair transplant, SMP, meds, fibres or systems and everyone should be encouraged to have the COURAGE and be BRAVE and find the RIGHT one.


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Isnt that a so called comic film set in the 80s with sterotypes? You seem desperate as you flail around trying to justify your stereotype. We all know stereotypes are a dangerous thing.

One day you will stop turning your face to the wind and accept people have a right to choice be it hair transplant, SMP, meds, fibres or systems and everyone should be encouraged to have the COURAGE and be BRAVE and find the RIGHT one.
Trolls!!! Guess he can't draw any water on the plug boards so, he comes here in an effort to belittle those of us who choose to wear. Funny thing, at my old age, I still have more hair than he does after his plugs. LOL!!


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And the head I glue a system on still has more hair than the plugs you paid for! I choose to glue hair onto my head so that I can style hair as I, read carefully d-bag...the hair I shave to make way for a system is still more dense than the plugs you have on your head that you paid some hack for! LMFAO!!!

Now, go back and troll for attention from someone else! I'm kinda done with you!!


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No worries at all!! For a guy who makes the excuse that he has exams and studies that keep him from women, you sure find a LOAD of time to troll this forum and project your misery and self-loathing! Kinda feels like that bowl may be right up your alley!!!! ****, I just blew beer out my nose!!! LMAO