C'mon, you seem reasonable, do you really believe that Follica is going to be a breakthrough???
Like for real?
Imo, it's going to work only for diffuse thinners.
Big norwoods should only hope for Tsuji's success, which is going to happen, but I don't know when.
You really are throwing stones from glass houses, as you're among the
most unreasonable members here and you regularly dislike posts without providing any
reason. Remember how like, with Shiseido, I was talking about placebo groups, explaining my
reasoning and you called me a moron repeatedly, insisting such didn't pertain to that trial...only for noisette to drop in with a link that there is, in fact, a placebo group?
do you really believe that Follica is going to be a breakthrough???
Any treatment that could reliably grow a cosmetically acceptable amount of new hair without the need of a transplant is worth being called a "breakthrough".
Imo, it's going to work only for diffuse thinners.
It's an agreeable point that diffuse thinners are most likely to benefit, but they are most likely to benefit from literally any hairloss treatment.
It's less agreeable that it will "only work" for them. Unless you have a link to a study that shows that wound-neogenesis only works to grow hair on the crown, this is just speculation with nothing backing it up. As far as I can recall, I'm pretty sure most microneedling studies just rolled on the top of the head.
Lastly, you keep insisting on it being "dermarolling and minoxidil" when the facts are, we don't know what compounds they're using for sure but we do know there are at least two different ones in the regimen. Further, studies have shown that dermarolling is absolutely capable of growing a worthy amount of new hair, but the results are inconsistent and the overwhelming majority of these studies (available to the public) are very recent, and limited in their understanding as to how to maximize this effect.
This isn't something like JAK inhibitors, where the company does a trial that fails to provide any results, and then turns around and justifies it with demonstrably false scientific reason; thus, justifying doubt.
Instead, you have this Follica hate boner going in which you provide no citations and even state false information ("it's just microneedling + dermarolling), disagree that a transplant-free method of growing new hair superior to just minoxidil alone would be a breakthrough, argue it wouldn't work on the hairline with no explanation, etc.
Doesn't sound like the thinking of a "reasonable" man to me.