Why whole scalp,only balding areas where you want it.
It seems obvious you'd want to treat/immunize all of your head to prevent all future miniaturization.
Some update... Credit to that nosyu guy
That's encouraging! Maybe it's true. When you replicate cells from the "safe zone", newly generated follicles might prove immune to androgen damage. (read that follicles from male pattern baldness patients' occipital scalp have less androgen receptors)Interestingly, researcher thinks effectiveness of only a single treatment is permanent.
Does anyone know if the single injection is referring to just immunizing the follicles from dht damage or is it reffering to regrowth as well. So for instance would one injection be enough to grow all the hair u lost back? There was an animated vid on replicels youtube page where it pretty much showed that, but I guess that was just to illustrate if the their hypothesis was correct.
Sorry i didnt mean to ask if that is whats going to happen, but if that is what they are claiming will happen?
They are claiming regeneration.
- Then they turn around and claim maintenance.
Let's be honest, we've heard them say both on different occasions, and I don't think anyone's yet found the courage to press them for a definite answer. We really should, though.
- Then they turn around and claim maintenance.
Let's be honest, we've heard them say both on different occasions, and I don't think anyone's yet found the courage to press them for a definite answer. We really should, though.