QR678 injections


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hi guys
I started this new treatment, its called QR678 injections by Dr. Debraj Shome in India.
And I think this is Similar to what Histogen is planning, but not yet FDA approved.

Anyway it cost $100 per shot, so I said let give it a try,

Started my first shot on March 1, 2011, Along with the injections doctor prescribed 1mg finasteride daily and 10% generic minoxidil every night, and weekly clofoam.

I just finished my third shot few days ago. I would say too early to see growth, tiny hair in front i can see, decided to post my two pics, one no 1st March'11 and second is just today.

I see some drastic change in my scalp skin color as you see in the photo, i hope it is good sign or something.

Dr said, you can take max 8 shots, beyond that it does not matter any more. I can expect max 40% new growth, but no growth in tempral are where the skin is completely bald.

About the content of the injection doctor said, it is something which is already present in your scalp but not in enough amount. So there is no side effects.

So lets see how next six months progress is, I will update with more pics.
March 3rd, 2011

May 4th, 2011


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That is quite remarkable...

Please keep us updated so that we can monitor your progress.


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No I haven't used finasteride / minoxidil before, this is first time. Although I knew about Propecia but I could not make up my mind until it was kind of too late. Although I tried many alternate medicines, home remedies etc. for few years but the could not stop the aggressive male pattern baldness.

"The Big 3" are not that popular in this part of the world. :(
And the cost is of branded Propecia is also big factor. These generic finasteride is only $0.09 per 1mg tablet. And 10% generic minoxidil is only $11 for 2 Oz. Shedding was completely stopped in two weeks of starting these.

I hope these little growth is not only from finasteride/minoxidil regime of two months..

normally how soon do you notice any new growth from the Big 3?

optimus prime

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Is this bad news for people who want to maintain hair but don't want to use Propecia?

Lets assume this is the same product as Histogen. Will we need to be on Propecia to maintain any hair growth from the injections?

optimus prime

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finfighter said:
I wouldn't think so, but you may need to substitute it for another androgen blocker, if not an internal 5AR inhibitor.

So I guess Histogen is no big deal for someone like myself who has almost a full head of hair but wants to maintain.

That's a bit disappointing


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I asked my Dr. how long do I need to take finasteride/minoxidil, he said, right now he would suggest only up till the treatment last, that is approx 8 months. Let see what he says in the end.

I already have little side effects from finasteride, which is similar to ED, making me hard to maintain the erection for long time. So after first month I decided to skip dose of finasteride once or twice a week. Now it is better but nothing compare to what I could feel like before starting finasteride. No more instant Coffee type sex. But in a way I feel better, kind of relief from the constant bombardment of thoughts about sex.

And from 10% minoxidil I don't see anything major side effect, except that every week I get a painful tiny red bump. It go away after few days. One u can see in second pic left/bottom side.


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Have you tried cutting the finasteride in half and going to a .5mg dose? Lesser chance of sides (according to reports).

Also....if you respond well to treatment...how will you know if it's the finasteride, the minoxidil, or the QR?

Not trying to discourage you, just saying that it'll be hard to point to one thing and say that it was what caused the regrowth.


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Yes it would be hard to tell which one is working. But result is more important for me than process.

The photos I tooks is just 60 days apart, from very first use of finasteride/minoxidil, so if anyone who just recently using the same products do you see this progress are normal growth by finasteride/minoxidil or better or remarkable?


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What's the active ingredient in the shots? Besides, the doctor should put his patients on finasteride and minoxidil treatment for a year, before giving the shots. That's the only way to know for sure if it works or not, without compromising the end result.


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I did ask whats in it, but he said it is a growth factor, wont tell in detail. He said it is something already present in your scalp but not in enough quantity.
And I can expect Max 40% regrowth, also told me he don't expect temperal area to respond. :(
Lets see..


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Would need more information on the contents of what they are injecting before anyone truly is encouraged to look further into this. I have some serious doubts a short term injection is the solution.

Personally myself I am just waiting for hair cloning to be ready for the public. Hair cloning would be a solution and one which doesn't give scarring on the back of my head which concerns me the most with transplantation if it goes wrong that I am going to eventually run out of donor hair.


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mark_india said:
hi guys
I started this new treatment, its called QR678 injections by Dr. Debraj Shome in India.
And I think this is Similar to what Histogen is planning, but not yet FDA approved.

Anyway it cost $100 per shot, so I said let give it a try,

Started my first shot on March 1, 2011, Along with the injections doctor prescribed 1mg finasteride daily and 10% generic minoxidil every night, and weekly clofoam.

I just finished my third shot few days ago. I would say too early to see growth, tiny hair in front i can see, decided to post my two pics, one no 1st March'11 and second is just today.

