QR678 injections


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9 Days and they haven't responded to my e-mail... and I e-mailed both doctors directly... hmmm :whistle:


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Ok thats 3 weeks now and they still haven't responded to my e-mails... I think we can safely say that they aren't going to!

Mark please keep us posted on your results, as tbh at the moment this is pretty much in the "BS" bin now, so your results will be key to getting it back out should they be remarkable.


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ajax said:
Ok thats 3 weeks now and they still haven't responded to my e-mails... I think we can safely say that they aren't going to!

Mark please keep us posted on your results, as tbh at the moment this is pretty much in the "BS" bin now, so your results will be key to getting it back out should they be remarkable.


I didn't expect much from this.


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I will be monitoring this thread over the coming weeks/months...

No longer getting my hopes up.


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Here is three months result, one week after my 4th Shot, now four more to go.

I had hair cut two weeks ago, now I would say the new hairs are defiantly more thick and hopefully getting longer.

I don't know why Doctor did not reply the questions from Ajax yet, however looking at the results I am pretty sure that his treatment is working. I am still half way through.

Anyway, I also have pics from the Top view, and some extreme close up pics of hair line with reference marks. if anyone want to see.


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We are surely interested in all the pictures you can provide. the reference marks would be helpful.

Thanks for posting so far.


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mark_india said:
Close up of hair line (from March'11 to June'11)


From Top, (the angle is not perfect, but still one can get some idea)


You seem to have had some decent regrowth... I wouldnt say it was spectacular but it is very good.

Is it too much for minoxidil to have caused in 3 months? I dont know, I'd say its not impossible for minoxidil to grow this much hair, but you'd have to be a very good responder for it have grown this much.

I think all we can do is ask you to keep posting pics as your treatment progresses so we can continue to evaluate it.


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Thanks for following up, mark_india. Your hair seems to be progressing well.

What I don't understand is why there aren't more testimonials for QR678 injections... if the product does indeed work, it would revolutionize the industry.

This leaves me a skeptic but I'm hoping that you and others who are also undergoing treatment can help change this. Thx again for the follow up.


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It seems legit and if these pics/person are to be believed, why is there not more noise about this?


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Looking at those pics, I would seriously think about spending some time in India for this. My hairloss is not NEARLY as bad is the ops, so I believe I could benefit pretty well from this.

Please keep us updated bro. Thanks so much for the nice timeline pics.


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I didnt read through all of the pages, however you were prescribed "1mg finasteride daily and 10% generic minoxidil"

Any improvement you might have had, guaranteed were due to these 2 factors.

If he believes in these shots so much, why add 2 different products into the mix?

smells like a lot of bs to me...


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For those who haven't read the whole thread, I e-mailed both the doctors asking them why they give finasteride & minoxidil during the treatment, how they can tell what is doing what, what research they carried out that would show the effects of the product, i.e. test with QR678 only, test with QR678 + finasteride, QR678 + minoxidil, QR678 + finasteride + Min, Placebo etc etc.

Neither doctor replied to my e-mails.

So we have no idea if the treatment is effective, and if the OP's results are from the minoxidil alone.

We've asked him to keep posting his pictures so we can continue to evaluate the progress he is making, and this should hopefully indicate how effective his treatment has been, over what you'd expect from someone just using finasteride & Min alone.

I think most of us believe this to be BS, but we will await the final results and reserve judgement until then.


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They dont respond to emails because quite frankly they have way too many emails. 1.2 Billion people, fair amount of them bald, no shortage of business, you do the math.

Google up for Debraj Shome's blog and you'll get why they prescribe the propecia and minoxidil. Basically the propecia's to retain the grown hair & minoxidil is to add to the growth effect.

So, it could be not as effective as claimed, but the reasons you believe its BS - well those aren't the ones. Personally, I'd try it but for the fact my health's not been too good of late, been on many meds, and hence having more meds into my scalp is inadvisable according to a family friend who's a researcher.

If you want to reach out to them- I'd suggest a phone call, not an email. I'd also request that you ask when exactly is it that they are patenting the stuff and the safety aspect. IMHO, these are things which we can track. Chances are you may reach the assistant/admin person, but its more certain to work (in at least getting you some info) versus an email.

When this thing started, I emailed them I got a response. Later I learnt they were swarmed for the little publicity they did so they didnt respond to my follow on mails - TBH, they had a lot of queries.

Also, one lady I emailed, said the treatment worked well for her. She said it did provide regrowth and worked for her. Take it FWIW. Like I said I'd try it if my circumstances were different.

