Replicel Is On Fire Lately — Data In Feb.


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it's part of why I have not done oral spironolactone yet its got to be high dose WITH birth control pills..and I like my sex drive, I like sex so I am not in rush to kiss that goodbye. These pills kill womens sex drive.



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obviously only people who are already bald will be against a side-free maintaining treatment because it won't do sh*t for them and it will kill hair regeneration research.
and i understand their motives, even the future version of me that lost a lot of hair will try to write off any maintaining treatment.


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obviously only people who are already bald will be against a side-free maintaining treatment because it won't do sh*t for them and it will kill hair regeneration research.
and i understand their motives, even the future version of me that lost a lot of hair will try to write off any maintaining treatment.
Don't worry. There will be plenty of plebs who will not give a damn for a while, then suddenly they will realize that their hair matters. Homos will also want to grow mammoths fur on their head for fashion purposes. There will always be a market for full-blow cure, don't think that if one cure is out, there will not be competition.


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Don't worry. There will be plenty of plebs who will not give a damn for a while, then suddenly they will realize that their hair matters. Homos will also want to grow mammoths fur on their head for fashion purposes. There will always be a market for full-blow cure, don't think that if one cure is out, there will not be competition.

That was my point we have so many lasers now to treat the same issue in laser did not stop the market..same with fillers and lipscution etc
My friend is a cosmetic dermatologist pretty good practice and they are constantly coming out with 'better' more advance technology for skin--so why would it be any different for hair treatments? It wouldnt in my opinion.


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A side effects free maintenance product (read: substitute to finasteride, even though I believe RCH-01 might be better) has definitely its market share!

And, I say: a lot (LOT) of people who "don't do anything" to treat their hairloss, are aware of finasteride. A met a lot of them, pretty much all bald ppl I spoke with during my adult life.

They recognize it as: "Oh, the drug that when you take your dick falls? Ahahahah. No thanks."

So, yeah, tell me side-effects don't count ..

That Guy

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A lot of the people online are aware of finasteride and don't want to take it for fear of side effects.

What's extremely debatable though, and I would ask for a source for this claim, is Occulus' assertion that most men are aware of finasteride and don't take it simply because they don't care.

Now, it's true a lot of deluded men don't care, but I have never once in my entire life seen or heard an ad for Propecia. I never met anyone who said they took it and I was unaware of its existence until a doctor, the 3rd one I'd seen, told me about it. However, I have always heard "well there's nothing you can do about it". This very website even has a slogan that reads "Yes, there is something you can do about it."

Here are my Google search results for "Going bald, what to do?"

All of these links tell you to just accept it and stop being a vain pussy OR get a transplant. That's it.

I do not believe that most people are aware that there has, for 20 years, been a pill you can take to help prevent hairloss.


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I think it depends with propecia. I'm older than most of you - I do remember when propecia came out it was more talked about and a part of the zeitgeist. There definitely were tv commercials. There were jokes about propecia sounding like a stereotypical afrocentric black girl name. But as the pill was deemed unsuccessful by Merck et al it started to be talked about less. I think most people assume that since they see bald men all over, bald men who have clearly chosen not to avail themselves of this "cure," that hormone-altering pills arent worth it. I can't blame them, I harbor similar concerns and I am taking the stuff myself. Also yeah dudes are terrified of being thought of as a metrosexual or beta or whatever and that factors in as well. The stigma surrounding hair loss and treating hair loss is enormous.

So yeah, I think younger guys aren't particularly aware of it, but they reach a logical conclusion that there are a lot of dudes walking around with hair loss in spite of the fact that a functional "cure" or cessation of hair loss has been on the market for 20 years. What you see when you walk around - balding dudes everywhere - belies the notion that there is an effective product out there.

Not to mention hair loss treatments in general are pretty much synonomous with scams and snake oil and even the "FDA- approved" label can't always overcome that perception.
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dude, if finasteride was safer the doctors would recommend it.
even my derm didn't want to mention it. and i'm sure a lot do the same thing.


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View attachment 54994

woah, woah.. the above is from Lee Buckler.. He DID NOT say the follicles will be immune. But that was my line of thought.
In essence: you have follicles which have missing cells (died because are sensitive to hairloss). Then you re-populate the follicle, with a lot of immune cells.

I said, it could make the follicles immune. Not him - though one could get this idea from the last phrase above (??)

(though I am not 100% now, if I have not heard him saying the same thing, in a podcast released a few days back. Could not find the poscast)
I see. The way it sounded I thought you meant he was saying this is 1 and done immunization.
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That Guy

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dude, if finasteride was safer the doctors would recommend it.
even my derm didn't want to mention it. and i'm sure a lot do the same thing.

By any even vaguely reliable metric, finasteride is safe, though. It's true that potential side effects are bad and probably higher than what Merck admitted too, the odds are still favorable that you won't get them. That doesn't stop people from refusing to touch it and probably does hinder some doctors in prescribing it, but it's more likely most older doctors don't even know about it (but that's a separate rant).

