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Now, I am pretty sure there will not be a cure in the next 15 years unless there's a sudden breakthrough which I doubt it. Just get on finasteride if you want to save your hair and see if you have side effect or not. Man, got my hope up, just gonna get some finasteride and get the f*** out of this section


Established Member
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How much are you taking?

Im thinking of taking .5mg finasteride, scared of mental side effects :(.

Anyways, im selling my stocks first thing in the morning monday.


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I am not taking any yet, I just turned 23. I was a nw1 three years ago now nw2. I am still debating to take it or not because of the side effect since I don't think I will be nw3 until i turn into like 28 or 29. My father and my brothers all became nw3 when they reach that age. I asked my gf if she will mind it if I am a nw3 around that age, she said she wouldn't care much if I reach that age and nw3 unless I am a nw3 now. I wouldn't give a damn about hairloss if it wasn't for my girlfriend :dunno:

But for mential side effects? I think it's even more rare than sexual side effects


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We know absolutely nothing until the results are published. This press release retracting certain statements means nothing.


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Price targets and dramatic increases in share prices indicated in such publications may never be met and there are many risks and uncertainties pertaining to the Company’s business and shares that may cause investors to lose their entire investment in the Company, including that the Company’s technology may not work as expected and, even if it does work as expected, the Company may be unable to successfully commercialize the technology or protect its intellectual property from competitors.

This is a piece from Replicel's latest statement. Does the last part refer specifically to the hair loss treatment, or a financial/commercial thing. Maybe its obvious but I'm not sure. Not good if its talking about the product.


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should we expect this to be the only thing were gonna hear from replicel and for the stock price to tank on monday? seems likely..


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It looks as Replicel is just retracting disclosures that were not authorized by Replicel. Probably one or a couple of their Marketing or Communications groups were a little overzealous in promoting company awareness to the public.

It didn't make sense for Replicel stock to fluctuate so dramatically on just the Efficacy trail. Usually a Phase II to see the effectiveness as well as safety or Phase III adjustment of treatments are the phases of the clinical trials that usually get investors motivated.


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I am sick and tired of these companies that makes false claims. I have no doubt, after reading several wall street commentators, that Replicel is not doing well. I am also chucking out Astressin, Follica, and unless we hear from them by August, Histogen.
I think snake oil is not so bad after all in comparison to these time wasters.


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Thom said:
And yet you all blasted me for pointing this out.
Pointing what out exactly? We haven't received any efficacy results. You're just going to slander a company without information and if it turns out that the results aren't good you'll take credit for being what? Clever? Witty?

All you did was guess based on no information at all.

Everyone is freaking out without even reading the press release which says literally NOTHING about the efficacy results.


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And how exactly is pointing out that they're avoiding people's concerns slander?


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The freaking odd thing is why would Replicel send this retraction Friday after the market closed. The timing is crazy. Were they legally obligated to make sure this was sent Friday, and has nothing to do with the actual results? I would like to believe that but very difficult to. Why didn't they release the actual results the same day?? I mean they have their reports done already, why release them Monday.? They are waiting to the absolute last minute, which is very fishy as well.

I'm not saying Replicel results aren't going to be great, and I am praying they are. It's just all this seems very odd. If we don't get the results on Monday, Replicel is done, and David Hall is one of the best scam artists I've ever seen. :dunno:


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From a media standpoint, you always bury your bad news on a Friday. It gets the least public notice that way. If they are releasing data on a Monday instead, that could be an indicator of good news.

Either way, I know this; In the late 1990's I briefly tried Propecia when it was brand new to the market. 15 years later trying finasteride again, nothing is on the market better yet. I'm not holding my breath for any new wonder fix.


Guy at Bald Truth Talk wrote that results will be released tomorrow at 8am EST. I wonder where he got that hour from?

Phase I is mainly to estabilish safety of the product, but I hope they'll tell us something about the efficiacy, and not only "our treatment is safe" :dunno:


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I don't know what people are getting so worked up over. All this is is a retraction of premature statements that have been made regarding their research. Websites have been promoting Replicel as the one who is going to give us the cure to baldness within the next few years. All that they are doing is retracting those statements - even though they could very well be true, it is far too early to be saying things like that as they are barely done with phase I at this point.

People seem to be easily swayed by every little thing that happens here. Everyone jumps for joy when their stock rises and calls the company a failure when they issue a press release like this, that only tells us what is practical and true - that it is too early to laud them as the curers of baldness. It's the big picture that matters, not every little press release and stock change. I know we all want this to work, so it's frustrating having to wait to see the big picture, but that's reality.

We know absolutely nothing until we actually see results. This press release means nothing in terms of actual results.

And Northman is right, it's a general rule of PR that you bury your bad news on a Friday (because less people read the Saturday papers) and announce good news at the beginning of the week. So if they really were purposefully waiting to announce the news on Monday, it could very well be good news.

Even if it's not what we're hoping for, Replicel is not the only company currently in trials. Aderans is starting phase II, and Histogen has started official trials as well.


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Agree completely with Northman and Nilli. People are far too quick to jump to conclusions. I know its all doom and gloom at the moment but this certainly doesn't mean they've failed. Nor will they announce a cure. Regardless of the retraction of their statement, the best we'd have got from phase 1 is 'no patients reported adverse affects...the product is safe etc'.

Incidentally, I found this on another forum... make of it what you will...

Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that I called the communication department of replicel just before it's closing time on Friday.

I asked them if the "retraction of public disclosure" was related to the results
of the trial at all.

I was assured the the retraction had nothing to do at all with the trial results.

I was told that some stock promoters wrote things that were not approved by replicel. They just wanted to protect themselves legally.

I believe lawsuits in the U.S. are very common when companies take a large downward spiral for whatever reason. knowing the risking business that replicel is in, it was probably a good idea to try and protect themselves as much as possible from any potential future lawsuits.

The communication person did not see the results and did not know results of the trail.

I still think that since replicel waited untill Monday to announce the results instead of Friday is a good sign though.


Well, I guess tomorrow will be the time of either big dissapointment, or joy and happiness (if their results are decent). Or maybe they won't tell us too much and we will still be speculating...