Replicel Is On Fire Lately — Data In Feb.


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Other reasons which Doctors consider can add on to hair loss are:

# Improper diet, lack of vitamins & micro-nutrients
# Excess stress, anxiety & worries
# Prolonged illnesses
# Unclean scalps



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I do not know on what page is the latest news on replicel is.
If this one injection costs 5k-10k, sure I will take it somehow. But I have a feeling that it will cost more than 25k. I will tell you why - because when a cure for hep C was found, the drug's cost was more than the lifetime management cost of disease. So, given I get finasteride for 36$ and minoxidil is 12$ per month -> ~ 50 $/month -> $600/year -> ~ $25000/40years (20-60).

I remember an article about Shiseido saying the treatment would cost around a thousand bucks?


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You are just seeing your side of the story..

Think about it: a product that halts (immunizes, even if for 5 or 10 yrs) hair loss.

Now, you are 17.. Baldness runs into your family.. Ok, no problem.. Gonna get an immunization shot, and I'm good.

There will be an infinite line of ppl going for it.


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Or refused to proscribe Proscar - which is finasteride at 5x the dose of Propecia - for BHP. That Merck managed to stay in business for the last 30 years even as doctors refused to proscribe two of its drugs - and one of its biggest sellers in Proscar - is a minor miracle.

Exactly. Any new product will have to grow a significant amount of hair (10%<); that's the decisive metric. Maintenance alone will not result in a product getting to market, which is why Replicel has commissioned this new study - they NEED to make sure they can achieve median growth better than what they are currently seeing.

They don't really do they though? Give someone the chance of a side free, one off immunisation shot that stops hair loss or take a pill every day that has potentially awful sides/might make your c*** fall off? Tough choice. Be millions of people keen for a side free maintenance treatment. Imagine being 17 and noticing some temporal recession get this injection dont have to worry again. Think your just against this product cos your too far gone on the norwood scale for it to be beneficial?


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I remember an article about Shiseido saying the treatment would cost around a thousand bucks?
Thats per injection treatment from what I understand and they are doing a trial of multiple injection sessions. So likely the finally product will be multiple injections over a certain period of time. So the cost of injections themselves could be several thousand.

That Guy

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You are just seeing your side of the story..

Think about it: a product that halts (immunizes, even if for 5 or 10 yrs) hair loss.

Now, you are 17.. Baldness runs into your family.. Ok, no problem.. Gonna get an immunization shot, and I'm good.

There will be an infinite line of ppl going for it.

They don't really do they though? Give someone the chance of a side free, one off immunisation shot that stops hair loss or take a pill every day that has potentially awful sides/might make your c*** fall off? Tough choice. Be millions of people keen for a side free maintenance treatment. Imagine being 17 and noticing some temporal recession get this injection dont have to worry again. Think your just against this product cos your too far gone on the norwood scale for it to be beneficial?


Just as a preventative measure, replicel will have a large market.

I'm sorry guys, but Occulus does have a point.

How many 17 year olds do you know who can afford the (predicted) amount of at least $1,000 to get "immunized"? Do you think their parents are honestly going to pay for it or give them the "oh sweetie, you've got a loooong time before you have to worry about that" and by the time they have the funds on their own to afford it, they've gone up several Norwoods and a treatment that provides only maintenance, even if indefinite, is not worth it at that point.

The teenagers aiming to forever dodge baldness is not a reliable demographic.

It's interesting that Occulus has spun a 180 on this despite worrying that such a treatment would prevent others from coming to market, but hey...

It does seem that they intend to release it anyway, I do think there'll be a market for it, so I think the doom and gloom is unwarranted, but much like a broken clock is right twice a day, if we're to glean "maintenance isn't as attractive to the general public as the forums believe" off his posts, it's actually pretty hard to argue that.

After all, Aderan's treatment was capable of doing what this tech does and the company and investors swiftly shelved it.