I see some drastic change in my scalp skin color as you see in the photo, i hope it is good sign or something.

Dr said, you can take max 8 shots, beyond that it does not matter any more. I can expect max 40% new growth, but no growth in tempral are where the skin is completely bald.

About the content of the injection doctor said, it is something which is already present in your scalp but not in enough amount. So there is no side effects.

So lets see how next six months progress is, I will update with more pics.
March 3rd, 2011

May 4th, 2011

Amazing results in a short amount of time! Please keep us updated on your progress.


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Well I don't think it is similar, because there was no blood test, nor did he do any biopsy first. The injection is common for everyone.
So it is more like histogen, some kind of growth factor, as per Dr. depending on the Norwood scale patient needs only 4 to 8 shots and after that no matter how many shots you take it does not affect any more.
one syringe full is injected in small amount all around the affected area about 20-30 tiny shots and its deep I think more than 1mm so it does hurt a little. but no blood.


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At Rs 5000 a shot, QR 678 helps lost hair grow back
Malathy Iyer, TNN, Sep 19, 2010, 12.53am ISTMUMBAI:

A medical couple in Hyderabad, Debraj Shome and Rinky Kapoor, claim that their home-grown invention, QR 678, could arrest the most stubborn cases of hairfall. Balding could be a thing of the past, says Dr Kapoor, a dermatologist attached to Apollo Hospital.

The couple say their invention required four years of research, passing through various stages of development in the laboratories of the Tata Memorial Hospital, IIT Mumbai and Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad. "If there is no research paper on it yet," says Dr Shome, "it is only because we have still not patented the molecule, which is basically a mix of many growth factors."

Each of the doctors' 700-odd patient pool underwent five to eight shots priced at of Rs 5,000 each. Indipop singer Anaida is one of the Mumbai celebrities who zips down to Charminar city every three weeks for a shot. Haircare is big business in India. Plastic surgeon Dr S Keswani says hair transplant is the fastest growing sector, second only to liposuction, in India's cosmetic surgery charts.

Dermatologist Dr Satish Bhatia, who practises out of his Cooperage clinic, started the European treatment around three months ago. "Stem cells are known to take on the role of skin, bone and muscle. We use stem cells derived from fatty tissues that already know their role and won't grow into tumours," he says. His concoction is imported from Italy, costing Rs 25,000. "If the patient wants own stem cells to be derived from own fat cells, then cost goes up four times," he adds.

Dr Bhatia believes growth factors and stem cells are the next big things in hair care. "People are sick of hair transplants, which have a bushy appearance and look artificial. One of 10 persons undergoing a transplant complains of side-effects such as swelling and infection. So stem cell injections that cause local swelling and redness for only 48 hours are welcome," he adds.

http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... th-factors

So it says they are using stem cells? Anyone have any thoughts on this?


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Some more info:

Stage I:

The concept originated from a chance observation by my colleague Dr. Debraj Shome, during his research trials on mice models for treatment of a severe form of eye cancer called Retinoblastoma. This research was being conducted in collaboration with the IIT Mumbai (2006), to develop a new nano-molecule drug delivery system for Retinoblastoma. This drug delivery system is injected directly around the diseased eye, so that the side effects due to intravenous delivery of the drug could be avoided. A few days after the injections were given around the eyes of each mouse, my colleague Dr. Shome observed that the hair around the mouse’s eye started disappearing due to local contact with the drug. This led him to speculate that there must be some local factors which are essential for hair growth and which were being affected by Carboplatin, since there was no other way Carboplatin could affect the hair growth, since the drug is not absorbed into the body post injection around the eye.

This was interesting as for decades, we believed that the internal health of the body was the most essential element for hair growth. This new postulate that hair growth could be influenced by local growth factors, despite the internal health of the body being perfect, was brilliant, revolutionary and new.

However, knowing that local growth factors may cause hair growth is one thing, but proving the same and finding which ONE of the hundreds of local protein growth factors actually caused hair growth or the absence of which caused hair loss, was a daunting task! These phases, undertaken in joint collaboration with a few top Indian institutes took four years of pain-staking research, & prolonged animal studies as well as human trials.

Stage II:

The next step was to identify by a process of scientific research the most likely ones of the growth factor proteins present in the scalp skin which could cause growth. By a process of scientific exclusion, we identified a total of five odd growth factors which could potentially play a role in hair growth.

Stage III:

It was not enough to merely identify the molecules though. We then prepared these five growth factor molecules artificially, outside the human body, by genetic engineering in the laboratory. These molecules were then synthesized in five different compositions and proportions, and it was decided to inject the solution into the scalp with the intention to deliver the molecules directly to the hair roots, without having to cross the skin barrier. This entire process took one and a half years.

