Report: Indisputable Proof That Finasteride Causes Sexual Side Effects In Forum Users

Have you experienced negative finasteride related sexual side effects?

  • Total voters


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63 with
50 without
I voted that i got sides while i didn't get any.


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There’s no shortage of people beings dicks either.

So yeah. My apologies. It was meant to read:

63 with
50 without


I hope you’re happy now.
I was just joking, I think this result was pretty much expected when you consider that the people who read in this section of the forum most likely have tried finas and got sides hence they are here looking for another solution whilst the people taking finas and didn’t get sides are just continuing with their life and don’t bother reading here.


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So if people offend me, I need to ignore it? Fck that. If they're reasonable, I'll be reasonable.

So again, you care more about your own need to counter-offend than the interests of the many people that got screwed because of this drug?


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Then why are people who are on fina and report no side effects on these forums? I mean it's such a great drug without side effects, right? Why the hell would you be on here?...Ohn maybe they know fina is poison and want alternatives...

Also most who report no sides are deluding themselves having no side effects and think having less libido, ed,... is because of "aging".

No, I "counter-offend" becasue I am on the side of people who experience side effects.

Pigeon, while I don’t doubt for a second your side effects are real, sometimes coming off as extreme as you sometimes do, unfortunately leads people to take your claims less seriously.



My Regimen
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Then why are people who are on fina and report no side effects on these forums? I mean it's such a great drug without side effects, right? Why the hell would you be on here?...Ohn maybe they know fina is poison and want alternatives...

Also most who report no sides are deluding themselves having no side effects and think having less libido, ed,... is because of "aging".

Significant amounts of patients come on this website to report on their personal results. And I don’t think anyone has said that finasteride doesn’t have side effects; people on this website over-exaggerate their side effects which is fact. I remember that one person who was complaining that finasteride shrunk their penis by 50% which was an evident lie to fearmonger. Penis size? That's something males appear to be self-conscious about, so making a post lying about such significant penile shrinkage will lead to many being fearful of going on the medication.

Personally, I come on this website to report truthful side effects from the medications I am on; I report on significant effects the medications are having; I report on results. I have been truthful about the medications, especially with spironolactone being 'poison' for myself due to the tiredness and nausea. I have reported on the feminisation, and it's truthfully insignificant currently besides my cheeks becoming fuller which gives my face a more proportionate appearance. I have reported on my nipples becoming puffy and painful, and myself no longer producing sperm.

If you think about it, what are people going to achieve from lying about their experience on medications?


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Pigeon, while I don’t doubt for a second your side effects are real, sometimes coming off as extreme as you sometimes do, unfortunately leads people to take your claims less seriously.


Along with all the other people that have side effects


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Along with all the other people that have side effects

I try and give out objective opinions amongst the madness from both sides. Extreme anti finasteride individuals on one and extreme pro finasteride on both. this forum unfortunately just isn’t healthy.



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this entire debate is so moronic its unbelievable. yes, some men suffer greatly un´der their experience and mental health is worth more than some dumb morning boner.

You cant expect to get any positive feedback to your opinion with responses like that.



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No, I "counter-offend" becasue I am on the side of people who experience side effects.

You are causing those people to not being taken serious, so if you truly are on their side and want the best for them you should stop getting provoked so easily


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Then why are people who are on fina and report no side effects on these forums? I mean it's such a great drug without side effects, right? Why the hell would you be on here?...Ohn maybe they know fina is poison and want alternatives...

Also most who report no sides are deluding themselves having no side effects and think having less libido, ed,... is because of "aging".
Your first argument is like saying “if you have a pain killer that work, why look for a better one” just because you are on finas without sides right now, that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist so people could be here looking for a better drug (without potentially nasty sides, easier to use and with better effect). So there are several different reasons for someone who doesn’t have sides from finas to be here.


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You use the same type of conjecture for your argument, that was the point.

Only thing we really know is that most fina users experienced side effects. All the rest is speculation as to why.
Most being more than 50%, where is your proof of this? Provide a single scientific study for this claim?