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I think everyone is really missing the mark here.

If sheseido can immunize hair... what then could minoxidil do to immunized hair? Could it regrow 10-20% of your hair? AND since you have immunized hair.... that hair wouldn't fall out becuase of DHT.

Also, I agree with someone above. Propecia isn't known about becuase 1) it really is not advertised at all. 2) most YOUNGER dermatologists will not prescribe it.

One derm I went to only mentioned minoxidil and the other said she wouldn't give me an Rx for finasteride because I was too young (i was 20)
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I will easily steal their injectors and do the treatment by own, if they dont make plans to vendor it in europe.


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For me it's a bittersweet moment. When I discover that I had Androgenetic Alopecia (six months ago, though I've been shedding in every shower since last summer) with 19 I felt very deppresed. Then I found out about The big 3 and though that my quest would be to maintain until the moment I will require a transplant. Then I though about possible new treatments and discover replicel, tsuji, brotzu... I feel lucky but at the same time it f*****g sucks that there is no guarantee that nothing will be released in the next two years. And even if sisheido does come out, I don't think my parents will be willing to pay more than 3.000 $ for this right now (and I get it, it's not like I'm fuckin diying, I just have some diffuse thinning for the moment that it's only visible if you look closely). I guess that if brotzu or follica don't come in the first semester of 2018 I will need to start Finasteride until something comes out.


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I'm sorry guys, but Occulus does have a point.

How many 17 year olds do you know who can afford the (predicted) amount of at least $1,000 to get "immunized"? Do you think their parents are honestly going to pay for it or give them the "oh sweetie, you've got a loooong time before you have to worry about that" and by the time they have the funds on their own to afford it, they've gone up several Norwoods and a treatment that provides only maintenance, even if indefinite, is not worth it at that point.

The teenagers aiming to forever dodge baldness is not a reliable demographic.

It's interesting that Occulus has spun a 180 on this despite worrying that such a treatment would prevent others from coming to market, but hey...

It does seem that they intend to release it anyway, I do think there'll be a market for it, so I think the doom and gloom is unwarranted, but much like a broken clock is right twice a day, if we're to glean "maintenance isn't as attractive to the general public as the forums believe" off his posts, it's actually pretty hard to argue that.

After all, Aderan's treatment was capable of doing what this tech does and the company and investors swiftly shelved it.

i think parents would pay for it because most likely one or the two of them passed on their own genetics and know the pain of hair loss...I think my own Mother would slit her wrists foe me not to go through what she went through with wigs.


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i think parents would pay for it because most likely one or the two of them passed on their own genetics and know the pain of hair loss...I think my own Mother would slit her wrists foe me not to go through what she went through with wigs.

My mother (bless her heart) would do anything for me to have my hair be what it was. I really don't wanna sound like a d bag, but in high school, with my "normal" hair I could get any girl I wanted. I'm only 5'7" so I've always had some insecurities. Anyway, when I noticed my hair loss at 19 my world changed. I went into serious depression. I banged random girls just to have the semblance of confidence. Hair loss has fucked up my mental health. My mom knows that and she would do anything to change it.

At 21 nobody could tell I have hair loss but my friends at hairlosstalk. But the mental scar this has left on me is undeniable


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I'm sorry guys, but Occulus does have a point.

Do you think their parents are honestly going to pay for it or give them the "oh sweetie, you've got a loooong time before you have to worry about that" and by the time they have the funds on their own to afford it, they've gone up several Norwoods and a treatment that provides only maintenance, even if indefinite, is not worth it at that point.

Wouldn't you, as a baldie parent, do that to your son?? Let him suffer this nightmare, we are all in?

I would save him, no second thought.


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Wouldn't you, as a baldie parent, do that to your son?? Let him suffer this nightmare, we are all in?

I would save him, no second thought.
My father was way worse than I was with my age, he didn´t give a f***. Prove is he didn't even started with minoxidil.