Stage IV:

A pilot trial was then conducted with five volunteer patients in each of the five groups (n = 25), with early to moderate hair loss, being subjected to the injections. The results were the best consistently in one particular group of human volunteers. This newly created molecule thus seemed to be the most likely to cause hair growth.

Stage V:

The findings of the pilot trial needed to be validated. A randomized clinical trial was set up comparing this new molecule in different concentrations and at different treatment frequencies with a placebo injection, in 750 patients. More than 80% hair growth was seen in about 6 months for more than 90% patients who tried this injection therapy. Results in some cases are even better than hair restoration surgery. This clinical trial involved 100 patients and spanned more than a year. This trial was double-blinded and finally unequivocally proved the efficacy of this cocktail of three growth factors in causing hair growth! Thus, was born the concoction which everyone was waiting for! This molecule was named ‘The QR678’.

How does the QR 678 work?

The epidermal hair follicles are regulated by interactions between the dermis and epidermis (the 2 layers of the skin),and undergo stages of growth (anagen), involution (catagen), and silence (telogen).Factors from the hair root which is present in the dermis, act as inducting signals for this cyclic growth of the hair. There are stem cells in an area of the hair follicle which pick up these signals and form a down growth into the dermis to form the hair shaft.

The network of capillaries surrounding the base of the hair follicle delivers the nutrients – amino acids, vitamins, minerals – necessary for proper functioning. Cell division in the hair follicle is extremely fast. This rapid cell proliferation requires a constant supply of nutrients. The inducting signals for the hair follicle growth are the growth factors identified by our team in the revolutionary artificially prepared concoction ‘QR678’.

Why do Patients Want the QR 678 and What Do They Feel:

Ruchi, a 35 year old guest relations professional said ‘I decided to go for it because it was a short 15-20 minute procedure, almost painless, and fitted my budget right. I underwent 8 sessions and I now am happy that I gave my hair the shot in time’.

Said Akshay’s father with a smile,†My son married Samantha whom he met at the same clinic .In fact they both were undergoing the same treatment, however they did not know each other before this. They are a happy couple now and often guide people seeking help with their ‘hair raising story’. I think it is time I get some injections myself before it is late. I am proud of the fact that Indian doctors have given my children something which is so exclusive and unique.â€

This revolutionary treatment is being considered for presentations and publications in the scientific community world-wide and is currently awaiting a world-wide patent. Now, folks all over the world can have a ‘hair raising’ tale to tell!

For more details on Dr. Rinky Kapoor’s work log onto:
http://www.theestheticclinic.com/about- ... apoor.html


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There are two articles in that link, first three para is about QR678 and last two about Dermatologist Dr Satish Bhatia, he has nothing to do with this treatment. If you open the webpage there is search result and line break between two of them.
So anyway I don't think this is stem cell therapy.

It was interesting to see how reverse engineering they did, usually in news we always hear scientist find some accidental cure which grew hair in mice, but in this case the mice lost his hairs!! so he must have isolated the proteins which reacts with his cancer therapy, those must be the hair growth factors.


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finfighter said:
How much is your physician charging you for these injections, in USD?

Since I am local I pay in Indian currency, so it is INR 5000/shot which is like USD 111, but I think for international patients he take USD 100/shot.
We have high fluctuations with USD so i guess he is just rounding off the figures to make it simple.


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ajax said:
The findings of the pilot trial needed to be validated. A randomized clinical trial was set up comparing this new molecule in different concentrations and at different treatment frequencies with a placebo injection, in 750 patients. More than 80% hair growth was seen in about 6 months for more than 90% patients who tried this injection therapy. Results in some cases are even better than hair restoration surgery. This clinical trial involved 100 patients and spanned more than a year.

Although they say 80% growth for 90% patients, but when I asked him about it, he said you can expect only 40% new Growth, and none in temperal area. :(

So I don't know if this 80% is growth is in what sense, may be it is in terms of reversing the miniaturization.


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According to the article it's around $500 for the procedure.

Is this something an online Indian pharmacy could potentially sell by the vial?


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mark_india said:
There are two articles in that link, first three para is about QR678 and last two about Dermatologist Dr Satish Bhatia, he has nothing to do with this treatment. If you open the webpage there is search result and line break between two of them.
So anyway I don't think this is stem cell therapy.

It was interesting to see how reverse engineering they did, usually in news we always hear scientist find some accidental cure which grew hair in mice, but in this case the mice lost his hairs!! so he must have isolated the proteins which reacts with his cancer therapy, those must be the hair growth factors.

Sorry my mistake, that article is a little misleading as its all on the same page, so looks like the advert is just seperating 2 parts of the same story