There is no trolling. For example, you may experience any number of complications with sleep. Should you ever do so, you will find out that it is an actual torture. Medication withdrawal is the same. Imagine having IBS, multiple sclerosis, cancer, or perhaps a tumor. Want something more simple? Imagine a polyp in your intestines, requiring a surgery. Imagine nerve damage anywhere in the body causing pain. Imagine cranial hypertension or constant tinnitus. Or perhaps neck pain from whiplash. Imagine atopic dermatitis in your scalp from food allergy or exposure to radiation. Yes those are all real things that happen to more people than you think of. They can happen to you. Some can completely mess up your nervous system, send you to meds or make you nuts. You will suffer.
Do you understand how tiny your concern for hair loss looks? In what imaginary world did any of you bots think that companies would invest millions to cure your obsession?
Picture Tsuji and Riken and let’s assume it still was on. You sit here typing “so many bald people will pay”. Do you have any idea how many people would pay for limbs and organs instead? For medication for schizophrenia? High bp?
ACTUAL diseases. Hair loss is part of life, it will never be cured mate. All you got is some 1970’s pills & lotions, along with cosmetic approaches.
Good luck