Pros and Cons of a system.


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unnamed.jpgthis is how my hair looks with caboki in it... finally figured out how to send pics lol

- - - Updated - - -

image1.jpgimage2.jpgimage1-1.JPGimage2-1.jpgHey Noah heres a few more pics of what was and what is going on now. The pic to the left is me 5 years ago with much thicker hair the one in the middle is about two years ago, (getting noticably thinner) and on the right is what im working with now before and after i put caboki in it (ACTUALLY the before still has some fiber in it as i dont wash my hair with shampoo everyday) so i cant have a hairstyle now or ever even if i regrow my hair which is horrible when all your friends have one lol... I was amazed and happy i found caboki before i started working my new job but it is getting annoying now with the constant multi daily maintenance for a crappy messy look.. My hair is a bit longer than in the pic as i am growing it for my new system. not sure what hair style to get?:punk:


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Well you are certainly at the right stage to consider hair replacement. It doesn't look like the scalp powder will work for much longer, although it will make it easier to transition at this stage, because you are not perceived as slick bald.

Either of the 2 styles you have picked is doable with a system, but the undercut style on the right would be much easier. A fade like the picture on the left would require constant maintenance to keep the blend looking good.


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Well you are certainly at the right stage to consider hair replacement. It doesn't look like the scalp powder will work for much longer, although it will make it easier to transition at this stage, because you are not perceived as slick bald.

That is what the stylist told me i have alil more hair than her regulars but none the less it will go eventually so i'm better off getting it now (Honestly thought she was just buttering me up for a sale).Now is a poly perimeter suggested on a first piece? i really don't want to feel the edges if it'll make it bulky.


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I'm not a fan of poly perimeters. Definitely not a good idea at the hairline - it completely rules you out from showing any hairline. At the back and sides poly has the advantage of keeping the hairpiece in a stable shape and therefore making it easier to apply, but the poly is thick and detectable to the touch. It also gives you a good surface for sticking tape to (which is good if you live an active sweaty lifestyle) and an easy surface to clean the tape off, but you can also get those advantages by using a thinskin perimeter, which does not have the problem of detectability to the touch.


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Great post House. But I don't fully agree with the bit about "you will always focus on something else."

It's true to some extent, but come on, I don't like my persistent lower belly fat, but it's not like I obsess over it.

Sometimes I'll will be like "Oh yeah it's there", but it will never compare to my struggle with hair loss, well, my struggle with baldness to be precise.

I don't think it has anything to do with confidence. No hair line, no peace of mind for me.

There isn't an alternative reality where I lead the same life that I'm leading now while having no frame for my face.

No frame = complete change of perception from society and women. And no amount of confidence and being happy with yourself will change that.

Can you grow a beard at all, that frames your phase a bit - especially if its a good one, styled a bit. It's not a saviour and will never replace a great hairline - you know that, however a beard can help.


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i would like to try out the thin skin i would have to ask the salon if thats possible for a stock. But for a first timer what do you suggest?


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There is not really a one-size-fits-all answer; it depends on your lifestyle - are you very physically active, do you live in a humid place, are you married or dating etc etc? But if I had to come up with a recommendation without knowing any of this, I would say for your first piece go for Swiss lace with a thinskin perimeter back and sides and a line of thinskin one inch behind the hairline.


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Well i live in philadelphia and can get pretty humid in the summer but overall not too bad. i go to the gym 2-3x a week max but not an excessive gym head just cardio and some other work out machines. Im really not too worried about anyone finding out as i am already telling some friends and family about what i am going to do and at first you get the reaction from everyone thinking its a toupee but once i show them videos and explain to them its really nothing of that old thought in societies head of a toupee some jokingly say they're going to get it with me lol. I just went to the salon yesterday for my template and to order my system and i went with a light medium all lace because I just want it to look and feel natural for myself as i never had good enough hair to begin with. After i see a couple times "what needs to get done" i will go the DIY route as i seen online systems can be SOOO much cheaper than a salon.


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I want to try Hair System just for single day because i want to see myself how i would have look with hair.I will not care of the cost for that single day,i think every person in this world must have dream of how they would have look when they have full head with hairs.


