I actually have a use on this forum, unlike you who claims to be a 'hair loss veteran' yet has limited knowledge on hair loss. Surgical castration quite literally is the only legitimate cure to hair loss, and anyone who is a 'hair loss veteran' would know such basic information. It's a known fact that castrated men do not go bald.
I am showcasing my usage of bicalutamide along with estrogen, which hasn't been shown on this website yet. I am actually making myself useful by speaking on my journey. You should make yourself useful too, someday!
You can try and insult my intelligence and dislike my posts all you like. At the end of the day all I see is a very troubled individial who doesn’t have much of a life outside of these forums.
When I came back on the forums I was prepared for there to be at least one troubled individual who would just be an a**h** for no reason. Congratulations you happen to be that individual.
I think dealing with a severe eating disorder, zero libido, zero semen production, hairloss and confusion as to what gender you has just messed you up.
You have a lot of growing up to do Icarus .
Suck my testicles