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Wouldn't you, as a baldie parent, do that to your son?? Let him suffer this nightmare, we are all in?

I would save him, no second thought.

We have guys on this forum who dont want to have kids because of bald gene or are at least depressed about passing on genes--I do think most men who bald young would definitely pay (if they could afford it of course) for kids to keep hair.
Men who bald later in life--this is different because some older men realy DONT care in 40s or 50s..but thats because they have so many other problems by that point.

That Guy

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Wouldn't you, as a baldie parent, do that to your son?? Let him suffer this nightmare, we are all in?

I would save him, no second thought.

Yes, you and I would

NW2 at age 40 dads aren't going to

Guys that look like Wallace Shawn and post "Baldness isn't a disease!" on every IFLScience article about a baldness breakthrough aren't going to.

"Just shave it an lift, brah" dads payin' alimony aren't going to.


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My father was way worse than I was with my age, he didn't give a f***. Prove is he didn't even started with minoxidil.
Yeah I get that but with the rise of technology, Hollywood and media the upper boundaries of human beauty rose significantly.
Compare any movie actor before the 90s with those today and you can't deny that today's actors have much better physical appearance.
Then compound that with globalization which pushes many young man and women to move to countries with better economic capacity, where they are even more exposed and nudged towards cosmetic surgery in order to increase their looks. In the end you get the result of contemporary higher physical appearance standards when searching for a partner.

The crux of the matter is currently people demand better looking lovers. And baldness is one thing that does not help in the matter.
I'm not saying people in the last century didn't suffer from baldness, but it is even more pronounced as barrier for making yourself attractive to others in current times.


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Yeah I get that but with the rise of technology, Hollywood and media the upper boundaries of human beauty rose significantly.
Compare any movie actor before the 90s with those today and you can't deny that today's actors have much better physical appearance.
Then compound that with globalization which pushes many young man and women to move to countries with better economic capacity, where they are even more exposed and nudged towards cosmetic surgery in order to increase their looks. In the end you get the result of contemporary higher physical appearance standards when searching for a partner.

The crux of the matter is currently people demand better looking lovers. And baldness is one thing that does not help in the matter.
I'm not saying people in the last century didn't suffer from baldness, but it is even more pronounced as barrier for making yourself attractive to others in current times.
You are totally right. I like to think of dating as a market place. 30 years ago the market was very closed, your dating choices were limited to an specific area and looks. Nowadays it's a f*****g free and globalice market place and competence is really high, with all the social media, gyms, a superficial culture... Balding causes us anxiety just like fatness or being short to other people. At least there is something in the horizon to fix it.


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I think Replicel will definitely have a market even if all it does is immunize you for 5 years but only people who catch their hair loss really early and that's not always practical. Diffuse thinners are very hard especially because by the time you start asking questions half of your hair is gone so immunizing the half head of hair isn't very exciting. If they found a way to make it a one and done lifetime immunization and people started enough hair loss awareness campaigns (just because like what teen pays attention to that stuff unless its already happening) you'd have tons of new adults going in there to get immunized just because then it's over. I think anyone now a days in hair loss research should focus on hair multiplication because really that solves many types of alopecias and isn't that what we dream about... more real hair? All these rubs, creams, seasonings, lights, injections, whatever, are in my opinion a stupid investment in research if it can't restore a full head of hair or at least aesthetically pleasing amount to a man or woman whose lost every single hair he or she can.


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The notion that by the time you notice diffuse loss its already too late is bull. It took more than 3 years between me noticing that I was diffusing and finally getting on Propecia. Yet I still had what appeared to be a full head of hair with total coverage. So the maintainence from Propecia was more than enough.

Same with Replicel. Once you notice you're thinning and get the injections you're good.

Meanwhile with Tsuji you either will have to let yourself go totally bald or run around as a balding work in progress for years. Tsuji is only great for those who don't have any hair left. All the others will need a maintainence treatment.