Replicel Is On Fire Lately — Data In Feb.


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Sorry I tend to forget the regrowth percentage with this treatment.

After all the crap waiting for this to happen... what's the average regrowth rate for this treatment? . If it ever be released.

2- Can it recreate a hairline?.
3- Can it refill a missed up donor area after 2 transplants?.
4- is it possible for a norwood 6 to go norwood 1 with this?.

Just asking to see if I should disregard this whole thread.


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If you want maintenance without nuking your hormones, this could be interesting for you.

Yeah I would love to maintain a norwood 6... I'm into maintenance for sure!.

Omg I'm so excited. I will cry!.

I can't believe it... At last!... I'll be able to keep my norwood 6 for life!. And return to attracting pussy again. Yeah!.

You basically saved my life man. I can't imagine what will happen if I didn't do maintenance for my norwood 6?. Ogod!.
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Yeah I would love to maintain a norwood 6... I'm into maintenance for sure!.

Omg I'm so excited. I will cry!.

I can't believe it... At last!... I'll be able to keep my norwood 6 for life!. And return to attracting pussy again. Yeah!.

You basically saved my life man. I can't imagine what will happen if I didn't do maintenance for my norwood 6?. Ogod!.
Yeah... Sorry for you most of us are not that bad we still have interest in this sh*t


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damn, I'm only at norwood 2 and feel like crap. The chicks I'm seeing went from young Denise Richards to Mayim Bialik level---- all within 12months...
I can't imagine what I'll be at nrw 6. Hope it'll never happen. Let's pray the god of hair one more time before going to sleep
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damn, I'm only at norwood 2 and feel like crap. The chicks I see went from young Denise Richards to Mayim Bialik level---- all within 12months...
I can't imagine what I'll be at nrw 6. Hope it'll never happen. Let's pray the god of hair one more time before going to sleep
Na.. not that bad tbh. Knowing that neither baldness nor anything is gonna affect me in anyway.

Also mayim bialik is too damn ugly if this what you want.
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Also mayim bialik is too damn ugly if this what you want.
That's the point. I mean, that's not what I want lol
I would never have imagined that a little bit of hair less would have made me go from a ten to a zero


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damn, I'm only at norwood 2 and feel like crap. The chicks I'm seeing went from young Denise Richards to Mayim Bialik level---- all within 12months...
I can't imagine what I'll be at nrw 6. Hope it'll never happen. Let's pray the god of hair one more time before going to sleep

Off topic, but with NW6 you have to hit the gym and look for a good SMP and may be use minoxidil to grow a nice beard (it works much better for beards). With a ripped body and a shaved look with a beard for a good jawline you can always look good. But if you're a NW6 without any color on your head and you dont care about the rest of your body, you'll look bad of course.
Even with a big forehead or something like that you can look good with this procedure (in my honest opinion). But let's get back to the topic of this thread.


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damn, I'm only at norwood 2 and feel like crap. The chicks I'm seeing went from young Denise Richards to Mayim Bialik level---- all within 12months...
I can't imagine what I'll be at nrw 6. Hope it'll never happen. Let's pray the god of hair one more time before going to sleep

No one in their sane mind would notice the difference on a stranger between 1 norwood. If you think girl attention has changed even in the slightest because of going from NW1 to NW2 then your fueling the the fact half of this forum is mentally ill.
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Reading several comments on what is expected of thispossible treatment in case one day comes out, I observe thatmany expect a complete regeneration of their lost hair. Inmy case I hope that RCH-01. Can make my hair miniaturizedpigmented DILUENT DIFFUSer back to normal (terminal hair)It may not look like before Androgenetic Alopecia, but it would be enough forme.

On the subject that many comment on attracting girls, I canonly say that girls my age (32/33) years, alopecia issecondary. They are more fixated if you are economicallyand physically stable that are not low and have a carelesstummy..


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Considering I work in the pharma sector on the release of new products I think I'm more qualified to talk upon how products come to market. What I said about Samumed wasn't dumb, in a few months you will look back and see I was right. I wont reply to you again but I will be here in a few months for the inevitable bust that this will be.

lol now you sound like an even bigger schmuck given the caliber of YOUR comment I originally replied to.

Are you a janitor?


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No not a janitor but what would be wrong if i was? We will see in a few months who was right and considering im getting a transplant soon this dont make much difference to me, you will be sorry to hear i can afford a transplant, idiot.


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No not a janitor but what would be wrong if i was? We will see in a few months who was right and considering im getting a transplant soon this dont make much difference to me, you will be sorry to hear i can afford a transplant, idiot.

No wonder you wish nothing successful soon, because you have paid a transplant, i know that psycho, it's very common here. But you'll be disappointed.


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Wtf you on about, who said I wish nothing successful, I'm being realistic, you will see in a few months this treatment wont b a game changer. Guys on this forum expect you to get excited about every upcoming treatment, history has shown us to not get excited as most inevitably fail. Any guy on here wants a successful treatment but some of us are realists and not eternal optmists.


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Wtf you on about, who said I wish nothing successful, I'm being realistic, you will see in a few months this treatment wont b a game changer. Guys on this forum expect you to get excited about every upcoming treatment, history has shown us to not get excited as most inevitably fail. Any guy on here wants a successful treatment but some of us are realists and not eternal optmists.

Not to burst your bubble, but stemcell treatments across different diseases have shown to have a huge potential. The other obstacle they face is the huge cost and complexity compared to traditional medicinal treatments.

Its okay to be a pessimist, but have some insight also.

If you had the same attitude as a baby as you have now, you would never be able to walk, talk or other things. Because you failed at those things many thousand times.

History doesn't always tell the whole truth. cavemen would never have evolved either if everyone was like "but history shows that we can't evolve our society and technology!"

and cool with your transplant, but you're sharing it in a wrong forum. It would be awesome if you put that kind of information in a forum where people actual cares about those kind of treatments.


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I can understand everyone's frustrations on what works and what doesn't work. I too! am hoping for the best and understand the BS and pushing back stuff every 5 years or more etc..These arguments are pointless just like the finasteride. The issue can be said about dieting and working out. Some things work for you and some others won't b/c all our biologically different.....Some people get sides etc..

Point is "nothing in life is guarantee except for death". It's only a month a way and wish for the damn best. Yes, I consider myself a realist too but f*** I guess I'm going to shave it all off and then if I don't like it get a wig when I get a better job despite what others say. sh*t sucks, we are all in this sh*t together.

How about we all just wait and use this thread for results, updates, and information. On the contrary, look for alternative treatments besides finasteride, and minoxidil to slow down the hair loss in other threads.


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Guys on this forum are balding so the vast majority unless on finasteride will have no benefit from stem cell treatments that wont be out anytime soon. May not be what guys want to hear but its the truth. Anyway i hope im wrong about this treatment so for now i will leave it until results come out.