


dimitar_berbagod said:
Agree completely with Northman and Nilli. People are far too quick to jump to conclusions. I know its all doom and gloom at the moment but this certainly doesn't mean they've failed. Nor will they announce a cure. Regardless of the retraction of their statement, the best we'd have got from phase 1 is 'no patients reported adverse affects...the product is safe etc'.

Incidentally, I found this on another forum... make of it what you will...

Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that I called the communication department of replicel just before it's closing time on Friday.

I asked them if the "retraction of public disclosure" was related to the results
of the trial at all.

I was assured the the retraction had nothing to do at all with the trial results.

I was told that some stock promoters wrote things that were not approved by replicel. They just wanted to protect themselves legally.

I believe lawsuits in the U.S. are very common when companies take a large downward spiral for whatever reason. knowing the risking business that replicel is in, it was probably a good idea to try and protect themselves as much as possible from any potential future lawsuits.

The communication person did not see the results and did not know results of the trail.

I still think that since replicel waited untill Monday to announce the results instead of Friday is a good sign though.

I've seen this and it smells like bullshit.


VANCOUVER, BC – April 3, 2012 – RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. (the “Companyâ€￾ or “RepliCelâ€￾) (OTCBB: REPCF) is pleased to report that all 19 subjects have completed their six-month post injection follow-up visit and the company remains on schedule to release the initial review of efficacy results in April 2012. The data collected from the first six months following injection will be used for assessment of the primary safety and secondary safety and efficacy endpoints for the TS001-2009 clinical trial.


Subject efficacy at 6-months post injection is the first step in measuring a treatment response. All subjects will continue to participate in the post injection follow-up period of the study until August 2013 and a review of final safety and efficacy results will commence before the end of 2013. The continued follow-up period is a key component of the study to confirm treatment safety profile and response trends at 6, 12 and 24 months

It's from Replicel website. SO, according to that, they should tell us something about the efficiacy? :dunno:

BTW, have you noticed that Replicel CEO - David Hall is an older guy and still hass the flawless head of hair? Maybe he has secretly undergone Replicel's treatment :mrgreen:



Established Member
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Safety aside they for sure will have some type of aesthetic proof as to whether or not the stuff works, if not why would they even bother moving forward?

also, as all other companies in the past... if they give some vague generic info. I call bs on their whole operation

lets see what happens


RepliCel is located in Vancouver, and the time there right now is 6:22 a.m so they probably aren't even open yet. I think we could hear something from them after 8 a.m


Holy sh*t, replicel stock price is plummeting down every few seconds. Maybe people who got scared are selling all their stocks in panic.

5 days ago, they still were saying that the results "are expected" to be released in the late April. Well, we can't get more late into April than TODAY!


New Member
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Makes no sense, they updated right now but with the same thing they posted on friday?¿?¿ :puke:


Replicel seems less and less credible unfortunately.

Actually today's scientists are magnificent at finding hairloss cures...FOR MICE!

Seriously, why everything they do works on mice and not on humans?

I have a feeling they are more concerned about hair loss in mice than in humans :thumbdown2:

SOmeone on BTT wrote that Spencer Kobren will do interview with David Hall later tonight.

He better have explanation for the situation...


New Member
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I read this in another forum, of course 0 % reliable:

So suckers, I am back.
Ive got some insider information.
there will be an upadate soon.
just relax, the sheets i saw werent that bad.
overall good regrow in my opinion.


^ what forum exactly?

Now someone else on BTT wrote that the interview will be followed with official news release.

I don't have an account there so I can't ask where they are getting this info from, and if they aren't shitting.


New Member
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I just cant understand how they dare not to publish the info as soon as they got into the company this morning, are they unaware that this damages companys credibility and image?
They should be honest with people that has been waiting for the results for so long, I am sure there is people out there debating on the thoughts of getting hair transplant or not.

(Sorry for my english)


From Bald Truth Talk admin:

Replicel Life Sciences spoke with Spencer Kobren this morning to provide an update. According to a company spokesperson, the complete analysis of their collected data is still in the process of being completed for release and the company will be making their official announcement within the next few days. There will be no announcement concerning their current results today, however, Spencer Kobren will be interviewing Replicel's CEO David Hall as soon soon as their announcement is made.

Noooooo! More waiting :bigun2:

Is it so f*****g difficult to tell already if it works or not??


Experienced Member
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are they doing the trial under the supervision of the FDA ? If no, I actually don't see why the excitement bad or good, as a matter of fact. even cancer drugs are often impressive when done by the company but when they go through FDA they become liquid sh*t.
it's quite easy to BS stockholders
Reaction score
Looks like they rather take the time to analyse the results very good and make a good pr. If it is good news it doesn't matter that much if the news is a couple of days later. If it is bad news they are fucked anyway.