I've never seen so many people who are nocebo'd by any drug as you see with finasteride. The internet is full of tons of people who claim they've got side effects, but have never be examined by a doctor about it; there's people who say (for both finasteride and minoxidil) they have all these bizarre sides that have never even been documented and thus, can't truthfully be blamed on the drug; guys who jerk off to p**rn 3 times a day, have never felt the touch of a real woman, but are convinced that finasteride gave them ED just because it's the most common complaint.

When I first joined here, there was a guy who was complaining about ED 8 minutes after taking his first pill.


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The reason I never tried propecia is I still really wrestle with the question of is the treatment worse than the disease? Everyone has their own answer to that. No one likes losing hair, but what risks are you willing to take to try to save it? Propecia certainly carries risks, and they exist 5 years after you started. I dont like the idea of screwing around with a complicated hormonal system that has served me very well for my whole life so far. If it aint broke dont fix it especially with poorly understood health issues.
You cant blame some men for just accepting gradual hair loss over many years verse taking a pill everyday forever that carries decent long term risks plus the well known sides.
If we had a CB or something with significantly less or tamer sides I think a lot more men would bite at that. Sexual sides dont sit well with most men.


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Half of all human males in the developed world isn't a large enough customer base to bring a product to market? Hmmmm.....

Granted, there's more to ending hair loss then just "bringing it to market" but still. Look at Charlie Rose's reaction to the notion of an effective baldness treatment here:

That's going to be the response of most people. There are no shortage of men and women who want to treat their hair loss.
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I do not know on what page is the latest news on replicel is.

But I want a cure badly. I hope it is just one time injection which takes some sort of cells from the region which is resistant to male pattern baldness and puts it all over the scalp. And it makes new hair grow in balding areas and makes all the hair immune to male pattern baldness.

If this one injection costs 5k-10k, sure I will take it somehow. But I have a feeling that it will cost more than 25k. I will tell you why - because when a cure for hep C was found, the drug's cost was more than the lifetime management cost of disease. So, given I get finasteride for 36$ and minoxidil is 12$ per month -> ~ 50 $/month -> $600/year -> ~ $25000/40years (20-60).

That Guy

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My claim comes from Follica's own marketplace research. There's a thread on this board with a bunch of slides taken from one of Follica's decks (not wasting my time digging around to find it, but Swoop was the one who pointed them out, so ask him) that showed that a lot of men with hair loss (I believe it was 50%) choose to do nothing. Not because they're afraid of sides, or because current treatments are inconvenient, but because they simply don't care enough to seek treatment. That sounds astonishing to the regulars of this insane asylum, where even moderate posters regularly declare they'd kill someone to get their hair back, but it is the truth. That's why something that simply stops loss isn't good enough to bring to market - it has to move the needles in such a way that balding men who would otherwise choose to do nothing will now decide, "Look at all the hair I can grow back - maybe I should do something."

Fair enough


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dude, if finasteride was safer the doctors would recommend it.
even my derm didn't want to mention it. and i'm sure a lot do the same thing.

That's so weird. I've never met a doctor (physician or dermatologist) who refused to mention finasteride as an option for hair loss.


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My claim comes from Follica's own marketplace research. There's a thread on this board with a bunch of slides taken from one of Follica's decks (not wasting my time digging around to find it, but Swoop was the one who pointed them out, so ask him) that showed that a lot of men with hair loss (I believe it was 50%) choose to do nothing. Not because they're afraid of sides, or because current treatments are inconvenient, but because they simply don't care enough to seek treatment. That sounds astonishing to the regulars of this insane asylum, where even moderate posters regularly declare they'd kill someone to get their hair back, but it is the truth. That's why something that simply stops loss isn't good enough to bring to market - it has to move the needles in such a way that balding men who would otherwise choose to do nothing will now decide, "Look at all the hair I can grow back - maybe I should do something."

Again, I agree with you.

The problem is that forum posters are so well informed about all kinds of hair loss drugs that they expect the common man to also know a fair amount. The truth is that the hair loss drugs out there just. Don't. Do. sh*t. Period.

Try Rogaine

"Does that sh*t even work lol?" - Pretty often.

Try Propecia

"How come in the before and after pics the person still looks bald in the after pic?" - I've actually heard this before, from a friend.

If something is "preventive" or brings back some "vellus hairs" that will never turn terminal...not many will care to use the product, especially if the person knows the side effects and the risk is not worth the reward. Hold on to some hair, looking like Homer Simpson forever, and oh yeah, the possibility of having dick problems? No thanks. That sums it up.

Is the risk worth the reward? Will this pill bring my hairline back? IF in fact most people don't use finasteride because of the "side effects" that will supposedly kill their dick, then why don't the same balding people use Rogaine? What's wrong with Rogaine? Why do so many people think Rogaine is a joke?