I'd just request we hold off on a definitive answer till we see the results Mark brings in. Its awful nice of him to go to the effort of actually tracing his hairline and seeing the result on a monthly basis. Most folks who'd have something like this, would keep quiet, well at least over here in India anyways. My point is cynicism is well and good, but lets not have too much of it push him away till we can actually see what it is.

Also, I have been using minoxidil & Eucapil - combo. I can certify, that it has not helped my hair from falling (the lady I was emailing noted that her hairfall had also reduced/stopped) and I am actually headed towards the position Mark was in April before this treatment. My dad is a NW7 so you can imagine my condition. I also happen to be one of the lucky guys who had severe sides from Propecia within a few days of starting the regimen. So I dropped it.

Bottomline, the progress he is showing - so far - seems to me at least - to be more than that of minoxidil alone. I use minoxidil, and it simply did not grow stuff the way its growing it for him. His crown is sorta filling in as well. Could propecia do this in 2-3 months, perhaps. But the lady i spoke to just used minoxidil 10%.

These are Debraj Shome's and his fellow doctors blog links - didnt want to be a jerk and just ask you to google for it. I just realized I may have known more about it since i followed this story for a while now.
Rinky Kapoor (lady Dr)
http://rinkykapoor.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... ial-issue/
http://rinkykapoor.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... py-is-not/
Dr Shome
http://debrajshome.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... tor-story/
http://debrajshome.wordpress.com/2010/1 ... -678-faqs/

Note - I am NOT affiliated with either of these docs, nor do I know them, nor have I visited them. Currently, I am a NW3 to 4 and given rate of hair loss, I am really hoping this works. I have heard/read on this forum that Acell+PRP works awesome, but its only available in the US and in Florida, and theres no way I can get that done logistically speaking.


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Completed my 5th Shot last week,
Here is picture for July 4.

Pic from top is here http://s1098.photobucket.com/albums/g37 ... india/Top/
Close up hair line is here http://s1098.photobucket.com/albums/g37 ... /hairline/

Now I am told to start using minoxidil 5% with 10% on alternate days,
gradually to 5% / 2% and then it needs to be stopped.
However Oral finasteride 1mg daily will continue as it is, till sometime.

For last three shots, the time period between two shots will increase from 4 weeks to 5 weeks and last will be after 6 ~ 7 weeks.

I would say the growth is very good, I can feel the hair is getting thick and healthy.


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Aks20 said:

They dont respond to emails because quite frankly they have way too many emails. 1.2 Billion people, fair amount of them bald, no shortage of business, you do the math.

Google up for Debraj Shome's blog and you'll get why they prescribe the propecia and minoxidil. Basically the propecia's to retain the grown hair & minoxidil is to add to the growth effect.

So, it could be not as effective as claimed, but the reasons you believe its BS - well those aren't the ones. Personally, I'd try it but for the fact my health's not been too good of late, been on many meds, and hence having more meds into my scalp is inadvisable according to a family friend who's a researcher.

If you want to reach out to them- I'd suggest a phone call, not an email. I'd also request that you ask when exactly is it that they are patenting the stuff and the safety aspect. IMHO, these are things which we can track. Chances are you may reach the assistant/admin person, but its more certain to work (in at least getting you some info) versus an email.

When this thing started, I emailed them I got a response. Later I learnt they were swarmed for the little publicity they did so they didnt respond to my follow on mails - TBH, they had a lot of queries.

Also, one lady I emailed, said the treatment worked well for her. She said it did provide regrowth and worked for her. Take it FWIW. Like I said I'd try it if my circumstances were different.

I'd just request we hold off on a definitive answer till we see the results Mark brings in. Its awful nice of him to go to the effort of actually tracing his hairline and seeing the result on a monthly basis. Most folks who'd have something like this, would keep quiet, well at least over here in India anyways. My point is cynicism is well and good, but lets not have too much of it push him away till we can actually see what it is.

Also, I have been using minoxidil & Eucapil - combo. I can certify, that it has not helped my hair from falling (the lady I was emailing noted that her hairfall had also reduced/stopped) and I am actually headed towards the position Mark was in April before this treatment. My dad is a NW7 so you can imagine my condition. I also happen to be one of the lucky guys who had severe sides from Propecia within a few days of starting the regimen. So I dropped it.