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I want to try Hair System just for single day because i want to see myself how i would have look with hair.I will not care of the cost for that single day,i think every person in this world must have dream of how they would have look when they have full head with hairs.

Saurabhaj, its a bold idea but for it to be the best result reflectove of what can be achieved, you need a good piece else you will see flaws


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Well done for taking the first step Benz; I hope it all goes well for you. If you have questions on concerns, ask away.



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Well done for taking the first step Benz; I hope it all goes well for you. If you have questions on concerns, ask away.


Thanks Noah im getting mines a week from now and I'm excited to see how this is gonna look on me.. I'm just hoping not "wiggy"..


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How possible is this to go unnoticed? I went visibly bald within a month so it's very hard to suddenly adjust.

I mean it would be very embarassing if it came off dancing at a club, playing sports etc and definately can't allow myself to get into a fight under any circumstances..


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There are 2 issues here - will it come off, and can I transition without it being noticed?

If you put it on properly it will absolutely not come off. This has presumably been the big atavistic fear of men wearing hair through the ages - will it come off and leave me exposed to ridicule? That fear has been stoked by Hollywood films since the silent era. Modern glue manufacturers have realised this, and have catered for it. You can buy hairpiece glue now which is so strong that your scalp will tear off your skull before the glue would give way.

I have found that once you start wearing you gradually stop being so concerned about the possibility of it "coming off", and you start opting for less titanic adhesives, which are easier to clean up. Once you have it on your head you realise instinctively that there is just no possibility of it coming off. People just don't come up and try to pull your hair off, any more than they try to pull your pants off (which would be considerably easier than pulling a hair system off). I have just never heard of this happening in real life. But if it makes you sleep more comfortably you can choose the sort of glue which you can also use to suspend a Volkswagen Golf from the ceiling. Hopefully this has laid this fear to rest for good.

Can you transition without it being noticed is a harder question. If you are slick bald, I think the answer is no. You have missed your chance of doing it under the radar unless you are prepared to change jobs and move house. The ideal position is to be doing this at the point where you have some hair left which you can bulk up with concealers. Then you can take 2 weeks vacation, swap the concealers for a low density piece, grow a beard and buy some spectacles as a distraction, then, when everyone has got used to the new look, gradually ditch the beard and the specs and raise the density of the hairpiece till you get to your ideal look. Your hairloss sounds very accelerated and extreme. Why don't you post a picture (face blanked out) so that we can see what you currently have to work with. That way we can advise you better.


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Thanks Noah and Grincher (you guys are awesome) i hear so many things that densities differ from company to company so i opted for a light medium for my first system but i'm on the fence if that is too thin for a young guy who would like to style his hair? my stylist told me my scalp will still b visible witch is kinda frightening for me since i have joined the religion of concealers and been hooked for over a year and have not shown my scalp in public for a long period of time.


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June 14

July 29

Tried everything for the past 9 years. Now have severe Ed from finasteride, not worth it since it stopped working for hair loss anyway.
Taken dutasteride before at extreme doses too and it wore off.

It was shedding a lot before I shaved it off on June 27, from a mix of telogen effluvium and male pattern baldness and hasn't grown back much.

Don't think it will be hard to transition since ive lost most of it before and regrown it. Also haven't left the house much since shaving if off anyway.


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Hi Benz

Showing a bit of scalp on a nice lace piece is cool - it adds so much to the realism. Fingers crossed this works out for you first time. Where did you buy?

Hi Alyien

Sorry to hear the meds didn't work out. They didn't for me either.

Still, if I am understanding those pictures correctly you have plenty enough hair to allow you to use concealers for a bit. In fact I reckon your hair would still look quite full with a bit of Toppik on it. Have you tried concealers?

If you are seriously considering hair replacement you are just at exactly the right stage to do it inconspicuously. You use concealers regularly till people are used to that look. At the same time you get a piece made which replicates your look with concealers, which would be really easy to do. Then you take a vacation and swap over. Bingo! You can tell everyone the meds have worked wonders for you LOL. (Sorry - I don't mean to be flippant. I know this stuff is painful).


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Benz - you are correct terms and densities vary from company to company, light-med is a good start. I wouldnt worry about it being "thin" or showing scalp. Its too much thickness thats the real killer

Alyien - concealers will give coverage while you make transition to a piece.