I'll tell you what's wrong with Rogaine/minoxidil and Propecia/finasteride: They f*****g suck at growing hair back. Lol. Seriously. That's all. They'll stop hairloss, great for NW0-1's. But those NW3, 4s, 5s, 6s and 7s who want their hair back just don't see why they should spend money on drugs that probably won't help them bring back their hair, and again, may cause dick issues in a few people.

To sum it up, the risk has to be worth the reward. And it's simply not. A finasteride pill that actually grows back your god damn hairline will f*****g sell. Plain and simple. It won't, so people stay away from it. Because it's not worth it.

That Guy

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Again, I agree with you.

The problem is that forum posters....

He probably is right on his assertions of it simply stopping loss and/or thickening hair not to be enough when you put it into perspective.

Any person who gives even the earliest beginnings of a sh*t about their appearance (and most men don't) would jump at the opportunity to take a one-time treatment to stop baldness dead in its tracks or before it even begins.

But it is also true that society at large are coping retards. It is a very real possibility that if this treatment is only good for stopping loss or improving what you have, plenty of men may not bother with it. "Oh, balding is just for old people, I'll probably get it when I'm 40" said the 20 year old, who then notices he's lost a lot of hair come age 24 and says "Whatever bruh, I'll just lift weights and get ripped so that when I have to shave it, I'll be ripped and women will fuckin' love me!"

At NW4 he'll be wishing he took that treatment, but at that point, it's too late. That, or he'll continue to cope and think he's hot sh*t without his hair even though he probably looks like a fuckin' turtle.

It goes back on what I've said on these forums before that people like that inhibit scientific advancements that would benefit people like us who DO care.

That being said, RepliCel did say on Feb. 2 on their Twitter that it's "not a cure for alopecia" but rather "Regrowing vibrant hair in dormant follicles" and stopping the loss is what they have observed and is the goal.

So I don't necessarily think Occulus is correct in saying that it wouldn't come to market unless it regrows lots of hair, since the company's goal doesn't seem to be a "cure" (their words), but he could very well be right that it wouldn't be as hot a seller as we expect.


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Cant even say I care if it doesn't give much regrowth as long as it stops shedding for good. I pray to Christ that Shiseido sticks to its plan of a late 2018 release.

That Guy

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Hair Transplant is the best treatment for hair loss, baldness or alopecia. "Hair Transplant is a Cosmetic procedure done to restore the lost hair & lift the looks of the person, according to Doctors Hair loss is mainly caused by a combination of ageing, change in hormones and family history (genetic) of baldness. Other reasons which Doctors consider can add on to hair loss are:

# Improper diet, lack of vitamins & micro-nutrients
# Excess stress, anxiety & worries
# Prolonged illnesses
# Unclean scalps

FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction
Each follicular unit is individually taken directly from the scalp with no strip of tissue being removed. Hair follicles are removed in a random fashion and the result is less density in the donor area that many say is not even noticeable. Since follicles are removed one at a time, FUE takes more time compared to the traditional FUT method. FUE is constantly evolving and what was once utilized for only smaller cases is now being utilized for larger and larger cases. Some people that prefer the FUE method may have the option of splitting their procedure into two days in order to complete their recommended transplantation goals.

# No linear scar.
# The patient will be able to wear his hair much shorter than with a strip harvest.
# The donor area of the head must be completely shaved for the procedure.
# Scars that appear as “tiny dots” are visible if the hair is completely shaved.

Here is the video of How Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Procedure is Performed -

Here are the Hair Transplant Review from International Patient -

Get the f*** out.


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Hair Transplant is the best treatment for hair loss, baldness or alopecia. "Hair Transplant is a Cosmetic procedure done to restore the lost hair & lift the looks of the person, according to Doctors Hair loss is mainly caused by a combination of ageing, change in hormones and family history (genetic) of baldness. Other reasons which Doctors consider can add on to hair loss are:

# Improper diet, lack of vitamins & micro-nutrients
# Excess stress, anxiety & worries
# Prolonged illnesses
# Unclean scalps

FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction
Each follicular unit is individually taken directly from the scalp with no strip of tissue being removed. Hair follicles are removed in a random fashion and the result is less density in the donor area that many say is not even noticeable. Since follicles are removed one at a time, FUE takes more time compared to the traditional FUT method. FUE is constantly evolving and what was once utilized for only smaller cases is now being utilized for larger and larger cases. Some people that prefer the FUE method may have the option of splitting their procedure into two days in order to complete their recommended transplantation goals.

# No linear scar.
# The patient will be able to wear his hair much shorter than with a strip harvest.
# The donor area of the head must be completely shaved for the procedure.
# Scars that appear as “tiny dots” are visible if the hair is completely shaved.

Here is the video of How Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Procedure is Performed -

Here are the Hair Transplant Review from International Patient -
Oh sh*t! This is great! Does people know about this? The f*** are we waiting for all those new treatments if there is this already. Thank you sir you open my eyes