Bottomline, the progress he is showing - so far - seems to me at least - to be more than that of minoxidil alone. I use minoxidil, and it simply did not grow stuff the way its growing it for him. His crown is sorta filling in as well. Could propecia do this in 2-3 months, perhaps. But the lady i spoke to just used minoxidil 10%.

These are Debraj Shome's and his fellow doctors blog links - didnt want to be a jerk and just ask you to google for it. I just realized I may have known more about it since i followed this story for a while now.
Rinky Kapoor (lady Dr)
http://rinkykapoor.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... ial-issue/
http://rinkykapoor.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... py-is-not/
Dr Shome
http://debrajshome.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... tor-story/
http://debrajshome.wordpress.com/2010/1 ... -678-faqs/

Note - I am NOT affiliated with either of these docs, nor do I know them, nor have I visited them. Currently, I am a NW3 to 4 and given rate of hair loss, I am really hoping this works. I have heard/read on this forum that Acell+PRP works awesome, but its only available in the US and in Florida, and theres no way I can get that done logistically speaking.

Hi, I appreciate they may be busy people, however my e-mail asked some very important questions, which you can read earlier in thsi thread should you wish to... if someone is unwilling to respond to such important questions then it will always cast doubt on the validity of their claims.

As for using minoxidil as it helps, well that's just plain odd... how do you tell how effective the treatment is if you are using another growth stimulant too?

I wont be ringing them... I live in the UK, I have e-mailed them, if they dont respond then it would suggest in my eyes that they are unable to answer the questions asked... whether that is because they are too busy (strange as if answering and confirming everything is legit, then they would no doubt increase their reputation and gain more business), or they can't answer them as it would show their product to be BS. I don't know which one it is, but neither option really casts them in a great light IMO.

I've said all along that Mark's end result will be the best evidence of whether this product is legit or not... I have asked him to keep us updated on his progress several times, and I feel I have been polite at all times towards him. If that isn't the case i'm sure Mark would let me know? I dont think anyone here wishes to scare him off, but our suspicions about this product are being rightly aired and discussed, as there is a lot here that doesn't add up.

At the end of the day we all would love a treatment that works, but using minoxidil at the same time? Honestly how can you tell what is doing what? 100% of the results could be minoxidil based, or it could be 50/50, or 80/20... how is it possible to tell?

As they haven't responded to my e-mails we dont have an answer, and until we do then its definately a dubious product.


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mark_india said:
Completed my 5th Shot last week,
Here is picture for July 4.

Pic from top is here http://s1098.photobucket.com/albums/g37 ... india/Top/
Close up hair line is here http://s1098.photobucket.com/albums/g37 ... /hairline/

Now I am told to start using minoxidil 5% with 10% on alternate days,
gradually to 5% / 2% and then it needs to be stopped.
However Oral finasteride 1mg daily will continue as it is, till sometime.

For last three shots, the time period between two shots will increase from 4 weeks to 5 weeks and last will be after 6 ~ 7 weeks.

I would say the growth is very good, I can feel the hair is getting thick and healthy.

That's certainly an impressive result so far Mark :)

WOW they have told you to stop minoxidil eventually?!!! Any idea how long that will be?

I honestly can't get my head around that one... I mean what if say 50% of your growth was from minoxidil... wouldn't you just lose 50% of your new hair once you've stopped?!! Or is QR678 so effective it maintains hair grown by minoxidil? I've never heard of anything that does that, and would be shocked if this does!

There's no doubt your hair looks sooo much better, and i'm really pleased you have had such good results! I know I say I think this product is likely to be BS, but what ever is working for you is working very well, and I appreciate you continuing to keep us updated on your progress.

Quiting minoxidil... a new twist in the very strange story of QR678!


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Yes Ajax, he said, 'soon you will have to quit minoxidil, but not suddenly to avoid shock loss. Just reduce the concentration from 10% to 5% and 2%'.
No time frame was given but I guess 2-3 months.

I assume he must be sure that the new hair will sustain without minoxidil.

lets see, I hope more people taking this treatment come forward with pics, as I see many people taking this treatment during my visit.


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Another point I forgot mention about them, is another field where they are already providing treatments, is Eye Lash growth using Latisse / Bimotoprost and also Acne treatment.

Also he is expert in Rhinoplasty / scar treatment.
Here is video of Dr. Shome explaining his scar treatment example. http://www.youtube.com/user/drdebrajsho ... onX-kdN4nc
You can see he is performing very complicated facial surgery. Just to let everyone know he is not just ordinary doctor but a capable surgeon.