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Pigeon has a personality disorder, don't mind him.

The psychological effects of hair loss may be hard to differentiate clinically form preexisting psychopathology. Furthermore, Maffei et al.[35] found the prevalence of personality disorders in patients with male pattern hair loss to be significantly higher than in the general population, with three distinct personality profiles:

  • Suspicious, with grandiose sense of self-importance, obsessive, and socially withdrawn
  • Impulsive, identity disordered, and socially maladjusted
  • Dramatic, emotional, and dependent.

Specifically, patients with personality disorders tend to experience more distress from hair loss than nondisordered patients, since these individuals lack a secure sense of self and effective coping skills, and therefore may be particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of pattern hair loss. Ultimately, these patients tend to be more difficult to handle with respect to the treatment of their hair loss:[36]

  • Patient compliance issues are a problem in patients with paranoid, avoidant, or passive-aggressive (negativistic) personality disorders
  • Nocebo reactions are more frequent in patients with paranoid, passive-aggressive (negativistic), or histrionic personality disorders
  • Overvalued ideas are typical for patients with histrionic or narcissistic personality disorders.


Established Member
My Regimen
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why are you so stupid. its not a 50:50 thing, a better comparison would be, why would you go shopping if you risk dying in a car crash.

this entire debate is so moronic its unbelievable. yes, some men suffer greatly un´der their experience and mental health is worth more than some dumb morning boner

LOL. You are so delusional. So is the reason you haven’t gotten laid in 5 years due to your detiorating mental health from balding? If so, how is it going to be any easier for you if you gain a little hair back, but can’t get your little dick to stand at attention?

I chose the “dumb morning boner” and even though I’m still losing hair, I’m still getting laid. Confidence trumps all.


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I’m sorry that you’re poll has become a train wreck. Welcome to the forums.



Senior Member
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I’m sorry that you’re poll has become a train wreck. Welcome to the forums.

What does it even matter, this poll has literally zero value. None whatsoever. It only depicts the side-effect profile of the users on this forum, and not even that because like i already demonstrated by voting wrong, these results are not reliable since anyone can say what the ywant. Surveys simply have very low value. But what is worse is, people contributing to this poll are responsible for other people going bald since they will draw bad conclusions from it.


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What does it even matter, this poll has literally zero value. None whatsoever. It only depicts the side-effect profile of the users on this forum, and not even that because like i already demonstrated by voting wrong, these results are not reliable since anyone can say what the ywant. Surveys simply have very low value. But what is worse is, people contributing to this poll are responsible for other people going bald since they will draw bad conclusions from it.

If that is indeed the case then you could argue that everything else on the forum has zero value since any one can say what they want as well.
Nothing on this forum is objective.

That being said, if the guy wants to do a poll just let him do a poll. Those that want to vote can vote, and those that don’t approve should just not post in this topic. No need for anyone to turn this simple poll into a freak show on both sides.



My Regimen
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If that is indeed the case then you could argue that everything else on the forum has zero value since any one can say what they want as well.
Nothing on this forum is objective.

That being said, if the guy wants to do a poll just let him do a poll. Those that want to vote can vote, and those that don’t approve should just not post in this topic. No need for anyone to turn this simple poll into a freak show on both sides.


That’s quite literal; nothing on this forum has value, unless you value the information. I don’t value this information, just like how you wouldn’t value the ‘tranny regimen’ threads information.


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In the world we live in, appearance is significantly more important than sex and that’s a fact. If your wiener isn’t working, who cares? As long as you can have comfortability in your appearance and inspire others, that’s what is truly important.

Again, not everybody fortunately or unfortunately has zero libido as you do.



My Regimen
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Again, not everybody fortunately or unfortunately has zero libido as you do.


That doesn’t change the fact that appearance is more important than sex nowadays. Within the younger generation, I can assure you that most of them value appearance more than you think. And if my generation is like that, I wonder what the next generation will be like.