Haha way to dodge all my questions. Advising someone to take minoxidil and finasteride, two harmless and 99.9 % reversible treatments, one of which is OTC, wow you bold truth teller. I asked you if you have enough faith in alleged upcoming treatments to advise someone to go ahead and transplant, because the treatments will be there if they run out of donor. The fact that you dodged this is telling though
Didn't dodge any of your asinine questions. Yeah, go out and get a transplant if you're willing to risk it. The payoff could be worth it, and augmented by future treatments.
"OH SEE THERE! U DonT Rlay BeLIVEI In Nuuuu trreaTmUNTS!" I can already hear you hammering out on your keyboard.
I have constantly advised people on here, be it on the forum or in PM, to do what they can to treat their hairloss now. It can't be said clearer.
Also there’s not really any purpose served in compiling a FAQ for an utterly ridiculous and implausible “Italian lotion” that has farcical scam written all over it. Why don’t you pat yourself on the back for compiling a FAQ for the Flat Earth Society as well? You have to have a little humility and acknowledge that you were WRONG and that you gave more credence to Brotzu then you should have. That’s a part of growing up too, my cocky millennial friend.
I compiled the FAQ because the thread was (still is I think) the most popular and chaotic thread in subsection. That's the POINT, dumbass.
Like I said, it’s incredibly easy to type a bunch of useless FAQs or “facts” about upcoming treatments and shout down skeptics
You've been shown tons of studies and scientific data and it's never good enough for you because you are inherently an antagonist. Your default position on ANYTHING is adversarial. Your belief is that nothing will work out and everyone and everything is a lie.
You have this position because you like it as its impossible to uproot you from it with facts because again, everything is a lie or scandal to you. It justifies you in fighting people until the sun burns out.
Perhaps if you did you would better understand the frustrations of people who are actually dealing with visible or aggressive loss
I don't care about your frustrations. You're being, a
Should you ever stop behaving as such, we might then be able to talk like normal, civilized people. Until then, you'll be safe in my ignore list.
If Follica is doing a Phase III for something then that thing will never be out in 2018, 2019 and possibly 2020. It's just impossible. You need roughly 1 year for Phase III and one year for FDA approval.
If they are planning to release something without the need of Phase III then it might get released earlier.
Read noisette's posts.